Thursday, December 18, 2003

Month 2, Day 15

I don't know why, but around this time of month, I tend to get a little frustrated and think about throwing in the towel. Not sure why, but I feel like it's not going to happen. That doesn't make since, since I haven't even ovulated yet, but it feels like a lot of pressure. I just don't like this in between stage. If I was pregnant I could concentrate on that. If I wasn't trying, I could go full force at the diet and exercise plan. Now, I'm just sort of wishy-washy. Hopefully, this stage won't last too long.

I see my friend Kim at work who reminds me of where I would be with my first baby. It seems like it's going to fast. April seems so close. Then sometimes I'm glad that I'm not pregnant yet, because it would be almost over. I suppose that's just because I haven't had all the experiences that go along with being pregnant. I want to enjoy all of those moments. That probably doesn't make any since to anyone but me, but oh, well.

Currently, things are still going as planned. My temps are still staying steady, so I am definately a later ovulator. Eric and I have been prepared in case it happens earlier, but I I'm still expecting either late this weekend or Monday. Then the hard waiting game begins.

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