Friday, March 12, 2004

Month 5 - CD 4

I've been on vacation for 2 days and it's been great. Been kind of lazy which is nice and did some shopping yesterday that's been keeping me busy. I bought Tetris Worlds for the computer and it's been taking up a lot of time. I also figured I might eventually need to read the Lord of the Rings books. I do enjoy reading and know that books are better than movies, so figure since I enjoyed the movies, I better get the real story and read the books. I bought The Hobbit for $10.50 and the Lord of the Rings Trilogy in one volume for $18.00 at Target. I'm about half way through The Hobbit. It's better than I remember. I remember trying to read it when I was about 10 and just got bored.

Today we went to the 12:45 p.m. showing of The Passion of the Christ. I'd read some reviews and heard from friends who'd seen it and honestly was a little disappointed. I think it was an excellent movie for showing the suffering of Christ and really gets to you to think of what a sacrifice dying for us really was, but I don't think that the movie will really touch many non-believers. Except for a few flashbacks of things that happened in his life (a couple of sermons, the last supper, etc.) most of the movie just focused on his arrest, trial, and death. I don't think the movie did a great job of showing "why" did he have to die for us. Also, there was only one seen of "ressurrection" which is really the biggest miracle of all. Anybody could die, but the fact that he rose again is the real miracle. Anyway, I'm glad I saw it and thought the part of the story that was told was good, but felt it would have been a better "message" if it ventured more into why he had to die, his teachings, and what happened after he rose from the dead.

On a completely different note, I've kind of enjoyed not taking my temperature the last few days. Partially because I've been sleeping in and don't have to wake up at 6:00 to take my temperature. I suppose it's also easier since I know it's too early for anything to happen. Not sure how I'll do in the next couple of weeks.

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