Thursday, December 04, 2003

Day 32, 13 DPO

I don't think this is the month. :( As you can see from the title of the post, no AF yet, but I'm guessing that could change by the end of the day or tomorrow. Today was my 3rd day in a row with temps below coverline, and I actually dipped again today to my average post-O temp. Despite still feeling a little nauseous, I also feel incredibly fat and a tiny bit crampy. I trust the temps and that AF will be here soon.

- If AF shows up today, that will officially make this a 31 day cycle and I would have had 2 in a row the same length.
- By charting, I know I ovulated.
- By charting, I didn't take tests early, and therefore, didn't waste any money this month (on tests at least)
- I won't be having an August baby. (Not that September will be any cooler).
- I have at least 1 more month where I'm allowed to diet and see if I can shed some weight.

Ok, got to work.

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