Friday, February 20, 2004

Still Month 4, Day 20

Highlight of today...Lunch at Tammy's. Jonathan is so BIG. He's almost 4 months old. It feels so good to hold a baby. Just gotta be patient. My day will come.

It's been a pretty relaxing evening. I was exhausted after work, so I came home and took about an hour nap. I figure it's ok if I can't sleep, because tomorrow is Saturday and I don't have to get up early, so I can stay up as late as I want.

Eric was in a bit of a mood when he came home. It's been a rough week and he had to stay an extra hour and a half at work tonight to find an accounting error his new employee made before he could make the nightly deposit and come home. He also said he had a headache, so I sort of steered clear of him and played on the computer. I'm looking for more cool things for my site.

I had a good chat with Mom tonight too. I think I'm going to plan a trip to see them in the next couple of months. It'll be interesting to see how the house is coming.

I just went down to see how Eric was doing and he was asleep on the couch. I kind of tried to wake him up, but he's not interested in waking up. That combined with the fact he wasn't in a great mood when he was awake, leads me to believe there may be a disruption to our (strike that - my) BD plans. I know we've had a busy week, but I'm sure that I'll be o'ing any day now and I think missing 2 days in a row is not the best course of action. It's a delicate line, I don't want him to feel "used," but timing is kind of important. I guess I'll try to wake him up one more time, and if not... If it's meant to be, it will be.

I feel like reading some good blogs. I may do a search and start linking to people. For some reason I have the desire to be read by a lot of people. Maybe I better get a more interesting life. I read someone's blog that had a Friday 5, where every Friday a group of people answered 5 questions about themselves. Maybe I'll do that.

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