Monday, April 12, 2004

The Fifth Week - 4 weeks, 3 days

Here is some info on development taken form BabyCenter and

Your Body
Your breasts may hurt, you may feel tired, queasy and hungry along with the dreaded morning sickness , perhaps you have an odd, metallic taste in your mouth, or you just may be running to the bathroom to pee all the time as your growing uterus presses your bladder. Or maybe it's just a feeling you have -- an intuition. Whatever your clues, you may not want to wait for your doctor's appointment and instead will decide to take a Home Pregnancy Test. Be careful! If you take it too soon you may get a false negative.

How your life is changing: The outside world won't see any sign of the dramatic developments taking place inside you — except maybe that you're suddenly eating better. Good nutrition is particularly important during these first critical weeks when your baby's vital organs are developing.

Pregnancy symptoms continue or start up this week. If you're like most women, you'll notice nausea (and not just in the morning), sore breasts, fatigue, and frequent urination. All are normal, all are annoying, but the upside is that they're all a part of being pregnant and won't last forever.

Your Baby
Your embryo is the size of a raisin (only 1/10 of an inch or 1.5-3 mm). By day twenty-one, the embryo's tiny heart has begun beating. The neural tube enlarges into three parts, soon to become a very complex brain. The placenta begins functioning. The spine and spinal cord grows faster than the rest of the body at this stage and give the appearance of a tail-- Don't worry Mom, This will disappear as the child continues to grow.

How your baby's growing: You may not look pregnant yet (you may not even have any symptoms), but your embryo is busy growing. At this point he looks more like a tiny tadpole than a human. But this week, the heart begins to beat, the cells for the major organs, including the kidneys and heart, begin to develop, and the neural tube, which connects the brain and spinal cord, closes.

This is an important week. I can't believe we may be growing a heart right now. Just a couple more weeks until I can see it. I'm thinking I may not escape pregnancy symptoms this time. I've lost my appetite (I even turned down ice cream yesterday). My sense of smell is especially keen. The only time I've felt nauseous is when I've smelled something strong. Like when I had to clean up Zeus' mess from eating too much people food out of the trash way too fast. Gross. I've also had "other" stomach issues. It's ok. I love every moment if it means I get to be a Mom soon.

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