Monday, May 10, 2004

My Symptoms

I've been told that I need to provide more information about what I'm experiencing rather than just the textbook type updates. So here's a post about the good, the bad, and the ugly of the third month of pregnancy (barely!).

The Good
- I'm pregnant!
- No period.
- I've lost 2 to 3 pounds.
- Up a bra size.
- My fingernails are growing at an incredible rate.

The Bad
- Morning Sickness. While I still have not actually vomited, I still feel nauseous most days. I'm learning a pattern though. Mornings are worse, usually between 8 and 11. The key is to eat in the morning before I start to feel bad and then keep eating all day before I get hungry. If I start to get hungry, I get nauseous and lose my appetite.
- Food Aversions or Cravings. Nothing in particular, but I've been wanting more complex carbs and less protein. I've also had a bit of a craving for milk. I've also cut a back a bit on the apples. Now I'm doing applesauce.
- Breast Tenderness. This is actually pretty tolerable. I get uncomfortable sleeping on my stomach sometimes, but I don't notice pain on a daily basis.
- Excess Gas. This has manifested in a variety of forms from lots of belching, to...other forms of gas release.
- Constipation. I never was really sure what this really meant, but think I'm getting it now. It hasn't been bad enough to try any type of remedies, but things have definately slowed down.
- Fatigue. This has actually been tolerable too. I get tired, especially after lunch and right around 5p.m. Sometimes I come home and take a nap, but then I have trouble going to sleep at bedtime.
- Emotional Instability - I am definately more sensitive. I'm more irritable and get sad easily. I cried twice Sunday. Once because I felt sick and once because I was overcome by love for my baby. I think Eric is a bit frightened.

The Ugly
- Acne. I feel like a teenager again. Luckily, I've never had "bad" skin, so my breakouts now are just one or two blemishes, but it's annoying. They are also in places other than my face, like chest, arms, and back.
- Take a look at my first belly picture. It looks like I'm growing a belly. Unfortunately I think some of it was already there and the rest is probably a result of that gas and constipation I mentioned before. I'm making an area to post all pictures on the side. See also my before picture, this one was taken about a week before I conceived. I actually weigh about the same or even a little less than my before picture.

Ok, hopefully, that's some good information for now. I'll try to do better on my symptom updates. Hopefully, the next one will be a "real" belly or the disappearance of the morning sickness. Things will start getting interesting in another month or two.

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