Tuesday, April 06, 2004


I tried to post this earlier, but my computer shut down. I'll try to hit the highlights again.

Up until now I had been pretty sure that this wasn't going to be the month. I was of course hoping to be pleasantly surprised, but wasn't holding out much hope. It's been a pretty good month overall, not a lot time spent worry about my temps or hitting the window, etc. I also haven't had any of the crazy symptoms I had last month, so it's pretty easy to not obsess.

To give you a clue as to how much I really believe I'm probably not pregnant...Last night around 6:00 p.m. I took Imitrex for a headache I had developed. I figure it was probably related to stress as I spent most of the afternoon dreading a meeting that I had first thing this morning. Now I know taking my meds probably wasn't the smartest thing to do, but it was too much of a temptation considering my options. A. Suffer the entire evening, unable to eat, watch TV, read, play on the computer, etc. B. Go immediately to bed and hope the headache was gone by morning or C. Take one little pill, have the pain gone within an hour with the downside being that Imitrex is in the "unknown effects" category for pregnancy and I have no "real" reason to believe I'm pregnant. This time the headache won.

However, also since yesterday, I have a new reason to start obsessing. Yesterday evening post-headache, I suddenly noticed that my breast tenderness seemed to increase in severity. As you probably know, breast tenderness is one of my common symptoms during my lutal phase, and doesn't make me think I'm pregnant. I've had it as long as I can remember before my period. However, since I've been charting I've noticed that it tends to get better as I get closer to my period (presumably as my body slows down the progesterone production) and they are completely back to normal with a day or two after AF arrives. So this increase in tenderness has started me thinking.

Also, I took my temperature this morning. I wanted to wear my white pants to the meeting I had this morning and it seemed like an awfully big risk to where white so close to the expected arrival of AF. So, I decided to temp to be sure that she probably wouldn't be arriving a couple of days early. This morning my temp was 98.2. That seems pretty high to me. Again, I'm glad I haven't been temping because even that one temperature has me trying to start analyzing.

So now I have a couple of reasons to think it could be a possibiltiy (oh yeah, Erica says she has a good feeling too), however, I still have the reasons to believe AF could be here too. Some moodiness, the acne outbreak a couple of days ago (although that still may have been related to the facial, because it's cleared up), the desire for salt and sugar rather than chicken and veggies (who am I kidding, when have I ever desired chicken and veggies over a pint of Ben & Jerry's?). I guess only time will tell.

If I'm not pregnant, AF should arrive by the end of the week, possibly over the weekend if my lutal phase is on the long side and I'm off on my ovulation date. I'm testing Friday regardless. I hope I get 2 lines instead of one. If I'm not pregnant, I'd rather not make it to Friday to take the test. Negatives are so disappointing.

3 more days to wait.

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