Thursday, April 08, 2004

I'm so Angry!

I am so furious right now. This morning when I went out to my car, my gym bag was dumped out on my front seat and my Mini-disk player was gone. I immediately called Eric at work because I wondered if he had taken it to the office for some reason since his was inside and upstairs. No such luck. Someone stole things out of my car!

It was kind of crazy because they took the time to dump my bag and decide what they wanted. They didn't steal my tennis shoes (which were probably worth more than the mini-disk player) and all my other stuff was there. Just the player, arm band, and my awesome headphones (I had the kind that just attached to your ear, but still had the padded earpiece). They didn't find the compartment that had all the other disks I had made in it (they just got the one in the player) and they didn't take my extra batteries. It looked like they looked for stuff in the main console where my CD's are, but only figured out how to open the top part, so didn't find my CD's. They also thankfully left my sunglasses and pass for the parking garage.

Eric went out to check his car after my call, and found that they took his briefcase, which had his palm pilot and day planner inside. That sucks. Luckily, all of his CD's are currently in the house, as we are working on sorting them out right now.

The bad thing is I can think of three ways this could have been prevented. 1. Eric could have shut the garage door when he came home from work. It was open last night from about 6:00 p.m until 9:00 p.m. 2. I could have locked my car. Eric usually locks his, but I leave mine unlocked so I don't have to mess with unlocking it in the morning when my hand's are full. Of course that wouldn't have been an issue if the garage door was closed. 3. If I would have went to the gym last night, my clothes in the gym bag would have been dirty and I would have taken my bag in the house. I usually don't leave stuff in my car, but I figured I'd leave my bag out there so I wouldn't have to bring it the next day if I wanted to work out.

It's just stuff, but it makes me angry that people have the guts to walk right up into your home and take things. It's a little scary because I must have been home and the door to the house from the garage was unlocked too. Ok enough, I need to focus on more positive things now.

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