Sunday, December 28, 2003

Month 2 Day 25, 9 DPO

Ok, so here's the baby scoop from the long weekend. I was right that Christmas has helped keep my impatience to a minimum. I'm still feeling pretty confident, but am dying for the chance to take this test. As of now I'm planning on testing the day my period is due rather than waiting until it's a day late, unless I have any negative indications with my temps. Last month they dropped below the coverline on both 11 DPO and 12 DPO and then AF came on 13 DPO.

My temp taking was fairly consistant while traveling, although I took it about a half hour early on Christmas Day and 12/26. On Friday, I was a little nervous because it dropped below the coverline. My coverline is at 97.7 and my post-O temps have been between 97.8 and 98.1 (that's leaving out the one fluke at 98.6 and the dip I'm describing now). On Friday it was down to 97.6, but it came back up to 98.0 the next day. If I turn out to be pregnant, I think it could have been an implantation dip, as it was 7 DPO. I also felt a little crampy on Christmas Day.

Only 4 more days to wait. I also picked up the Taking Charge of Your Fertility book by Terri Weschler (maybe spelled wrong). It's awsome so far. I agree that everyone needs to read this regardless of whether they are trying to get pregnant or not. We'll see how it goes, but I may consider using the FAM (Fertility Awarness Method) as birth control after I have a baby. It's nice to think I may not have to deal with the hormonal changes the Pill causes. The upside, if I don't get pregnant this month, I've learned more to use next month.

I can't wait to get filled in on Erica's situation on Monday. From what I've read in this book, it doesn't seem possible that she hasn't ovulated over the past 4 cycles. She's been way too regular for that. She thought that she possibly ovulated last Sunday, Day 19, but that's the last I heard from her. I'm kind of hoping stress caused her to ovulate late this month (holidays, sister situation, etc.), that would cause AF to be "late" this month. That makes more since to me then her not ovulating at all for 4 months, but still having AF like clockwork. It just doesn't add up to me.

Ok, I should probably go to bed. I'm hoping for another high temp tomorrow. Maybe a really high one and we'll see if I can get a triphasic chart.

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