Friday, April 09, 2004

More Details

I called the doctor's office this morning. I told them that I had an appointment scheduled for April 29th, and then they cancelled it. She also told me that the doctor won't do my PAP at that visit, but will do it later in pregnancy. She told me that they normally like to see patients when they are between 9 and 11 weeks (I remember from last time). I told her if possible, I'd like to be on the shorter end of that scale since I had a miscarriage in September that was discovered at that appointment. The less time I have to wait, the less stress. So, she made my new appointment for May 13th. I'll be 9 weeks. She also told me she's going to call in a prescription for a pre-natal vitamin. I went and picked them up this afternoon.

I told Tammy at work this morning. Her husbands office is right next to mine, so when I saw he came in, I headed over to her cube. I took my purse with me and told her I had something to show her. She looked at me and I know she knew what it was, but I pulled out the test (pee stick, as she likes to call it). She screamed. I mean loud. She was then crying and hugging me, and Heidi, who sits on the back side of her cube, said, "Oh, my gosh," and came to investigate. Luckily, it was only about 8:15 a.m. and there were only two other people on that side of the office. (They are both men that I don't really work with or speak to, so I think my secret is still safe). I told them the story and we were all shaking and crying. It was very good. Besides Tammy and Heidi, I also e-mailed Kim K. (mostly because she was around for a discussion I had with Tammy yesterday and knew AF was late and I was testing today). Tammy also told Chris (with permission, but they're married, so what do you expect). I also probably shouldn't have, but told the intern. It was just too perfect of a set up. Yesterday, she was making all these jokes saying she was pregnant, and how she wasn't married, etc. but happened to be doing it right in front of the new girl (who I discovered yesterday is also pregnant). Today, I gave her a heads up that the new girl was pregnant and she was a bit embarrased for going on like that. Then she started saying how it was crazy that all these people in the office were pregnant. She said Tammy just had a baby, and Laurie is pregnant, and Pete's wife, and the new girl. Then she said, "Who else is pregnant?" I just kept my mouth shut, sort of shrugged with a smile on my face. Her eyes got really big and she said, "You!" I said yes, and she about ratted me out to the other side of the office. Her reaction wasn't quite as loud as Tammy's though. So 4 people. That's not so bad for me. I'll see if I can make it to my doctor's appointment without telling the rest of the office.

Ok enough for now, I'll have to save something to discuss later. I'm going to update my info now, I may also remove the Fertility Friend ticker, as I think you have to log into Fertility Friend for it to be updated.

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