Friday, April 09, 2004

Friday Five

1. What do you do for a living?
I work for a global insurance brokerage. I work on Casualty Placements (Auto Liability, General Liability, Workers Comp, Umbrella Liability) for Fortune 500 companies. My job consists of negotiations with insurance underwriters and day-to-day service for my clients.

2. What do you like most about your job?
It's challenging. I get to learn a lot about my clients operations and the insurance industry. It requires creativity and problem solving skills and I feel like I make a difference.

3. What do you like least about your job?
There are alot of professional standards to follow and it's a world of deadlines. It seems like there isn't enough time to do everything and have it done right.

4. When you have a bad day at work it's usually because _____...
Mostly internal conflicts. I work on a team and sometimes people delegate too much and I get the feeling they aren't pulling their weight. Or, I'm coming up on a deadline and the deal doesn't fall into place until the last possible moment.

5. What other career(s) are you interested in?
Right now nothing. I love my job. I would possibly consider switching to the client side in the future. Maybe work as a company's Risk Manager. That's still be in the same industry.

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