Tuesday, December 30, 2003

Month 2, Day 27, 11 DPO

Still waiting. Tomorrow will be the big test day. Although, I'm trying not to get my hopes up too much. It may still be too early. From reading the TCOYF book (everyone should really read by the way), it says that your lutal phase never varies more than 1 day on either side. I've only completed 1 month of charting, so for me this means that my Lutal Phase could be from 11 to 14 days long. (If 12 is my average it could be 11 or 13, if 12 was 1 day less than average it could be 13 or 14 too. So anyway, testing at 12 DPO may be a little early. Conservatively, if not pregnant, the absolute latest AF could come would be Saturday. I'll test tomorrow because finding out on New Year's eve would be cool. If negative, I'll probably test again on Friday.

I feel pretty good about it this month. Today I had a beautiful high temperature, 98.3. That's my highest post-O temp after excluding the one 98.6 that was effected by outside factors. So we will see what tomorrow brings. Hopefully, a BFP (big fat positive) for me and no AF for Erica. (I'm hoping for no AF, because that could mean that her ovulation was delayed because of stress, etc. and not that she has normally perfect cycles with no ovulation.)

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