Wednesday, January 21, 2004

Month 3, Day 18 - 2 DPO

Still not sure about O-day, but I'm calling it Monday. Today's temp was way up at 98.0, but I'm going to count all of the other indicators and call it Monday. So now the waiting begins. At least Erica's results will be in before mine, so I have another day to look forward to first. I hope the next 2 weeks go fast. I'm not planning on testing until 2/4. That would be 16 days past ovulation if Monday was the day. My longest lutal phase was 15 days, so that should be safe.

Let's just focus on the diet and exercise until then. I've lost 3 1/2 pounds in the last 2 1/2 weeks, so that's good. I'll just keep that up.

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