Saturday, April 17, 2004

My Due Date

Today is the due date from my first pregnancy.

I wasn't really sure how I would feel today. How do I feel? Pretty good actually. It's a beautiful day, the sun is shining, I've got the windows open. I've been cleaning the house while Eric does yard work. It's spring. But I don't have a baby.
I think I'm ok with that for now. It really does help that I know I have one on the way that should be here in 8 months.

I almost feel bad that I'm not more emotional today. I suppose it's ok. I've certainly been emotional about it enough over the last 6 months. Right now I just want to focus on my new baby and my new due date. I'm so thankful that I have that to look forward to today.

So, Baby I never knew, I miss you today, but know that soon enough I'll have a baby to keep here with me forever.

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