Saturday, March 06, 2004

Month 4, Day 35, 12 DPO

Yesterday was fun. We went to Will & Samara's for dinner. It was so yummy! Samara made Caribbean Jerk Chicken and we had Corn on the cob and Fetticini Alfredo. Then we played Yahtzee. Eric ended up winning, but I'm sure some time they'll be a rematch.

So this morning my temperature was only 98.0. I wish it would have been 98.3, but I don't exactly consider that a "dip." Also, being as obbsessive as I am, I took a pregnancy test. It was negative. I should have expected it, but it still brings me down a bit. I know, I know, that's why all my friends said to wait as long as possible. It's still early. Here are some stats from Fertility Friend:

The average HPT positive is at 13.6 DPO.
Percentage of pregnancy charts with a positive at 10 DPO = 10%.
Percentage of preganncy charts with a positive at 12 DPO = 27%
Percentage of pregnancy charts with a positive at 14 DPO = 60%
Percentage of pregnancy charts with a positive at 16 DPO = 86%
Percentage of pregnancy charts with a positive at 18 DPO = 100%

The meaning, waiting is better. Now, originally, I wasn't going to test until 16 DPO. I know I can't hold out that long. With my usual lutal phase length, AF should be due tomorrow. I'm going to make my next test day 14 DPO or Monday. We'll see how that works.

An interesting comparison. Today is CD 35. Now, I don't actually know when I ovulated in my cycle the last time I was pregnant, but I did get a negative at CD 35 that time and didn't test again until CD42. In this cycle, CD 42 would put me at 19 DPO. No wonder it was so clearly positive. I won't be waiting another week this time.

Ok, stuff to do. We've got a hockey game to go to tonight and Jeremy's coming in. I better clean the house and get some food.

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