When I got the flowers none of the Lillys were open yet, so they've got a bit prettier every day. This is a picture taken on Wednesday after some of my Lilly's opened.
Friday, April 30, 2004
I don't think I mentioned it on my blog, but on Monday Eric sent me flowers to work. It was really sweet. He sent me Lilly's and Irises. He picked Lilly's because he knew they were one of my favorite flowers and Irises because purple is my favorite color. The card said, "I thank God every day for blessing me with your love. Love, Eric"
When I got the flowers none of the Lillys were open yet, so they've got a bit prettier every day. This is a picture taken on Wednesday after some of my Lilly's opened.
When I got the flowers none of the Lillys were open yet, so they've got a bit prettier every day. This is a picture taken on Wednesday after some of my Lilly's opened.
Friday Five
1.)Were you raised in a particular religious faith? Yes, I grew in a Baptist church.
2.) Do you still practice that faith? Why or why not? As of Sunday, I am joining a Methodist church, so I guess technically, no. However, the core beliefs are very similar and it is still a “Christian” religion, so yes, I am still practicing my faith.
What do you think happens after death?It depends. If you have accepted Jesus Christ as your Savior (meaning that 1. You believe that he gave his life to pay for your sins. 2. You believe that he rose from the dead three days later. 3. You accept the gift of eternal life and promise to follow him, than you get to spend eternity in heaven with God. If you have not done the above (and are mentally competent enough to understand what Jesus did for you, meaning doesn’t apply to babies or people with severe mental disorders) then you are forced to spend eternity in hell.
4.) What is your favorite religious ritual (participating in or just observing)? I think weddings are beautiful. On a more traditional “religious” ground, I think Communion is one of my favorites. It seems like such a holy event, I even added it into my wedding.
5.) Do you believe people are basically good? I think most people strive to be good and are more “good” than “evil.” However, I believe that every person has a sinful nature and are not capable of living there lives without doing wrong. That is why we can’t get into heaven without Jesus help. No one but Him is perfect.
2.) Do you still practice that faith? Why or why not? As of Sunday, I am joining a Methodist church, so I guess technically, no. However, the core beliefs are very similar and it is still a “Christian” religion, so yes, I am still practicing my faith.
What do you think happens after death?It depends. If you have accepted Jesus Christ as your Savior (meaning that 1. You believe that he gave his life to pay for your sins. 2. You believe that he rose from the dead three days later. 3. You accept the gift of eternal life and promise to follow him, than you get to spend eternity in heaven with God. If you have not done the above (and are mentally competent enough to understand what Jesus did for you, meaning doesn’t apply to babies or people with severe mental disorders) then you are forced to spend eternity in hell.
4.) What is your favorite religious ritual (participating in or just observing)? I think weddings are beautiful. On a more traditional “religious” ground, I think Communion is one of my favorites. It seems like such a holy event, I even added it into my wedding.
5.) Do you believe people are basically good? I think most people strive to be good and are more “good” than “evil.” However, I believe that every person has a sinful nature and are not capable of living there lives without doing wrong. That is why we can’t get into heaven without Jesus help. No one but Him is perfect.
7 Weeks, 0 Days
I should be working, but Friday’s are so hard. We just finished up Pete’s (my boss) baby shower here at the office. I didn’t get the blanket I’ve been working on in time. I got pretty close though. They didn’t have tons of gifts, but we got them some big things from the office including a stroller and swing.
I’m starting to get really excited about my baby. It still scares me a bit to go all out 100%, but I’ve been trying to focus on not worrying. My appointment is in one week, so then I’ll really be able to breathe a sigh of relief and jump into the “I’m having a baby!” excitement.
I’m pretty sure things are progressing like they should. The baby is making me sick and grumpy. I’ve been nauseous for about a week now. This morning was my worst morning at work. I had to go and sit in the bathroom for a while because I was afraid to be at my desk and too far away for a graceful sprint to the restroom. I ended up telling two more people that came in at different times and found me in the bathroom. I just felt so sick and cried a little, but they were all happy for me even though, I was feeling miserable. I had to take a walk outside too, to get some fresh air. There are no windows (that open) in the office, and I had to breathe some fresh air. It seems like I feel the worst between 8:30 and 9:30 a.m. I try to eat some crackers in the morning while I’m getting ready and I eat an apple in the car on the way to work, but I still feel bad about the time I get here.
I hope I’m not complaining too much. I have a hard time imagining feeling this bad or worse for the next 6 weeks, but the end product is worth it. I bought some Sea Bands to see if they helped. They didn’t. I haven’t thrown up yet, but am still not counting on that to stay that way for 6 more weeks. I wish I had something more exciting to talk about, but until next week, my morning sickness is about it.
I’m starting to get really excited about my baby. It still scares me a bit to go all out 100%, but I’ve been trying to focus on not worrying. My appointment is in one week, so then I’ll really be able to breathe a sigh of relief and jump into the “I’m having a baby!” excitement.
I’m pretty sure things are progressing like they should. The baby is making me sick and grumpy. I’ve been nauseous for about a week now. This morning was my worst morning at work. I had to go and sit in the bathroom for a while because I was afraid to be at my desk and too far away for a graceful sprint to the restroom. I ended up telling two more people that came in at different times and found me in the bathroom. I just felt so sick and cried a little, but they were all happy for me even though, I was feeling miserable. I had to take a walk outside too, to get some fresh air. There are no windows (that open) in the office, and I had to breathe some fresh air. It seems like I feel the worst between 8:30 and 9:30 a.m. I try to eat some crackers in the morning while I’m getting ready and I eat an apple in the car on the way to work, but I still feel bad about the time I get here.
I hope I’m not complaining too much. I have a hard time imagining feeling this bad or worse for the next 6 weeks, but the end product is worth it. I bought some Sea Bands to see if they helped. They didn’t. I haven’t thrown up yet, but am still not counting on that to stay that way for 6 more weeks. I wish I had something more exciting to talk about, but until next week, my morning sickness is about it.
Tuesday, April 27, 2004
Sick Day
I'm home sick today. Yesterday afternoon I started to develop a headache. I hate headaches. I suffered through and went to the grocery store, but by 7:00 p.m. wanted nothing more than to lay on the couch. Either the headache or morning sickness made food very undesirable, but as not eating just kept making me more nauseous, I made some chicken noodle soup. I ate about a half a bowl. Later I also had a couple of bites of ice cream. Eric and were watching The Sixth Sense on ABC, but even with the only light in the room coming from TV hurting my eyes, I gave into my migraine and went to bed at about 9:30 p.m. Yesterday, I also found out we don't have any Tylenol as Eric took our bottle to work and that's the only thing on my "approved medication" list from the doctor.
I didn't sleep well and remember waking up at about 4:30 a.m. thinking, why won't this headache go away? When I got up at about 7, it had faded a bit, but was still lingering. I decided to call in for the first half of the day and try to sleep a couple more hours. I got up again at 10:00 a.m. and still felt bad. Mostly morning sickness this time. I decided to just make the whole day a sick day and stay home. I think I could handle either the headache or morning sickness, but having both was just too much to deal with.
Well, I should feel better in another 6 to 7 weeks. That seems like an incredibly long time to feel sick. I'm not really complaining that much though. This time I undeniably have pregnancy symptoms and that makes me less nervous about my appointment next week. I've been praying and asking God to help me not to worry. I didn't ask for Him to make me sick, but if being sick makes me worry less, than I'll take it. I've also read that people with morning sickness are less likely to miscarry, although there are exceptions on both sides of that issue.
I told my boss I was pregnant yesterday. For no real reason except that I felt sick and was tired and just felt like it, I cried twice at work yesterday morning. I thought, maybe I should clue my boss in, so he doesn't think I'm having a mental breakdown. He said congratulations. I'm not really hiding it, but I'm still not announcing it to everyone yet, I think I want to wait until I have that ultrasound picture in my hand.
Ok, well, I'm getting queasy again, I think I'll go take a nap. I just wish food sounded good. On the bright side, I've lost a little weight. I'm 2 1/2 pounds lighter than when I started BFL again on 3/22. I'm sure that will change quickly in the next couple of months, but I don't really want to gain more than the recommended 3-4 pounds in the first trimester. Looks like I'm going to be in good shape there.
I didn't sleep well and remember waking up at about 4:30 a.m. thinking, why won't this headache go away? When I got up at about 7, it had faded a bit, but was still lingering. I decided to call in for the first half of the day and try to sleep a couple more hours. I got up again at 10:00 a.m. and still felt bad. Mostly morning sickness this time. I decided to just make the whole day a sick day and stay home. I think I could handle either the headache or morning sickness, but having both was just too much to deal with.
Well, I should feel better in another 6 to 7 weeks. That seems like an incredibly long time to feel sick. I'm not really complaining that much though. This time I undeniably have pregnancy symptoms and that makes me less nervous about my appointment next week. I've been praying and asking God to help me not to worry. I didn't ask for Him to make me sick, but if being sick makes me worry less, than I'll take it. I've also read that people with morning sickness are less likely to miscarry, although there are exceptions on both sides of that issue.
I told my boss I was pregnant yesterday. For no real reason except that I felt sick and was tired and just felt like it, I cried twice at work yesterday morning. I thought, maybe I should clue my boss in, so he doesn't think I'm having a mental breakdown. He said congratulations. I'm not really hiding it, but I'm still not announcing it to everyone yet, I think I want to wait until I have that ultrasound picture in my hand.
Ok, well, I'm getting queasy again, I think I'll go take a nap. I just wish food sounded good. On the bright side, I've lost a little weight. I'm 2 1/2 pounds lighter than when I started BFL again on 3/22. I'm sure that will change quickly in the next couple of months, but I don't really want to gain more than the recommended 3-4 pounds in the first trimester. Looks like I'm going to be in good shape there.
Monday, April 26, 2004
Friday Five (On Monday)
1. What was the last TV show you watched?
Law & Order Criminal Intent last night.
2. What was the last thing you complained about?
Feeling sick. All the time.
3. Who was the last person you complimented and what did you say?
Eric. I told him I appreciate him and want to be sure he never doubts how I feel about him.
4. What was the last thing you threw away?
Empty saltine box.
5. What was the last website (besides this one) that you visited?
Erica's website.
Law & Order Criminal Intent last night.
2. What was the last thing you complained about?
Feeling sick. All the time.
3. Who was the last person you complimented and what did you say?
Eric. I told him I appreciate him and want to be sure he never doubts how I feel about him.
4. What was the last thing you threw away?
Empty saltine box.
5. What was the last website (besides this one) that you visited?
Erica's website.
Sunday, April 25, 2004
Six Weeks, Two Days - The Seventh Week
I figure while I'm online I'll do my developmental update. Here's the update on me. I think I have morning sickness. Still no real urge to vomit, but I feel nauseous almost constantly, or at least as soon as my stomach starts to get empty. It's a double edge sword. When I start to get hungry (about every 2 hours) I also start to feel nauseous and then lose any desire for food. The key is to eat as soon as I start to get hungry before I get nauseous. Today is the worst I've felt. I ate about a half a sleeve of crackers in the car on the way home. Crackers help too. It'll be interesting to see if this gets worse and how I'll feel when I have to go to work. Ok, on to the physical development stuff. Again from the three sources used last week plus About.com
The Baby
Your baby has an incredible growth spurt this week! At the beginning of the 7th week, the crown-to-rump length of your growing baby is 0.16 to 0.2 inch. This is about the size of the BB pellet. By the end of teh week, your baby has more than doubled in size, to 0.44 to .52 inch. Leg buds are beginning to appear as short fins. Arm buds have grown longer; they have divided into a hand segment and an arm-shoulder segment. The hand and foot have a digital plate where the fingers and toes will develo/ The heart bulges from the body. By this time, it has diveded into right and left heart chambers. The primary bronchi are present. The cerebral hemisphers, which make up the brain, are also growing. Eyes and notstrils are developing. Intestines are developing, an the appendix is present. The pancreas, which produces teh hormone insulin, is also present. Part of the intestine bulges into the umbilical cord. Later in your baby's development, it will return to the abdomen.
Technically your baby is still considered an embryo. That's because he has something of a small tail, which will disappear in the next few weeks. But that's the only thing getting smaller. The heart and brain are becoming more complicated, the eyelid folds are forming, and the tip of the nose is present.
Facial features are visible, including a mouth and tongue. The eyes have a retina and lens. The major muscle system is developed, and the unborn child practices moving. The child has its own blood type, distinct from the mother's. These blood cells are produced by the liver now instead of the yolk sac.
The hand plates become present this week, and the baby is about 7-9 mm CRL by the end of the week. The genital tubercle is present, but you can't distinguish girls from boys by sight at this point. Nasal pits are forming. Your baby will actually go through 3 sets of kidneys, very rapidly as they develop during this period. This week the second of such sets will form. With a transvaginal ultrasound, one study shows that 100% of the ultrasounds will be show a fetal pole with heart motion.
The Mom
Although you are probably quite anxious to show the world you're pregnant, there still may be little change. Changes will come soon, though. Changes are occurring gradually. You still probably wont' "show," and people won't be able to tell you're pregnant unless you tell them. You may be gaining weight throughout your body, but you should have gained only a couple of pounds this early in your pregnancy. If you haven't gained weight or if you have lost a couple of pounds, it isn't unusual. It will go the other direction in the weeks to come. You may still experience morning sickness and other symptoms of early pregnancy.
You're in the throes of the first trimester, when many women complain of common pregnancy aches and pains. Keeping food down may be next to impossible, thanks to morning sickness, caused in part by the pregnancy hormones in your body. You may also need to use the bathroom a lot more often than usual — your growing uterus is pressing on your bladder, and hormones are affecting the balance of fluid in your body. These symptoms should diminish as your pregnancy continues.
You may have symptoms ... nausea or queasiness, odd tastes in your mouth, bigger, more sensitive breasts, moodiness... or you may not. Some women have already gained weight, though others, due to morning sickness , may have actually lost weight. Both are common and normal.
Your face may break out due to the changes in hormones. So even though you may feel like a teenager again, you are not alone.
The Baby
Your baby has an incredible growth spurt this week! At the beginning of the 7th week, the crown-to-rump length of your growing baby is 0.16 to 0.2 inch. This is about the size of the BB pellet. By the end of teh week, your baby has more than doubled in size, to 0.44 to .52 inch. Leg buds are beginning to appear as short fins. Arm buds have grown longer; they have divided into a hand segment and an arm-shoulder segment. The hand and foot have a digital plate where the fingers and toes will develo/ The heart bulges from the body. By this time, it has diveded into right and left heart chambers. The primary bronchi are present. The cerebral hemisphers, which make up the brain, are also growing. Eyes and notstrils are developing. Intestines are developing, an the appendix is present. The pancreas, which produces teh hormone insulin, is also present. Part of the intestine bulges into the umbilical cord. Later in your baby's development, it will return to the abdomen.
Technically your baby is still considered an embryo. That's because he has something of a small tail, which will disappear in the next few weeks. But that's the only thing getting smaller. The heart and brain are becoming more complicated, the eyelid folds are forming, and the tip of the nose is present.
Facial features are visible, including a mouth and tongue. The eyes have a retina and lens. The major muscle system is developed, and the unborn child practices moving. The child has its own blood type, distinct from the mother's. These blood cells are produced by the liver now instead of the yolk sac.
The hand plates become present this week, and the baby is about 7-9 mm CRL by the end of the week. The genital tubercle is present, but you can't distinguish girls from boys by sight at this point. Nasal pits are forming. Your baby will actually go through 3 sets of kidneys, very rapidly as they develop during this period. This week the second of such sets will form. With a transvaginal ultrasound, one study shows that 100% of the ultrasounds will be show a fetal pole with heart motion.
The Mom
Although you are probably quite anxious to show the world you're pregnant, there still may be little change. Changes will come soon, though. Changes are occurring gradually. You still probably wont' "show," and people won't be able to tell you're pregnant unless you tell them. You may be gaining weight throughout your body, but you should have gained only a couple of pounds this early in your pregnancy. If you haven't gained weight or if you have lost a couple of pounds, it isn't unusual. It will go the other direction in the weeks to come. You may still experience morning sickness and other symptoms of early pregnancy.
You're in the throes of the first trimester, when many women complain of common pregnancy aches and pains. Keeping food down may be next to impossible, thanks to morning sickness, caused in part by the pregnancy hormones in your body. You may also need to use the bathroom a lot more often than usual — your growing uterus is pressing on your bladder, and hormones are affecting the balance of fluid in your body. These symptoms should diminish as your pregnancy continues.
You may have symptoms ... nausea or queasiness, odd tastes in your mouth, bigger, more sensitive breasts, moodiness... or you may not. Some women have already gained weight, though others, due to morning sickness , may have actually lost weight. Both are common and normal.
Your face may break out due to the changes in hormones. So even though you may feel like a teenager again, you are not alone.
GWO IV - Lafayette, IN
Well, the lastest GWO has come to a close and plans have been laid for the next visit in July. Here's a recap of the weekend.
I headed out of work at 1:30 p.m for a 2:15 p.m. client meeting. One of the other two people involved in the meeting got tied up and wasn't able to get together, so at 3:00 p.m. we decided to postpone the meeting and I got to head out. By 3:30 I was fueled up and on the road. I was the first to arrive at Erica's at about 6:30 p.m. Indiana time. My pregnancy bladder kicked in though, and I had to make three bathroom stops on the way plus one stop for food. Danialle made it in just before 8:00 p.m. We watched Survivor and started gabbing away. Heather joined us around 9:00 p.m. Oh, there was much to discuss. I of couse had all my baby news and there were other stories shared, that should probably be kept off the public internet domain.
We got up at a reasonable time, ate some breakfast and headed to Christina's for our facial appointments. Erica and Danialle were at 10:00 a.m. and Heather and I were at 11:00 a.m. It was Hawaiian day and they had special prizes and a whole Hawaiian decorative theme. We were treated to a free parafin hand dip (it was ok, but I don't know that I would have paid for it) and I won 20% off of any products I bought. The facial was heaven again, like I remembered, but it seems like Heather and Danialle's facialist was not as good. They didn't get the neck and shoulder massage part of it. After facials, we grabbed lunch at Applebee's and headed to All Fired Up to paint pottery. We, somewhat naively, each chose two pieces to paint and spent the next four hours there. It was definately a good time though. After pottery, we went home, showered & changed and left for dinner at Mt. Fugi Japanese steakhouse. It was fun and good food. After dinner we stopped for ice cream and then by Pricilla's to peruse the lingerie. Then we headed home threw on the PJs and relaxed.
We had breakfast at Nirvana's and then headed out for a day of shopping in Indianapolis. Our first stop was Half Price Books where I think we all walked away with a good sackful. Then we hit the mall in Castleton. Boy we can shop. I think we all made some great purchases. I bought a black pair of dress pants from The Limited that I've wanted since I bought my white one's in February. They fit so nicely, but should still give me a little room to grow before I have to switch to maternity pants. I also bought a very cute jean skirt at Motherhood Maternity. I love trying on clothes with the little belly pillow. Hopefully, there will be much more maternity shopping in July with Erica needed some too. After the mall we had dinner at Hooters. Then we headed back to Erica's. Heather ended up leaving to head home for a date with a new special someone and the rest of us went to the grocery store for some snacks we didn't end up eating. We played three games of Euchre with Danialle and I partnering against Erica and Eric. Erica and Eric won 2 of the 3 games. Maybe that's why boys shouldn't be allowed? Then we headed for bed. As always happens on the last night, Danialle and I didn't go right to sleep and stayed up for who knows how long talking. All I know is I had to pee twice during the conversation.
Danialle left at about 8:00 a.m. in order to get her rental car back before noon. I slept another hour and left at 9:00 Indiana time. I got home just before 2:00 p.m. my time.
Our next visit is the weekend of July 23rd. I'm ready to start counting down the days.
I headed out of work at 1:30 p.m for a 2:15 p.m. client meeting. One of the other two people involved in the meeting got tied up and wasn't able to get together, so at 3:00 p.m. we decided to postpone the meeting and I got to head out. By 3:30 I was fueled up and on the road. I was the first to arrive at Erica's at about 6:30 p.m. Indiana time. My pregnancy bladder kicked in though, and I had to make three bathroom stops on the way plus one stop for food. Danialle made it in just before 8:00 p.m. We watched Survivor and started gabbing away. Heather joined us around 9:00 p.m. Oh, there was much to discuss. I of couse had all my baby news and there were other stories shared, that should probably be kept off the public internet domain.
We got up at a reasonable time, ate some breakfast and headed to Christina's for our facial appointments. Erica and Danialle were at 10:00 a.m. and Heather and I were at 11:00 a.m. It was Hawaiian day and they had special prizes and a whole Hawaiian decorative theme. We were treated to a free parafin hand dip (it was ok, but I don't know that I would have paid for it) and I won 20% off of any products I bought. The facial was heaven again, like I remembered, but it seems like Heather and Danialle's facialist was not as good. They didn't get the neck and shoulder massage part of it. After facials, we grabbed lunch at Applebee's and headed to All Fired Up to paint pottery. We, somewhat naively, each chose two pieces to paint and spent the next four hours there. It was definately a good time though. After pottery, we went home, showered & changed and left for dinner at Mt. Fugi Japanese steakhouse. It was fun and good food. After dinner we stopped for ice cream and then by Pricilla's to peruse the lingerie. Then we headed home threw on the PJs and relaxed.
We had breakfast at Nirvana's and then headed out for a day of shopping in Indianapolis. Our first stop was Half Price Books where I think we all walked away with a good sackful. Then we hit the mall in Castleton. Boy we can shop. I think we all made some great purchases. I bought a black pair of dress pants from The Limited that I've wanted since I bought my white one's in February. They fit so nicely, but should still give me a little room to grow before I have to switch to maternity pants. I also bought a very cute jean skirt at Motherhood Maternity. I love trying on clothes with the little belly pillow. Hopefully, there will be much more maternity shopping in July with Erica needed some too. After the mall we had dinner at Hooters. Then we headed back to Erica's. Heather ended up leaving to head home for a date with a new special someone and the rest of us went to the grocery store for some snacks we didn't end up eating. We played three games of Euchre with Danialle and I partnering against Erica and Eric. Erica and Eric won 2 of the 3 games. Maybe that's why boys shouldn't be allowed? Then we headed for bed. As always happens on the last night, Danialle and I didn't go right to sleep and stayed up for who knows how long talking. All I know is I had to pee twice during the conversation.
Danialle left at about 8:00 a.m. in order to get her rental car back before noon. I slept another hour and left at 9:00 Indiana time. I got home just before 2:00 p.m. my time.
Our next visit is the weekend of July 23rd. I'm ready to start counting down the days.
Thursday, April 22, 2004
On the road
Only about 5 hours until I’m on the road for GWO. I actually get to leave the office in 1 ½, so that’s cool. I am so excited to catch up with my girls and just hang out. I’m a bit disappointed this morning, because I was so sure that this was it for Erica. What do I expect, I’m always wrong. I’m not giving up hope though. Except for her negative test, there’s no real reason to believe it’s over yet.
I just talked to my Dad. Today’s his birthday. Last year I forgot to send him a card or even call. This year I got his card in the mail early (although he said he hasn’t got it yet) and I made sure to call him at work. My Dad is the best and deserves to know I’m thinking of him.
A couple more people at work now know my news. Tammy accidentally spilled the beans to a couple people in the lunch room yesterday. I wasn’t even there. We’ll see how long it stays quiet. I haven’t even told my boss yet. Maybe I should say something, but I want to wait until my doctor’s appointment.
Ok, well that’s probably the last update until Sunday when I’ll give a full recap of my weekend with the girls. Also, stay tuned Monday for what is happening during week 7 of fetal development. Tomorrow is officially 6 weeks.
I just talked to my Dad. Today’s his birthday. Last year I forgot to send him a card or even call. This year I got his card in the mail early (although he said he hasn’t got it yet) and I made sure to call him at work. My Dad is the best and deserves to know I’m thinking of him.
A couple more people at work now know my news. Tammy accidentally spilled the beans to a couple people in the lunch room yesterday. I wasn’t even there. We’ll see how long it stays quiet. I haven’t even told my boss yet. Maybe I should say something, but I want to wait until my doctor’s appointment.
Ok, well that’s probably the last update until Sunday when I’ll give a full recap of my weekend with the girls. Also, stay tuned Monday for what is happening during week 7 of fetal development. Tomorrow is officially 6 weeks.
Tuesday, April 20, 2004
Pet Peeve
Maybe it's just me, but don't some things seem like they should be pretty simple?
The white thing is the laundry hamper. We used to keep it in the bathroom, but I thought maybe it would help if I put it closer to the pile of clothes on the floor. Nope. Just wait until I start laundering only clothes that are "in" the hamper.
The white thing is the laundry hamper. We used to keep it in the bathroom, but I thought maybe it would help if I put it closer to the pile of clothes on the floor. Nope. Just wait until I start laundering only clothes that are "in" the hamper.
You remember the other day when I said I felt nauseous? I was wrong. Yesterday I felt nauseous. It hit me right about 9:00 a.m. for maybe a half hour. I actually went into the restroom a couple of times, just in case. I never actually got sick, but I was not especially happy, when people in the office wanted to talk to me. You know when you don’t feel good and feel like carrying on a conversation is too much effort? I seriously considered going home and facing my first day of morning sickness from the comfort of my own bedroom, but by the time I figured out what work I was going to take home, I felt better. I also took a trip down to the convenience store in the lobby of the building to buy some saltines. They were out! Last night, I bought a box at the grocery store, that is now safely in my desk drawer. I haven’t felt sick since then, but can conceive that I may again sometime in the next 6 to 8 weeks.
I'm also doing some growing up top. I think tonight I may have Eric take pictures in my bikini top. I wonder if my “growth” is noticeable in pictures. I have my BFL before pictures from 5 weeks ago and would be interested to see the difference. Maybe it's all in my head.
I’m ready (mentally) for GWO this weekend. Only 2 more days of work. Also, by then we should know if Erica and Eric were successful this month. I’ve been saying a prayer for them. So far things look promising.
I'm also doing some growing up top. I think tonight I may have Eric take pictures in my bikini top. I wonder if my “growth” is noticeable in pictures. I have my BFL before pictures from 5 weeks ago and would be interested to see the difference. Maybe it's all in my head.
I’m ready (mentally) for GWO this weekend. Only 2 more days of work. Also, by then we should know if Erica and Eric were successful this month. I’ve been saying a prayer for them. So far things look promising.
Sunday, April 18, 2004
Five Weeks, Two Days - The Sixth Week
Ok, I lied. We're doing the developmental update tonight. Sources of information are "Your Pregnancy Week by Week", babycenter.com, and babyzone.com. All information is for Week 6.
The Baby
The crown-to-rump length of your growing baby is 0.08 to 0.16 inch (2 to 4 mm). Occasionally, with the proper equipment, a heartbeat can be seen on ultrasound by the 6th week. This is the beginning of the embryonic period (from week 6 to week 10 of pregnancy. It is a period of extremely important development in your baby! Around this time the neural groove closes and early brain chambers form. The eyes are also forming. Limb buds appear. The heart tubes fuse and heart contractions begin.
Cells are dividing furiously as your embryo takes shape. By week's end, it's about the size of a small lentil bean (4 to 5 millimeters across). If you could see through your uterine walls, you'd find an overlarge head and dark spots where the eyes and nostrils are beginning to form. The emerging ears are marked by pits and the arms and legs by protruding buds. The embryo's hands and feet are shaped like paddles, and fingers are beginning to form even now. The heart has divided into the right and left chambers and is beating between 100 and 130 times a minute. The pituitary gland is also forming.
This week your embryo is working very hard to begin growing its nervous system. There's a primitive heart now, and just wait until it can show you its love! Tiny buds have appeared -- if all goes well, these will someday be arms to hug you and legs to kick at you during temper tantrums. By now, your baby displays reflexes in response to a touch! This means his nervous system is communicating with his primitive muscle cells. This communication forms the foundation of all your baby's behavior even after birth.
The Mom
You may have gained a few pounds by now. If you have been nauseated and not eating well, you may have lost weight. You have been pregnant for 1 month, which is enough time to notice some changes in your body. If this is your first pregnancy, your abdomen may not have changed much. Or you may notice your clothes are getting a little tighter around the waist. You may be gaining weight in your legs or other places, such as your breasts. If you have a pelvic exam, your healthcare provider can usually feel your uterus and note some change in its size.
If you haven't already, you may soon find yourself riding pregnancy's emotional roller coaster, feeling moody one day and joyful the next. Disturbing as this is to some women who pride themselves on being in control, what you're going through is normal and will probably continue throughout your pregnancy. Up-and-down emotions are partly caused by fluctuating and (in many cases) very high levels of hormones.
Your uterus is the size of a plum, your breasts may be incredibly tender, and, ugh, you may start feeling some odd symptoms , though for some women the morning sickness doesn't kick in until later (if at all). Because this is a critical time in your baby's organ development, avoid alcohol, substances, drugs, and treatments that you don't really need. If you haven't done so already, find a doctor, and make that appointment.
The Baby
The crown-to-rump length of your growing baby is 0.08 to 0.16 inch (2 to 4 mm). Occasionally, with the proper equipment, a heartbeat can be seen on ultrasound by the 6th week. This is the beginning of the embryonic period (from week 6 to week 10 of pregnancy. It is a period of extremely important development in your baby! Around this time the neural groove closes and early brain chambers form. The eyes are also forming. Limb buds appear. The heart tubes fuse and heart contractions begin.
Cells are dividing furiously as your embryo takes shape. By week's end, it's about the size of a small lentil bean (4 to 5 millimeters across). If you could see through your uterine walls, you'd find an overlarge head and dark spots where the eyes and nostrils are beginning to form. The emerging ears are marked by pits and the arms and legs by protruding buds. The embryo's hands and feet are shaped like paddles, and fingers are beginning to form even now. The heart has divided into the right and left chambers and is beating between 100 and 130 times a minute. The pituitary gland is also forming.
This week your embryo is working very hard to begin growing its nervous system. There's a primitive heart now, and just wait until it can show you its love! Tiny buds have appeared -- if all goes well, these will someday be arms to hug you and legs to kick at you during temper tantrums. By now, your baby displays reflexes in response to a touch! This means his nervous system is communicating with his primitive muscle cells. This communication forms the foundation of all your baby's behavior even after birth.
The Mom
You may have gained a few pounds by now. If you have been nauseated and not eating well, you may have lost weight. You have been pregnant for 1 month, which is enough time to notice some changes in your body. If this is your first pregnancy, your abdomen may not have changed much. Or you may notice your clothes are getting a little tighter around the waist. You may be gaining weight in your legs or other places, such as your breasts. If you have a pelvic exam, your healthcare provider can usually feel your uterus and note some change in its size.
If you haven't already, you may soon find yourself riding pregnancy's emotional roller coaster, feeling moody one day and joyful the next. Disturbing as this is to some women who pride themselves on being in control, what you're going through is normal and will probably continue throughout your pregnancy. Up-and-down emotions are partly caused by fluctuating and (in many cases) very high levels of hormones.
Your uterus is the size of a plum, your breasts may be incredibly tender, and, ugh, you may start feeling some odd symptoms , though for some women the morning sickness doesn't kick in until later (if at all). Because this is a critical time in your baby's organ development, avoid alcohol, substances, drugs, and treatments that you don't really need. If you haven't done so already, find a doctor, and make that appointment.
The Weekend
I'm so sad this weekend is coming to an end. Here's my recap.
We went to dinner at Champps with Will and Samara. It was really nice because we haven't seen them in person in almost two months. We got to catch up a bit and just hang out.
I spent the morning and afternoon cleaning the house. It was a beautiful day so Eric did yardwork and I had the windows open. It feels so good to know everything is clean and not be cooped up in a dirty house. In the early evening Will and Samara came over (with Chance) and we grilled some hamburgers, hot dogs and brats. April and Martin came over too and I think everybody had a good time. Zeus had so much fun playing with his doggy friends. (Jax and Peaches came over too). Samara also showed me a scrapbook page she made on the computer, which seems like a good way to go. It's the kind of thing you could use, if you like the idea of scrapbooking, but the actual work of cutting out paper and pictures and gluing isn't that exciting. Anyway, after dinner we took all the dogs to Brusters for some ice cream. Then Will and Samara took off (they are both taking classes and have homework to do). Then April and Martin came back to our house and we played Phase 10. I won.
We went to church. It was a little weird. At the end of every service they read prayer requests that people write on these cards. Well, this morning. One of the requests was for "Megan and Chad who lost a baby this week." That was really hard for me to hear and I started to get a bit teary. (I don't know who Megan and Chad are, but my heart breaks for them). Then the next request was for "Jennifer Cruz who lost her fourth baby in a miscarriage." I just couldn't take it. I just cried. I wasn't loud or obnoxious, but I did need to dig the Kleenex out of my purse. By the time the service was over, I was under control and we had Sunday School. Lew, our teacher, saw me before class and asked how I was feeling (I told the class last week about our answer to prayer). I told him, "fine." Then he asked me how Eric was doing. I said he was doing good. Then we went up to class. At the end of Sunday School, we also do prayer requests before we pray and leave. A couple people had requests, and then Lew looked and me and said, "What about you guys?" I said, "Yes, the same as last week. We're a little nervous, but doing good." He then said he thought I lost the baby. When he heard the prayer request during church, he thought it was me. It wasn't. It was such a bizarre mix up though. I guess he even told the people in the class before we went up there. Everyone was all confused. We straightened it out though.
This afternoon we went to a Membership Class at the church. I think we are going to join. It's a little weird for me since it's a Methodist Church and I've always been in Baptist churches, but this is the first place that's really felt like home in 3 years. I love the paster and think he's really easy to understand and listen too. I love their "new" contemporary service with praise and worship. I love our Sunday school class. I'm excited about meeting more people and getting involved in service. This church really seems to be in the right direction about focus. The only thing I see different in the demoninations is some of the structure and organization of the administration. The core beliefs seem to be the same. I asked about baptism and while they do "baptize" babies. You don't have too. They leave that up to the parents and if we want to wait until our child has the chance to make the decision on his/her own, that's ok too. He will also do the person's choice of sprinkling, pouring, or dunking. I think I can live with that. We are planning on joining in two weeks. April will be our sponser.
Well, that's about it for now. Be sure to tune in tomorrow for the baby development info for what happens in during week 6. It's sure to be exciting.
We went to dinner at Champps with Will and Samara. It was really nice because we haven't seen them in person in almost two months. We got to catch up a bit and just hang out.
I spent the morning and afternoon cleaning the house. It was a beautiful day so Eric did yardwork and I had the windows open. It feels so good to know everything is clean and not be cooped up in a dirty house. In the early evening Will and Samara came over (with Chance) and we grilled some hamburgers, hot dogs and brats. April and Martin came over too and I think everybody had a good time. Zeus had so much fun playing with his doggy friends. (Jax and Peaches came over too). Samara also showed me a scrapbook page she made on the computer, which seems like a good way to go. It's the kind of thing you could use, if you like the idea of scrapbooking, but the actual work of cutting out paper and pictures and gluing isn't that exciting. Anyway, after dinner we took all the dogs to Brusters for some ice cream. Then Will and Samara took off (they are both taking classes and have homework to do). Then April and Martin came back to our house and we played Phase 10. I won.
We went to church. It was a little weird. At the end of every service they read prayer requests that people write on these cards. Well, this morning. One of the requests was for "Megan and Chad who lost a baby this week." That was really hard for me to hear and I started to get a bit teary. (I don't know who Megan and Chad are, but my heart breaks for them). Then the next request was for "Jennifer Cruz who lost her fourth baby in a miscarriage." I just couldn't take it. I just cried. I wasn't loud or obnoxious, but I did need to dig the Kleenex out of my purse. By the time the service was over, I was under control and we had Sunday School. Lew, our teacher, saw me before class and asked how I was feeling (I told the class last week about our answer to prayer). I told him, "fine." Then he asked me how Eric was doing. I said he was doing good. Then we went up to class. At the end of Sunday School, we also do prayer requests before we pray and leave. A couple people had requests, and then Lew looked and me and said, "What about you guys?" I said, "Yes, the same as last week. We're a little nervous, but doing good." He then said he thought I lost the baby. When he heard the prayer request during church, he thought it was me. It wasn't. It was such a bizarre mix up though. I guess he even told the people in the class before we went up there. Everyone was all confused. We straightened it out though.
This afternoon we went to a Membership Class at the church. I think we are going to join. It's a little weird for me since it's a Methodist Church and I've always been in Baptist churches, but this is the first place that's really felt like home in 3 years. I love the paster and think he's really easy to understand and listen too. I love their "new" contemporary service with praise and worship. I love our Sunday school class. I'm excited about meeting more people and getting involved in service. This church really seems to be in the right direction about focus. The only thing I see different in the demoninations is some of the structure and organization of the administration. The core beliefs seem to be the same. I asked about baptism and while they do "baptize" babies. You don't have too. They leave that up to the parents and if we want to wait until our child has the chance to make the decision on his/her own, that's ok too. He will also do the person's choice of sprinkling, pouring, or dunking. I think I can live with that. We are planning on joining in two weeks. April will be our sponser.
Well, that's about it for now. Be sure to tune in tomorrow for the baby development info for what happens in during week 6. It's sure to be exciting.
Saturday, April 17, 2004
My Due Date
Today is the due date from my first pregnancy.
I wasn't really sure how I would feel today. How do I feel? Pretty good actually. It's a beautiful day, the sun is shining, I've got the windows open. I've been cleaning the house while Eric does yard work. It's spring. But I don't have a baby.
I think I'm ok with that for now. It really does help that I know I have one on the way that should be here in 8 months.
I almost feel bad that I'm not more emotional today. I suppose it's ok. I've certainly been emotional about it enough over the last 6 months. Right now I just want to focus on my new baby and my new due date. I'm so thankful that I have that to look forward to today.
So, Baby I never knew, I miss you today, but know that soon enough I'll have a baby to keep here with me forever.
I wasn't really sure how I would feel today. How do I feel? Pretty good actually. It's a beautiful day, the sun is shining, I've got the windows open. I've been cleaning the house while Eric does yard work. It's spring. But I don't have a baby.
I think I'm ok with that for now. It really does help that I know I have one on the way that should be here in 8 months.
I almost feel bad that I'm not more emotional today. I suppose it's ok. I've certainly been emotional about it enough over the last 6 months. Right now I just want to focus on my new baby and my new due date. I'm so thankful that I have that to look forward to today.
So, Baby I never knew, I miss you today, but know that soon enough I'll have a baby to keep here with me forever.
Friday, April 16, 2004
Five Weeks
Well, we are officially five weeks today. It's still hard to comprehend.
I think I'll update with the next week of development info on Monday.
I have two new symptoms this week.
1. Yesterday I had my first wave of "official" nausea. It didn't send me to the restroom, but it was a definate feeling. We'll see what happens in the next couple of weeks.
2. My breast tenderness isn't as noticable as I remember it being last time I was pregnant (so of course, I am slightly concerned). However, last night I noticed that now my nipples have become sore and super sensitive. It's a change, so I'm taking that as a good sign.
Overall, I feel pretty good. I'm either starving or have no desire to eat. I've been super tired and irritable. Sounds like fun, right? It'll be worth it.
Only 6 more days until I find out if Erica's doing this with me and 6 more days until GWO. I'm very excited.
I think I'll update with the next week of development info on Monday.
I have two new symptoms this week.
1. Yesterday I had my first wave of "official" nausea. It didn't send me to the restroom, but it was a definate feeling. We'll see what happens in the next couple of weeks.
2. My breast tenderness isn't as noticable as I remember it being last time I was pregnant (so of course, I am slightly concerned). However, last night I noticed that now my nipples have become sore and super sensitive. It's a change, so I'm taking that as a good sign.
Overall, I feel pretty good. I'm either starving or have no desire to eat. I've been super tired and irritable. Sounds like fun, right? It'll be worth it.
Only 6 more days until I find out if Erica's doing this with me and 6 more days until GWO. I'm very excited.
Wednesday, April 14, 2004
A Comforting Statistic
A visible heartbeat could be seen and detectable by pulsed doppler ultrasound by about 6 weeks and is usually clearly depictable by 7 weeks. If this is observed, the probability of a continued pregnancy is greater than 83 percent.
I should be in good shape to see the heartbeat at my 8 week appointment and if we do, the chance of loss is dramatically reduced.
I should be in good shape to see the heartbeat at my 8 week appointment and if we do, the chance of loss is dramatically reduced.
Tuesday, April 13, 2004
I am so tired. I forgot how utterly exhausted this could make me. I still wonder with it being so early what symptoms are in my head and what's real, but I think this one is for real. It seems to really kick in after I eat, which I've been doing every 2 to 3 hours. Yesterday, I took a 45 minute nap when I got home from work. I'm a little concerned about next weekend when I have to drive to Indiana after work for GWO. Four hours in the car by myself after working all day. I better have some good tunes.
I've only been slightly nauseous, but for some reason feel like I'll be getting worse in the next couple of weeks. I can't explain why, I just feel like it.
I'm cranky. It's kind of like PMS in overdrive. I actually had a co-worker comment on it today. Then I apologized and about broke into tears. Yep, this could be a roller coaster ride. Yesterday I was ready to go off on a particular telemarketer that calls the house several times a day. We screen our calls, but if they would have called after 6 yesterday, I was going to answer. I told Eric I was angry when he got home and he was able to bring me out of my funk. Today, another co-worker made a negative comment about what I was wearing (this is the same co-worker that made the inappropriate comment after my miscarriage). Personally I liked what I was wearing. He tried to back peddle and later that afternoon as I walked by said, "You look nice today." I told the person in his doorway that he didn't like my shirt. Then the coworker held his tie above his head like he was hanging himself. The person in the doorway said, "He's hanging himself." I said, "He should." Ok, Jennifer, calm the hormones down. Now I'm the inappropriate one. I need to start thinking before I speak before I say something I can't take back.
There may be other symptoms, but I'm too tired to think about them right now.
I'm deleriously happy, regardless. Today we visited Kim to see the baby at home. He's two weeks old and still weighs less than 5 pounds. I wanted to take him home. This time it didn't ache so bad. I know soon enough, I will have one to take home.
I've only been slightly nauseous, but for some reason feel like I'll be getting worse in the next couple of weeks. I can't explain why, I just feel like it.
I'm cranky. It's kind of like PMS in overdrive. I actually had a co-worker comment on it today. Then I apologized and about broke into tears. Yep, this could be a roller coaster ride. Yesterday I was ready to go off on a particular telemarketer that calls the house several times a day. We screen our calls, but if they would have called after 6 yesterday, I was going to answer. I told Eric I was angry when he got home and he was able to bring me out of my funk. Today, another co-worker made a negative comment about what I was wearing (this is the same co-worker that made the inappropriate comment after my miscarriage). Personally I liked what I was wearing. He tried to back peddle and later that afternoon as I walked by said, "You look nice today." I told the person in his doorway that he didn't like my shirt. Then the coworker held his tie above his head like he was hanging himself. The person in the doorway said, "He's hanging himself." I said, "He should." Ok, Jennifer, calm the hormones down. Now I'm the inappropriate one. I need to start thinking before I speak before I say something I can't take back.
There may be other symptoms, but I'm too tired to think about them right now.
I'm deleriously happy, regardless. Today we visited Kim to see the baby at home. He's two weeks old and still weighs less than 5 pounds. I wanted to take him home. This time it didn't ache so bad. I know soon enough, I will have one to take home.
New Appointment
On Saturday, Eric received a summons for jury duty. It starts May 10 at 8:00 a.m. and he has to be available for 2 weeks. My doctor's appointment was scheduled for May 13th. So, since it is unlikely that he would be able to get out of jury duty, I called the doctor to see if they could move my appointment up.
The appointment desk had me leave a message on the nurse line, since any earlier would be out of their recommended 9-11 week time frame. In my voicemail I told her why I wanted to change it and why I preferred to make it earlier rather than move it back two weeks. When the nurse called back she was very nice and had no problem moving my appointment.
My appointment is now Friday, May 7th at 1:40 p.m. I'll be 8 weeks pregnant. I'm so happy they made it earlier. That's just over 3 weeks away now. That doesn't sound like that long to wait.
The appointment desk had me leave a message on the nurse line, since any earlier would be out of their recommended 9-11 week time frame. In my voicemail I told her why I wanted to change it and why I preferred to make it earlier rather than move it back two weeks. When the nurse called back she was very nice and had no problem moving my appointment.
My appointment is now Friday, May 7th at 1:40 p.m. I'll be 8 weeks pregnant. I'm so happy they made it earlier. That's just over 3 weeks away now. That doesn't sound like that long to wait.
Monday, April 12, 2004
The Fifth Week - 4 weeks, 3 days
Here is some info on development taken form BabyCenter and BabyZone.com.
Your Body
Your breasts may hurt, you may feel tired, queasy and hungry along with the dreaded morning sickness , perhaps you have an odd, metallic taste in your mouth, or you just may be running to the bathroom to pee all the time as your growing uterus presses your bladder. Or maybe it's just a feeling you have -- an intuition. Whatever your clues, you may not want to wait for your doctor's appointment and instead will decide to take a Home Pregnancy Test. Be careful! If you take it too soon you may get a false negative.
How your life is changing: The outside world won't see any sign of the dramatic developments taking place inside you — except maybe that you're suddenly eating better. Good nutrition is particularly important during these first critical weeks when your baby's vital organs are developing.
Pregnancy symptoms continue or start up this week. If you're like most women, you'll notice nausea (and not just in the morning), sore breasts, fatigue, and frequent urination. All are normal, all are annoying, but the upside is that they're all a part of being pregnant and won't last forever.
Your Baby
Your embryo is the size of a raisin (only 1/10 of an inch or 1.5-3 mm). By day twenty-one, the embryo's tiny heart has begun beating. The neural tube enlarges into three parts, soon to become a very complex brain. The placenta begins functioning. The spine and spinal cord grows faster than the rest of the body at this stage and give the appearance of a tail-- Don't worry Mom, This will disappear as the child continues to grow.
How your baby's growing: You may not look pregnant yet (you may not even have any symptoms), but your embryo is busy growing. At this point he looks more like a tiny tadpole than a human. But this week, the heart begins to beat, the cells for the major organs, including the kidneys and heart, begin to develop, and the neural tube, which connects the brain and spinal cord, closes.
This is an important week. I can't believe we may be growing a heart right now. Just a couple more weeks until I can see it. I'm thinking I may not escape pregnancy symptoms this time. I've lost my appetite (I even turned down ice cream yesterday). My sense of smell is especially keen. The only time I've felt nauseous is when I've smelled something strong. Like when I had to clean up Zeus' mess from eating too much people food out of the trash way too fast. Gross. I've also had "other" stomach issues. It's ok. I love every moment if it means I get to be a Mom soon.
Your Body
Your breasts may hurt, you may feel tired, queasy and hungry along with the dreaded morning sickness , perhaps you have an odd, metallic taste in your mouth, or you just may be running to the bathroom to pee all the time as your growing uterus presses your bladder. Or maybe it's just a feeling you have -- an intuition. Whatever your clues, you may not want to wait for your doctor's appointment and instead will decide to take a Home Pregnancy Test. Be careful! If you take it too soon you may get a false negative.
How your life is changing: The outside world won't see any sign of the dramatic developments taking place inside you — except maybe that you're suddenly eating better. Good nutrition is particularly important during these first critical weeks when your baby's vital organs are developing.
Pregnancy symptoms continue or start up this week. If you're like most women, you'll notice nausea (and not just in the morning), sore breasts, fatigue, and frequent urination. All are normal, all are annoying, but the upside is that they're all a part of being pregnant and won't last forever.
Your Baby
Your embryo is the size of a raisin (only 1/10 of an inch or 1.5-3 mm). By day twenty-one, the embryo's tiny heart has begun beating. The neural tube enlarges into three parts, soon to become a very complex brain. The placenta begins functioning. The spine and spinal cord grows faster than the rest of the body at this stage and give the appearance of a tail-- Don't worry Mom, This will disappear as the child continues to grow.
How your baby's growing: You may not look pregnant yet (you may not even have any symptoms), but your embryo is busy growing. At this point he looks more like a tiny tadpole than a human. But this week, the heart begins to beat, the cells for the major organs, including the kidneys and heart, begin to develop, and the neural tube, which connects the brain and spinal cord, closes.
This is an important week. I can't believe we may be growing a heart right now. Just a couple more weeks until I can see it. I'm thinking I may not escape pregnancy symptoms this time. I've lost my appetite (I even turned down ice cream yesterday). My sense of smell is especially keen. The only time I've felt nauseous is when I've smelled something strong. Like when I had to clean up Zeus' mess from eating too much people food out of the trash way too fast. Gross. I've also had "other" stomach issues. It's ok. I love every moment if it means I get to be a Mom soon.
Sunday, April 11, 2004
Another Test
Friday night, just for fun, I decided to use the other pregnancy test I had in the house. This may not have been a well thought out plan. After all, it was still the same day as my first positive, but later at night (10:30 p.m.) and I'd probably not had as concentrated hormone as I'd like to see. Regardless, I decided to take another test. It's more fun when you know the answer. It was the second of the cheap Target one's I bought. It was #2 in a pack I bought for $7. I got a second line on this one too and it was even darker and easier to read. I thought I'd post it here for all to see too.
I really am pregnant!

I really am pregnant!
Saturday, April 10, 2004
Last night we went to the Good Friday service at the church we've been attending and then went to dinner with our neighbors. April and I were talking about my news and I brought up what a miracle this has been. About three weeks ago, I shared my story of the miscarriage and trying again with the Sunday School class and asked for prayers this month to "let it go." I was serious when I said that I thought God wanted me to learn that He is in control.
April made a comment that it was like God was saying, "I have this wonderful gift for you, but I just need you to learn one thing first."
I hope I've learned.
I know alot of people pray for things they need or want. They turn to God in hard times, but I think the tendency is that when you get what you want, you say, "Well, thanks God. Good job. Now I think I can handle it from here." My prayer now is to realize that I'm still not in control. It's not time for me to take it back over. One thing I learned from my miscarriage was that it wasn't my "fault." I couldn't have done anything differently to get a different outcome. I think I need God even more right now. I want to say, "Thanks God. Good job. Now we've still got a lot of work to do. You can protect this baby more than I can. Keep it safe for me."
Letting God stay in control should be a real source of comfort for me. If He's in control, then I shouldn't even waste my time worrying. There's nothing I can do and by worrying, it's a sign that I can't complete trust that He's doing it right. Now I'm human, so I'm sure I'll worry, but I'll try not to take my burden back away from Him too often. I think this is something He can handle more than I can.
April made a comment that it was like God was saying, "I have this wonderful gift for you, but I just need you to learn one thing first."
I hope I've learned.
I know alot of people pray for things they need or want. They turn to God in hard times, but I think the tendency is that when you get what you want, you say, "Well, thanks God. Good job. Now I think I can handle it from here." My prayer now is to realize that I'm still not in control. It's not time for me to take it back over. One thing I learned from my miscarriage was that it wasn't my "fault." I couldn't have done anything differently to get a different outcome. I think I need God even more right now. I want to say, "Thanks God. Good job. Now we've still got a lot of work to do. You can protect this baby more than I can. Keep it safe for me."
Letting God stay in control should be a real source of comfort for me. If He's in control, then I shouldn't even waste my time worrying. There's nothing I can do and by worrying, it's a sign that I can't complete trust that He's doing it right. Now I'm human, so I'm sure I'll worry, but I'll try not to take my burden back away from Him too often. I think this is something He can handle more than I can.
Friday, April 09, 2004
Friday Five
1. What do you do for a living?
I work for a global insurance brokerage. I work on Casualty Placements (Auto Liability, General Liability, Workers Comp, Umbrella Liability) for Fortune 500 companies. My job consists of negotiations with insurance underwriters and day-to-day service for my clients.
2. What do you like most about your job?
It's challenging. I get to learn a lot about my clients operations and the insurance industry. It requires creativity and problem solving skills and I feel like I make a difference.
3. What do you like least about your job?
There are alot of professional standards to follow and it's a world of deadlines. It seems like there isn't enough time to do everything and have it done right.
4. When you have a bad day at work it's usually because _____...
Mostly internal conflicts. I work on a team and sometimes people delegate too much and I get the feeling they aren't pulling their weight. Or, I'm coming up on a deadline and the deal doesn't fall into place until the last possible moment.
5. What other career(s) are you interested in?
Right now nothing. I love my job. I would possibly consider switching to the client side in the future. Maybe work as a company's Risk Manager. That's still be in the same industry.
I work for a global insurance brokerage. I work on Casualty Placements (Auto Liability, General Liability, Workers Comp, Umbrella Liability) for Fortune 500 companies. My job consists of negotiations with insurance underwriters and day-to-day service for my clients.
2. What do you like most about your job?
It's challenging. I get to learn a lot about my clients operations and the insurance industry. It requires creativity and problem solving skills and I feel like I make a difference.
3. What do you like least about your job?
There are alot of professional standards to follow and it's a world of deadlines. It seems like there isn't enough time to do everything and have it done right.
4. When you have a bad day at work it's usually because _____...
Mostly internal conflicts. I work on a team and sometimes people delegate too much and I get the feeling they aren't pulling their weight. Or, I'm coming up on a deadline and the deal doesn't fall into place until the last possible moment.
5. What other career(s) are you interested in?
Right now nothing. I love my job. I would possibly consider switching to the client side in the future. Maybe work as a company's Risk Manager. That's still be in the same industry.
More Details
I called the doctor's office this morning. I told them that I had an appointment scheduled for April 29th, and then they cancelled it. She also told me that the doctor won't do my PAP at that visit, but will do it later in pregnancy. She told me that they normally like to see patients when they are between 9 and 11 weeks (I remember from last time). I told her if possible, I'd like to be on the shorter end of that scale since I had a miscarriage in September that was discovered at that appointment. The less time I have to wait, the less stress. So, she made my new appointment for May 13th. I'll be 9 weeks. She also told me she's going to call in a prescription for a pre-natal vitamin. I went and picked them up this afternoon.
I told Tammy at work this morning. Her husbands office is right next to mine, so when I saw he came in, I headed over to her cube. I took my purse with me and told her I had something to show her. She looked at me and I know she knew what it was, but I pulled out the test (pee stick, as she likes to call it). She screamed. I mean loud. She was then crying and hugging me, and Heidi, who sits on the back side of her cube, said, "Oh, my gosh," and came to investigate. Luckily, it was only about 8:15 a.m. and there were only two other people on that side of the office. (They are both men that I don't really work with or speak to, so I think my secret is still safe). I told them the story and we were all shaking and crying. It was very good. Besides Tammy and Heidi, I also e-mailed Kim K. (mostly because she was around for a discussion I had with Tammy yesterday and knew AF was late and I was testing today). Tammy also told Chris (with permission, but they're married, so what do you expect). I also probably shouldn't have, but told the intern. It was just too perfect of a set up. Yesterday, she was making all these jokes saying she was pregnant, and how she wasn't married, etc. but happened to be doing it right in front of the new girl (who I discovered yesterday is also pregnant). Today, I gave her a heads up that the new girl was pregnant and she was a bit embarrased for going on like that. Then she started saying how it was crazy that all these people in the office were pregnant. She said Tammy just had a baby, and Laurie is pregnant, and Pete's wife, and the new girl. Then she said, "Who else is pregnant?" I just kept my mouth shut, sort of shrugged with a smile on my face. Her eyes got really big and she said, "You!" I said yes, and she about ratted me out to the other side of the office. Her reaction wasn't quite as loud as Tammy's though. So 4 people. That's not so bad for me. I'll see if I can make it to my doctor's appointment without telling the rest of the office.
Ok enough for now, I'll have to save something to discuss later. I'm going to update my info now, I may also remove the Fertility Friend ticker, as I think you have to log into Fertility Friend for it to be updated.
I told Tammy at work this morning. Her husbands office is right next to mine, so when I saw he came in, I headed over to her cube. I took my purse with me and told her I had something to show her. She looked at me and I know she knew what it was, but I pulled out the test (pee stick, as she likes to call it). She screamed. I mean loud. She was then crying and hugging me, and Heidi, who sits on the back side of her cube, said, "Oh, my gosh," and came to investigate. Luckily, it was only about 8:15 a.m. and there were only two other people on that side of the office. (They are both men that I don't really work with or speak to, so I think my secret is still safe). I told them the story and we were all shaking and crying. It was very good. Besides Tammy and Heidi, I also e-mailed Kim K. (mostly because she was around for a discussion I had with Tammy yesterday and knew AF was late and I was testing today). Tammy also told Chris (with permission, but they're married, so what do you expect). I also probably shouldn't have, but told the intern. It was just too perfect of a set up. Yesterday, she was making all these jokes saying she was pregnant, and how she wasn't married, etc. but happened to be doing it right in front of the new girl (who I discovered yesterday is also pregnant). Today, I gave her a heads up that the new girl was pregnant and she was a bit embarrased for going on like that. Then she started saying how it was crazy that all these people in the office were pregnant. She said Tammy just had a baby, and Laurie is pregnant, and Pete's wife, and the new girl. Then she said, "Who else is pregnant?" I just kept my mouth shut, sort of shrugged with a smile on my face. Her eyes got really big and she said, "You!" I said yes, and she about ratted me out to the other side of the office. Her reaction wasn't quite as loud as Tammy's though. So 4 people. That's not so bad for me. I'll see if I can make it to my doctor's appointment without telling the rest of the office.
Ok enough for now, I'll have to save something to discuss later. I'm going to update my info now, I may also remove the Fertility Friend ticker, as I think you have to log into Fertility Friend for it to be updated.
Good Friday
Well, today was my test day. It was good.
Maybe it's hard to see on the picture, but in the bathroom, the line was definately there.
Edited to add: Grrrr. My online picture account is locked! E-mail me at work if you want to see the picture. I don't know how long the pictures will be locked.
I woke up this morning just before 6:00 a.m. I'd been having restless dreams about getting the thermometer in my mouth to take my temperature. When I woke up I decided to go ahead and temp. While I was waiting, I said a little prayer. It was still 98.3. I was so happy. I wanted to try to lay there until closer to time to get up, but decided I probably wasn't going back to sleep, so I might as well go start the test.
I went the bathroom, did the deed and went back to the bed to wait. I started thinking that even if I ovulated last Saturday, which was the latest I think it could have happened, then I'd still be 13 DPO and that was a mighty fine high temp. After about 2 minutes I went to check. I still couldn't really see either line, so I decided to go let the dog out.
After I came back, I went in took a deep breath, and...2 lines. I immediately started sobbing. I can hardly believe it's finally happened again.
I was still crying and went out to the bedroom, sat on the edge of the bed and hugged Eric. He woke up and asked me what was wrong, and I told him, "I'm pregnant." He hugged me and then asked if they were tears of joy. Of course they are. He did get up and peek at the test, but nows he's back in bed. It was only 6:00, so I'll let him sleep a little. He tried to figure out a due date and came up with January. My calculations put it at December 17th.
I'm sure there's much more to write about, but I want to make sure I put in here how much I believe God had to do with this. I know he doesn't cause bad things to happen, but I think he can help you learn a lesson from all events. I've always been a bit of a control freak and tried to do the same thing with my reproductive life. After I lost the baby, I immediately assumed I could get pregnant again immediately and set about to planning it. Some things you can't plan. I did everything "right" and it didn't work. But this month, I felt "led", if you will, to let go of all of it. I put away the thermometer (until this week) and didn't focus so much on doing it at the "right" time, and tried to focus on other areas of my life and just have faith that God would let me get pregnant again in his own time. Maybe just realizing I wasn't in control was enough of a lesson for me, that he didn't make me wait too long. Of course, I'm not saying this was miraculous conception, we still did our part, but I just realized that I wasn't in control. Now I just pray, that this baby will stay safe and inside me for the next 9 months.
I'm not sure who I'm telling yet. Of course you all know, so family and outside friends will know. I think I'm just telling Tammy at work though. I'll wait on the whole office thing. Now, to see what the doctor wants to do about my appointment for my annual in 3 weeks...

Maybe it's hard to see on the picture, but in the bathroom, the line was definately there.
Edited to add: Grrrr. My online picture account is locked! E-mail me at work if you want to see the picture. I don't know how long the pictures will be locked.
I woke up this morning just before 6:00 a.m. I'd been having restless dreams about getting the thermometer in my mouth to take my temperature. When I woke up I decided to go ahead and temp. While I was waiting, I said a little prayer. It was still 98.3. I was so happy. I wanted to try to lay there until closer to time to get up, but decided I probably wasn't going back to sleep, so I might as well go start the test.
I went the bathroom, did the deed and went back to the bed to wait. I started thinking that even if I ovulated last Saturday, which was the latest I think it could have happened, then I'd still be 13 DPO and that was a mighty fine high temp. After about 2 minutes I went to check. I still couldn't really see either line, so I decided to go let the dog out.
After I came back, I went in took a deep breath, and...2 lines. I immediately started sobbing. I can hardly believe it's finally happened again.
I was still crying and went out to the bedroom, sat on the edge of the bed and hugged Eric. He woke up and asked me what was wrong, and I told him, "I'm pregnant." He hugged me and then asked if they were tears of joy. Of course they are. He did get up and peek at the test, but nows he's back in bed. It was only 6:00, so I'll let him sleep a little. He tried to figure out a due date and came up with January. My calculations put it at December 17th.
I'm sure there's much more to write about, but I want to make sure I put in here how much I believe God had to do with this. I know he doesn't cause bad things to happen, but I think he can help you learn a lesson from all events. I've always been a bit of a control freak and tried to do the same thing with my reproductive life. After I lost the baby, I immediately assumed I could get pregnant again immediately and set about to planning it. Some things you can't plan. I did everything "right" and it didn't work. But this month, I felt "led", if you will, to let go of all of it. I put away the thermometer (until this week) and didn't focus so much on doing it at the "right" time, and tried to focus on other areas of my life and just have faith that God would let me get pregnant again in his own time. Maybe just realizing I wasn't in control was enough of a lesson for me, that he didn't make me wait too long. Of course, I'm not saying this was miraculous conception, we still did our part, but I just realized that I wasn't in control. Now I just pray, that this baby will stay safe and inside me for the next 9 months.
I'm not sure who I'm telling yet. Of course you all know, so family and outside friends will know. I think I'm just telling Tammy at work though. I'll wait on the whole office thing. Now, to see what the doctor wants to do about my appointment for my annual in 3 weeks...
Thursday, April 08, 2004
I'm so Angry!
I am so furious right now. This morning when I went out to my car, my gym bag was dumped out on my front seat and my Mini-disk player was gone. I immediately called Eric at work because I wondered if he had taken it to the office for some reason since his was inside and upstairs. No such luck. Someone stole things out of my car!
It was kind of crazy because they took the time to dump my bag and decide what they wanted. They didn't steal my tennis shoes (which were probably worth more than the mini-disk player) and all my other stuff was there. Just the player, arm band, and my awesome headphones (I had the kind that just attached to your ear, but still had the padded earpiece). They didn't find the compartment that had all the other disks I had made in it (they just got the one in the player) and they didn't take my extra batteries. It looked like they looked for stuff in the main console where my CD's are, but only figured out how to open the top part, so didn't find my CD's. They also thankfully left my sunglasses and pass for the parking garage.
Eric went out to check his car after my call, and found that they took his briefcase, which had his palm pilot and day planner inside. That sucks. Luckily, all of his CD's are currently in the house, as we are working on sorting them out right now.
The bad thing is I can think of three ways this could have been prevented. 1. Eric could have shut the garage door when he came home from work. It was open last night from about 6:00 p.m until 9:00 p.m. 2. I could have locked my car. Eric usually locks his, but I leave mine unlocked so I don't have to mess with unlocking it in the morning when my hand's are full. Of course that wouldn't have been an issue if the garage door was closed. 3. If I would have went to the gym last night, my clothes in the gym bag would have been dirty and I would have taken my bag in the house. I usually don't leave stuff in my car, but I figured I'd leave my bag out there so I wouldn't have to bring it the next day if I wanted to work out.
It's just stuff, but it makes me angry that people have the guts to walk right up into your home and take things. It's a little scary because I must have been home and the door to the house from the garage was unlocked too. Ok enough, I need to focus on more positive things now.
It was kind of crazy because they took the time to dump my bag and decide what they wanted. They didn't steal my tennis shoes (which were probably worth more than the mini-disk player) and all my other stuff was there. Just the player, arm band, and my awesome headphones (I had the kind that just attached to your ear, but still had the padded earpiece). They didn't find the compartment that had all the other disks I had made in it (they just got the one in the player) and they didn't take my extra batteries. It looked like they looked for stuff in the main console where my CD's are, but only figured out how to open the top part, so didn't find my CD's. They also thankfully left my sunglasses and pass for the parking garage.
Eric went out to check his car after my call, and found that they took his briefcase, which had his palm pilot and day planner inside. That sucks. Luckily, all of his CD's are currently in the house, as we are working on sorting them out right now.
The bad thing is I can think of three ways this could have been prevented. 1. Eric could have shut the garage door when he came home from work. It was open last night from about 6:00 p.m until 9:00 p.m. 2. I could have locked my car. Eric usually locks his, but I leave mine unlocked so I don't have to mess with unlocking it in the morning when my hand's are full. Of course that wouldn't have been an issue if the garage door was closed. 3. If I would have went to the gym last night, my clothes in the gym bag would have been dirty and I would have taken my bag in the house. I usually don't leave stuff in my car, but I figured I'd leave my bag out there so I wouldn't have to bring it the next day if I wanted to work out.
It's just stuff, but it makes me angry that people have the guts to walk right up into your home and take things. It's a little scary because I must have been home and the door to the house from the garage was unlocked too. Ok enough, I need to focus on more positive things now.
Wednesday, April 07, 2004
Trouble Concentrating
Ok, so now this is getting harder. Thanks to my discussion with Erica this morning via e-mail, I've decided to temp Thursday and Friday. Mostly, so I'll know if AF is coming and not be surprised unexpectedly. Also, I only have 1 test left and if my temp is down Friday, I will wait to take it.
So now just 2 more days. I hope Erica's good feelings translate into good results. I don't know how I feel. Just ready to know about this one.
I've been neglecting my diet this week, and am ready to know if Monday I should be starting back full force. I probably should regardless, but it'd be easier if I knew I wasn't pregnant.
So now just 2 more days. I hope Erica's good feelings translate into good results. I don't know how I feel. Just ready to know about this one.
I've been neglecting my diet this week, and am ready to know if Monday I should be starting back full force. I probably should regardless, but it'd be easier if I knew I wasn't pregnant.
Tuesday, April 06, 2004
I tried to post this earlier, but my computer shut down. I'll try to hit the highlights again.
Up until now I had been pretty sure that this wasn't going to be the month. I was of course hoping to be pleasantly surprised, but wasn't holding out much hope. It's been a pretty good month overall, not a lot time spent worry about my temps or hitting the window, etc. I also haven't had any of the crazy symptoms I had last month, so it's pretty easy to not obsess.
To give you a clue as to how much I really believe I'm probably not pregnant...Last night around 6:00 p.m. I took Imitrex for a headache I had developed. I figure it was probably related to stress as I spent most of the afternoon dreading a meeting that I had first thing this morning. Now I know taking my meds probably wasn't the smartest thing to do, but it was too much of a temptation considering my options. A. Suffer the entire evening, unable to eat, watch TV, read, play on the computer, etc. B. Go immediately to bed and hope the headache was gone by morning or C. Take one little pill, have the pain gone within an hour with the downside being that Imitrex is in the "unknown effects" category for pregnancy and I have no "real" reason to believe I'm pregnant. This time the headache won.
However, also since yesterday, I have a new reason to start obsessing. Yesterday evening post-headache, I suddenly noticed that my breast tenderness seemed to increase in severity. As you probably know, breast tenderness is one of my common symptoms during my lutal phase, and doesn't make me think I'm pregnant. I've had it as long as I can remember before my period. However, since I've been charting I've noticed that it tends to get better as I get closer to my period (presumably as my body slows down the progesterone production) and they are completely back to normal with a day or two after AF arrives. So this increase in tenderness has started me thinking.
Also, I took my temperature this morning. I wanted to wear my white pants to the meeting I had this morning and it seemed like an awfully big risk to where white so close to the expected arrival of AF. So, I decided to temp to be sure that she probably wouldn't be arriving a couple of days early. This morning my temp was 98.2. That seems pretty high to me. Again, I'm glad I haven't been temping because even that one temperature has me trying to start analyzing.
So now I have a couple of reasons to think it could be a possibiltiy (oh yeah, Erica says she has a good feeling too), however, I still have the reasons to believe AF could be here too. Some moodiness, the acne outbreak a couple of days ago (although that still may have been related to the facial, because it's cleared up), the desire for salt and sugar rather than chicken and veggies (who am I kidding, when have I ever desired chicken and veggies over a pint of Ben & Jerry's?). I guess only time will tell.
If I'm not pregnant, AF should arrive by the end of the week, possibly over the weekend if my lutal phase is on the long side and I'm off on my ovulation date. I'm testing Friday regardless. I hope I get 2 lines instead of one. If I'm not pregnant, I'd rather not make it to Friday to take the test. Negatives are so disappointing.
3 more days to wait.
Up until now I had been pretty sure that this wasn't going to be the month. I was of course hoping to be pleasantly surprised, but wasn't holding out much hope. It's been a pretty good month overall, not a lot time spent worry about my temps or hitting the window, etc. I also haven't had any of the crazy symptoms I had last month, so it's pretty easy to not obsess.
To give you a clue as to how much I really believe I'm probably not pregnant...Last night around 6:00 p.m. I took Imitrex for a headache I had developed. I figure it was probably related to stress as I spent most of the afternoon dreading a meeting that I had first thing this morning. Now I know taking my meds probably wasn't the smartest thing to do, but it was too much of a temptation considering my options. A. Suffer the entire evening, unable to eat, watch TV, read, play on the computer, etc. B. Go immediately to bed and hope the headache was gone by morning or C. Take one little pill, have the pain gone within an hour with the downside being that Imitrex is in the "unknown effects" category for pregnancy and I have no "real" reason to believe I'm pregnant. This time the headache won.
However, also since yesterday, I have a new reason to start obsessing. Yesterday evening post-headache, I suddenly noticed that my breast tenderness seemed to increase in severity. As you probably know, breast tenderness is one of my common symptoms during my lutal phase, and doesn't make me think I'm pregnant. I've had it as long as I can remember before my period. However, since I've been charting I've noticed that it tends to get better as I get closer to my period (presumably as my body slows down the progesterone production) and they are completely back to normal with a day or two after AF arrives. So this increase in tenderness has started me thinking.
Also, I took my temperature this morning. I wanted to wear my white pants to the meeting I had this morning and it seemed like an awfully big risk to where white so close to the expected arrival of AF. So, I decided to temp to be sure that she probably wouldn't be arriving a couple of days early. This morning my temp was 98.2. That seems pretty high to me. Again, I'm glad I haven't been temping because even that one temperature has me trying to start analyzing.
So now I have a couple of reasons to think it could be a possibiltiy (oh yeah, Erica says she has a good feeling too), however, I still have the reasons to believe AF could be here too. Some moodiness, the acne outbreak a couple of days ago (although that still may have been related to the facial, because it's cleared up), the desire for salt and sugar rather than chicken and veggies (who am I kidding, when have I ever desired chicken and veggies over a pint of Ben & Jerry's?). I guess only time will tell.
If I'm not pregnant, AF should arrive by the end of the week, possibly over the weekend if my lutal phase is on the long side and I'm off on my ovulation date. I'm testing Friday regardless. I hope I get 2 lines instead of one. If I'm not pregnant, I'd rather not make it to Friday to take the test. Negatives are so disappointing.
3 more days to wait.
Sunday, April 04, 2004
I'm Back!
I've been in Iowa since Thursday, below is the play-by-play. It was so good to spend time with family just because without the stress of holidays, etc. I hadn't seen Mom and Dad since Christmas, so it was about time for a visit. I think it was a really good visit and had a really nice time.
I worked until noon and then came home, went to the gym for my cardio, came home and finished packing. Eric picked me up to go to the airport around 3:15 p.m. My flight left at 5:05 p.m. I got into DesMoines around 8:00 p.m. (Central) and Mom picked me up. We went back to the house and just hung out and caught up a little.
We got up bright and early to head for our day at the spa. It was good, but we were a little disappointed because they kept us separate all day. We kind of wanted to do our spa day "together", but hey, it was still a day at the spa. I started with an hour long facial which was so great (I'm leaning towards a facial at the girl's weekend). After my facial I had a pedicure and manicure and really had a great chat with the pedicure/manicurist. My feet felt so soft afterwards and my nails had really grown alot lately so now they look good. After my manicure they took me into a room with a recliner and TV to hang out until my next appointment. I was probably in there for about an hour, but they brought me lunch (had to even eat lunch without Mom). While I was waiting, Mom came in and had finished her body wrap and massage and it was time for her to eat lunch. They came and got me for my body wrap and massage. The body wrap was bizarre. I got to wear a "spa thong" and they took rubber ACE bandages (soaked in some kind of hot herbal blend) and wrap you from ankle to wrist to neck. They take measurements before and after and I lost about 5 inches (I'm sure it was just temporary). After being wrapped, they put you in a rubber suit and took me back to the recliner room to soak. I waited about an hour and then they took me back and unwrapped me. Then I had my massage. It wasn't as great as my previous massage, but getting rubbed for an hour, I'm not complaining. After my massage, I went out and my manicurist, washed and styled my hair. We were there until about 4:00 p.m.
After the spa we drove back to the house and picked up Dad to go to dinner. We ate at the Peppertree? It was yummy. Then we went back to the house and Mom and I watched Pirates of the Caribbean (well I watched and Mom dozed).
Mom made Waffles, Bacon and eggs for breakfast and then we went to DesMoines to go shopping. We went to Bed, Bath, and Beyond and I got a few things. Then to the mall and I got a new pair of jeans from New York and Company and three tops from Sears. The jeans were only $20 and the tops were on clearance for $3.97 each. That's quite a bargin. After shopping we headed home and took a nap. Saturday evening, I set my Mom up with her very own blog and did a basic html programming lesson. She caught on pretty quick and it was fun.
We got up (seemed early with the time change) and went to their church. Then straight from church to the airport. I got home around 6:30 p.m. and Eric and I went for BW3's.
So that was my weekend. Now on to the TTC news...
TTC News
I've got mixed feelings. I am trying not to rule out the possibility that this month could have worked, but if I had to take bets, I'm probably about 85% convinced that this isn't the month.
Based on when I think I ovulated, I'm about 9 days post ovulation and am planning on testing on Friday if no AF. If negative, I'll wait until Monday to test again. If I'm right about when I ovulated, AF should be here on Thursday.
Here's why I think she may be right on time:
1. Friday evening, I developed some new blemishes. I've never had a facial before, so don't know if the fact that they cleaned everything out would make me more likely to have some new blemishes spring up, but by the time I got home, I developed three small ones above my left eyebrow and one on my chin. It seems more likely to me that I'm breaking out because my period is due next week.
2. I didn't stick to my diet as planned. It's tough while traveling anyway, but maybe I should have had some more willpower.
3. I've been kind of mean to Eric since I got home. Not really emotionally unstable mean, but just picking on him. Like I'll go to give him a kiss and then just feel like pinching him. It's weird really. Makes me think the irritability is just days away.
Last month I had so many "symptoms" I was convinced. I don't really have any this time. I don't have any reason to believe that this month could be it. I'm not really that concerned though. I still haven't decided on charting next month. I'm leaning more towards not charting. I can show the doctor my previous charts and tell her where I think I am in my cycle. I have a feeling she'll say there's nothing to worry about yet anyway.
I'm ok if this isn't the month. I'm not really counting on it. I think it's working to not worry about it. (At least it's better on my mind, if not my body). I haven't even been monopolizing the posts with TTC stuff during my 2ww. I didn't really want to have a baby that close to Christmas anyway, January or February would be better timing. Now I'll just wait this week out and hopefully not have to waste a test if she arrives Thursday as scheduled.
I worked until noon and then came home, went to the gym for my cardio, came home and finished packing. Eric picked me up to go to the airport around 3:15 p.m. My flight left at 5:05 p.m. I got into DesMoines around 8:00 p.m. (Central) and Mom picked me up. We went back to the house and just hung out and caught up a little.
We got up bright and early to head for our day at the spa. It was good, but we were a little disappointed because they kept us separate all day. We kind of wanted to do our spa day "together", but hey, it was still a day at the spa. I started with an hour long facial which was so great (I'm leaning towards a facial at the girl's weekend). After my facial I had a pedicure and manicure and really had a great chat with the pedicure/manicurist. My feet felt so soft afterwards and my nails had really grown alot lately so now they look good. After my manicure they took me into a room with a recliner and TV to hang out until my next appointment. I was probably in there for about an hour, but they brought me lunch (had to even eat lunch without Mom). While I was waiting, Mom came in and had finished her body wrap and massage and it was time for her to eat lunch. They came and got me for my body wrap and massage. The body wrap was bizarre. I got to wear a "spa thong" and they took rubber ACE bandages (soaked in some kind of hot herbal blend) and wrap you from ankle to wrist to neck. They take measurements before and after and I lost about 5 inches (I'm sure it was just temporary). After being wrapped, they put you in a rubber suit and took me back to the recliner room to soak. I waited about an hour and then they took me back and unwrapped me. Then I had my massage. It wasn't as great as my previous massage, but getting rubbed for an hour, I'm not complaining. After my massage, I went out and my manicurist, washed and styled my hair. We were there until about 4:00 p.m.
After the spa we drove back to the house and picked up Dad to go to dinner. We ate at the Peppertree? It was yummy. Then we went back to the house and Mom and I watched Pirates of the Caribbean (well I watched and Mom dozed).
Mom made Waffles, Bacon and eggs for breakfast and then we went to DesMoines to go shopping. We went to Bed, Bath, and Beyond and I got a few things. Then to the mall and I got a new pair of jeans from New York and Company and three tops from Sears. The jeans were only $20 and the tops were on clearance for $3.97 each. That's quite a bargin. After shopping we headed home and took a nap. Saturday evening, I set my Mom up with her very own blog and did a basic html programming lesson. She caught on pretty quick and it was fun.
We got up (seemed early with the time change) and went to their church. Then straight from church to the airport. I got home around 6:30 p.m. and Eric and I went for BW3's.
So that was my weekend. Now on to the TTC news...
TTC News
I've got mixed feelings. I am trying not to rule out the possibility that this month could have worked, but if I had to take bets, I'm probably about 85% convinced that this isn't the month.
Based on when I think I ovulated, I'm about 9 days post ovulation and am planning on testing on Friday if no AF. If negative, I'll wait until Monday to test again. If I'm right about when I ovulated, AF should be here on Thursday.
Here's why I think she may be right on time:
1. Friday evening, I developed some new blemishes. I've never had a facial before, so don't know if the fact that they cleaned everything out would make me more likely to have some new blemishes spring up, but by the time I got home, I developed three small ones above my left eyebrow and one on my chin. It seems more likely to me that I'm breaking out because my period is due next week.
2. I didn't stick to my diet as planned. It's tough while traveling anyway, but maybe I should have had some more willpower.
3. I've been kind of mean to Eric since I got home. Not really emotionally unstable mean, but just picking on him. Like I'll go to give him a kiss and then just feel like pinching him. It's weird really. Makes me think the irritability is just days away.
Last month I had so many "symptoms" I was convinced. I don't really have any this time. I don't have any reason to believe that this month could be it. I'm not really that concerned though. I still haven't decided on charting next month. I'm leaning more towards not charting. I can show the doctor my previous charts and tell her where I think I am in my cycle. I have a feeling she'll say there's nothing to worry about yet anyway.
I'm ok if this isn't the month. I'm not really counting on it. I think it's working to not worry about it. (At least it's better on my mind, if not my body). I haven't even been monopolizing the posts with TTC stuff during my 2ww. I didn't really want to have a baby that close to Christmas anyway, January or February would be better timing. Now I'll just wait this week out and hopefully not have to waste a test if she arrives Thursday as scheduled.
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