Tuesday, April 13, 2004


I am so tired. I forgot how utterly exhausted this could make me. I still wonder with it being so early what symptoms are in my head and what's real, but I think this one is for real. It seems to really kick in after I eat, which I've been doing every 2 to 3 hours. Yesterday, I took a 45 minute nap when I got home from work. I'm a little concerned about next weekend when I have to drive to Indiana after work for GWO. Four hours in the car by myself after working all day. I better have some good tunes.

I've only been slightly nauseous, but for some reason feel like I'll be getting worse in the next couple of weeks. I can't explain why, I just feel like it.

I'm cranky. It's kind of like PMS in overdrive. I actually had a co-worker comment on it today. Then I apologized and about broke into tears. Yep, this could be a roller coaster ride. Yesterday I was ready to go off on a particular telemarketer that calls the house several times a day. We screen our calls, but if they would have called after 6 yesterday, I was going to answer. I told Eric I was angry when he got home and he was able to bring me out of my funk. Today, another co-worker made a negative comment about what I was wearing (this is the same co-worker that made the inappropriate comment after my miscarriage). Personally I liked what I was wearing. He tried to back peddle and later that afternoon as I walked by said, "You look nice today." I told the person in his doorway that he didn't like my shirt. Then the coworker held his tie above his head like he was hanging himself. The person in the doorway said, "He's hanging himself." I said, "He should." Ok, Jennifer, calm the hormones down. Now I'm the inappropriate one. I need to start thinking before I speak before I say something I can't take back.

There may be other symptoms, but I'm too tired to think about them right now.

I'm deleriously happy, regardless. Today we visited Kim to see the baby at home. He's two weeks old and still weighs less than 5 pounds. I wanted to take him home. This time it didn't ache so bad. I know soon enough, I will have one to take home.

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