Thursday, December 04, 2003

Day 1

Yes, that's right. I had a vistitor this afternoon. One more positive from charting, I kind of expected it. It's also interesting that my Lutal Phase was only 12 days. They only consider it a problem if it's under 10, but I'll be curious to see if it's always 12 days. Supposedly, that doesn't change. Hopefully, I won't be able to find out because I'll be pregnant next month, but we'll see. Also, interesting that this cycle was 31 days. Is it a pattern?

For sure, the dieting is starting Monday. I'm going to attempt to jump start it with a workout on Saturday. I'm going to try to be strict too. Especially no sweets!

Ok, Erica, we have the same LMP now. Let's see what happens in December.

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