Sunday, March 14, 2004

Month 5 - Day 6

It's not been a very productive time off although I have almost conquered Tetris Worlds. I also read The Hobbit, cleaned my house, did laundry including the sheets, and listened to 2 new CDs. I was pretty caught up at work on Wednesday, so it will be interesting to see how far behind I am tomorrow. I have one of my clients renewals at the end of the month and I left a quote deadline of Friday, so hopefully I have some numbers waiting patiently in my inbox at work and can put together a proposal tomorrow.

Things to do this week on a personal level. Check in with my friend H. who was having surgery at the end of last week. Check in with Erica to see if they started the semen analysis and her tests start this Friday. Also, I need to check in with Samara since we didn't talk at all last week. My brother stayed this week and I kind of stayed holed up and oblivious to the outside world. I also need to seriously put some work into studying for my CPCU, that test will sneak up on me before I know it. I'd like to work on the GWO scrapbook. Tuesday night I get to go shopping for Kim's shower (work friend) with the office money contribution. Wednesday, we're moving Survivor night due to the NCAA tournament. This could be a busy week. Oh yes, must also conquer Tetris Worlds. I hear it calling me now... (At least I'm playing games rather than reading trying to conceive blogs. I actually had to look at a calendar to see what cycle day I'm on.)

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