Friday, April 30, 2004

Friday Five

1.)Were you raised in a particular religious faith? Yes, I grew in a Baptist church.

2.) Do you still practice that faith? Why or why not? As of Sunday, I am joining a Methodist church, so I guess technically, no. However, the core beliefs are very similar and it is still a “Christian” religion, so yes, I am still practicing my faith.

What do you think happens after death?It depends. If you have accepted Jesus Christ as your Savior (meaning that 1. You believe that he gave his life to pay for your sins. 2. You believe that he rose from the dead three days later. 3. You accept the gift of eternal life and promise to follow him, than you get to spend eternity in heaven with God. If you have not done the above (and are mentally competent enough to understand what Jesus did for you, meaning doesn’t apply to babies or people with severe mental disorders) then you are forced to spend eternity in hell.

4.) What is your favorite religious ritual (participating in or just observing)? I think weddings are beautiful. On a more traditional “religious” ground, I think Communion is one of my favorites. It seems like such a holy event, I even added it into my wedding.

5.) Do you believe people are basically good? I think most people strive to be good and are more “good” than “evil.” However, I believe that every person has a sinful nature and are not capable of living there lives without doing wrong. That is why we can’t get into heaven without Jesus help. No one but Him is perfect.

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