Monday, March 22, 2004

Month 5, Day 14

Thought I'd do a quick recap of the weekend before I leave for work.

Friday - Just hung out.
Saturday - Re-read Body for Life book, set some goals, printed out 84 days worth of food and exercise plans, planned my first week of meals
Sunday - Went to church in the AM, had lunch at Steak & Shake, bought a new Mini-disk player (so Eric and I don't fight over his), did the grocery shopping, recorded some tunes for workout onto the Mini-disks, took before pictures, dinner at April & Martins

Doesn't soundlike a lot, but I feel productive. I'm re-starting BFL and I mean it. I even went to the gym at 6:30 this morning.

I also wanted to say "I'm sorry" to Erica. Looks like Month 8 is a bust for her. Maybe you'll get some good info out of your tests last week and this week and I would maybe consider quitting charting for a month or two. It's been good for me.

About charting, I'm having an internal debate on what to do next month. The Pros of Charting: 1. I'll know exactly where I am in my cycle and have more data to take to the Doctor for my April 30th appointment. The Pros of Not Charting: 1. I'm made a spiritual decision to leave this in God's hands for his timing. It's much easier for me not to "obsess" and just wait if I'm not really tracking everything. 2. I think I can focus on BFL a whole lot better if I'm not taking up so much time analyzing my charts. I'm really leaning towards not charting, but just wonder if it's more valuable to have info for the doctor. Maybe I'll just chart next month and then see what she says and stop again? I don't know.

Ok, better leave for work or I'll be late.

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