Friday, February 20, 2004

Month 4, Day 20

Ok, so I'm getting a little tired of waiting on the big O. I'm a little concerned, but keep thinking of those long cycles the first time I got pregnant. It was 35 days after stopping the pill and I did get a negative HPT on CD35 last time I was pregnant, so maybe a long cycle is a good sign!

Another cool thing. As many of you know, Erica and I were born only 8 days apart. 3/1 and 3/9. Erica is due to take a test on my birthday 3/1. If today is my O-day, I will test on 3/7. So if the O hides out for 2 more days, I would test on Erica's birthday! I'm hoping it comes sooner than that, but it's still cool.

On another note, I'm so glad it's Friday. It's been a long week and we have NO plans this weekend. I just want to veg.

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