Tuesday, March 30, 2004

Personality Tests

Heather sent us a cool link for Personality Tests, so I thought I'd post my results. I think it's pretty accurate.

(Submissive Introvert Concrete Thinker )

Like just 7% of the population you are an ACCOUNTANT (SICT)--reserved, meticulous, and dependable. While being called an accountant isn't really that cool, neither are you. You aren't exactly the life of the party, but you do have fun, and the people close to you really do love you.

There are basically two kinds of accountants, and you most likely fit into one of the two categories:

Seriously: accountants are good at whatever they do. They can always be trusted, especially by their friends. They almost never cheat or steal. (Some real-life accountants do, however, they are probably Judges (DICT)). You probably have a wonderful relationship with your family.

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