Tuesday, May 18, 2004

Pregnancy Brain

Yesterday, my pregnancy affected my brain. Here are two instances.

1. This wasn’t a big deal, but I finally couldn’t take the wondering and broke down and called the nurse line at the doctor’s office. I’m sure they write down every call, so I’m so glad that this one made me file, but anyway, I didn’t want to wait until my appointment to figure out what they would do. I asked the nurse if they would be able to hear the baby’s heartbeat at my next appointment since I’d be almost 11 weeks along. Her answer was maybe. She said 11 weeks is borderline on whether they can hear it. Based on factors like body composition (meaning layers of fat), position of the baby, etc. She said the next appointment for sure. However, she said that she thinks Dr. D will do another ultrasound. I’m so excited! Thinking more logically, that makes sense. If I followed the office’s “normal” schedule, I would have had my first appointment with ultrasound at 9-11 weeks. My next appointment 1 month later, they would definitely hear a heartbeat at 13-15 weeks. Since, however, I had an ultrasound at 8 weeks, and another appt. 3 weeks later, I may get a second ultrasound. There is no way they’ll do my appointment and let me leave without some “sign of life” be it a heartbeat heard via Doppler or seen via ultrasound. No matter what, I should have some contact with the baby’s heart next week. That makes me happy.

2. This was STUPID. I went to the grocery store after work. I successfully shopped. I loaded my trunk, I returned the cart to the rack, I got my keys, and I drove home. When I arrived home, I reached for my purse to head inside. It was gone. What I mean is, I LEFT IT IN THE CART IN THE PARKING LOT! I immediately drove (slightly above the speed limit) back to the grocery store. I said many prayers asking for forgiveness for my carelessness and asking for a break. One thing that really concerned me was that I’d taken my ultrasound pictures to work for Tammy to see, so they were still in my purse. Credit cards and checks can be cancelled, but pictures… I got back to the store, nothing was in the parking lot. I headed inside and luckily, a very nice man had turned in my purse (with all contents intact.) The girl behind the counter told me she had just called my house and told my husband that they had my purse. That was my next worry. I left my purse at the ballet on the way out less than two weeks ago and he had to go back and get it. He saw I was upset enough though, and luckily didn’t try to make me feel any worse. It worked out in the end, but I’ve got to get my act together!

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