Tuesday, April 20, 2004


You remember the other day when I said I felt nauseous? I was wrong. Yesterday I felt nauseous. It hit me right about 9:00 a.m. for maybe a half hour. I actually went into the restroom a couple of times, just in case. I never actually got sick, but I was not especially happy, when people in the office wanted to talk to me. You know when you don’t feel good and feel like carrying on a conversation is too much effort? I seriously considered going home and facing my first day of morning sickness from the comfort of my own bedroom, but by the time I figured out what work I was going to take home, I felt better. I also took a trip down to the convenience store in the lobby of the building to buy some saltines. They were out! Last night, I bought a box at the grocery store, that is now safely in my desk drawer. I haven’t felt sick since then, but can conceive that I may again sometime in the next 6 to 8 weeks.

I'm also doing some growing up top. I think tonight I may have Eric take pictures in my bikini top. I wonder if my “growth” is noticeable in pictures. I have my BFL before pictures from 5 weeks ago and would be interested to see the difference. Maybe it's all in my head.

I’m ready (mentally) for GWO this weekend. Only 2 more days of work. Also, by then we should know if Erica and Eric were successful this month. I’ve been saying a prayer for them. So far things look promising.

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