Maybe it's hard to see on the picture, but in the bathroom, the line was definately there.
Edited to add: Grrrr. My online picture account is locked! E-mail me at work if you want to see the picture. I don't know how long the pictures will be locked.
I woke up this morning just before 6:00 a.m. I'd been having restless dreams about getting the thermometer in my mouth to take my temperature. When I woke up I decided to go ahead and temp. While I was waiting, I said a little prayer. It was still 98.3. I was so happy. I wanted to try to lay there until closer to time to get up, but decided I probably wasn't going back to sleep, so I might as well go start the test.
I went the bathroom, did the deed and went back to the bed to wait. I started thinking that even if I ovulated last Saturday, which was the latest I think it could have happened, then I'd still be 13 DPO and that was a mighty fine high temp. After about 2 minutes I went to check. I still couldn't really see either line, so I decided to go let the dog out.
After I came back, I went in took a deep breath, and...2 lines. I immediately started sobbing. I can hardly believe it's finally happened again.
I was still crying and went out to the bedroom, sat on the edge of the bed and hugged Eric. He woke up and asked me what was wrong, and I told him, "I'm pregnant." He hugged me and then asked if they were tears of joy. Of course they are. He did get up and peek at the test, but nows he's back in bed. It was only 6:00, so I'll let him sleep a little. He tried to figure out a due date and came up with January. My calculations put it at December 17th.
I'm sure there's much more to write about, but I want to make sure I put in here how much I believe God had to do with this. I know he doesn't cause bad things to happen, but I think he can help you learn a lesson from all events. I've always been a bit of a control freak and tried to do the same thing with my reproductive life. After I lost the baby, I immediately assumed I could get pregnant again immediately and set about to planning it. Some things you can't plan. I did everything "right" and it didn't work. But this month, I felt "led", if you will, to let go of all of it. I put away the thermometer (until this week) and didn't focus so much on doing it at the "right" time, and tried to focus on other areas of my life and just have faith that God would let me get pregnant again in his own time. Maybe just realizing I wasn't in control was enough of a lesson for me, that he didn't make me wait too long. Of course, I'm not saying this was miraculous conception, we still did our part, but I just realized that I wasn't in control. Now I just pray, that this baby will stay safe and inside me for the next 9 months.
I'm not sure who I'm telling yet. Of course you all know, so family and outside friends will know. I think I'm just telling Tammy at work though. I'll wait on the whole office thing. Now, to see what the doctor wants to do about my appointment for my annual in 3 weeks...
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