Sunday, October 10, 2004

Weekend Update

I have a feeling I'm going to be tired of traveling by the end of October. Not that I'm complaining, but 4 hours in a car is no longer fun. My back starts hurting if I sit in one position for more than 30 minutes, I don't feel it's safe to put my feet up on the dashboard and I still have the urge to pee every hour, plus I'm tired. Besides that, the weekend was good.

Eric and I got out of town on Friday around 6:00 p.m. We left Zeus with the neighbors, so we actually stopped and ate, plus some traffic issues and Eric made us stop and wash his car before getting there, we got in around 11:00 p.m. our time. I stayed up just long enough to say hello and watch the ultrasound video with Donna, then I decided to go to bed.

Saturday we got up around 9:30 Indiana time. Eric took me to McDonald's for breakfast where I got the Deluxe breakfast with pancakes, sausage patty, eggs, hashbrown, and a biscuit. Then we lazed around for a bit and then I showered and got ready for the wedding. Once we were both ready, we headed to the mall to get Eric a belt as he forgot his. While at the mall, I got a pretzel from Auntie Ann's as I hadn't felt Grace move much all morning and thought a snack might help. After the mall we headed to the church for the wedding. We were still early and I was a bit concerned, so I actually decided to try to wake Grace up and do kick-counts, since she'd been so quiet. It took about 30 minutes to get her up, but then I was rewarded with 6 movements which is all my doctor said we needed to get an an "active hour" so I decided she was just sleepy. The wedding was very nice. I think Eric enjoyed seeing many of his high school friends. The bride was a very good friend from high school and she looked beautiful and happy. We did get to chat with her a bit and she seems like such a nice person. If we still lived around there, we could probably be friends. Anyway, even though I am beginning to feel a bit huge, I did get some very nice compliments that I'm looking good, etc. I did get one person who suggested I may be having more than one, but we know that's not the case, so I'm not concerned. After the wedding we went back to Donna's and changed and then met up with Nick and Miranda to visit. We went to a nearby bar/restaurant and played a couple of games of pool and chatted. It was nice to see them, but I was beat and probably not very good company. We left around 10:30 p.m. and again, I went back to the house and to bed.

Today we got up just before 8:00 (IN time) and then went and had breakfast with Donna. Eric was having some stomach issues, so didn't eat, but I again loaded up. After breakfast we headed home. We made it back around 2:00 p.m. We both showered and I took a nap. When I got up from my nap, Eric had left me a note that he went to BW3's with Martin to watch football (Martin's a Carolina fan). I was hungry again, so decided to go join them for a bit. Then I stopped by Wal-Mart and came home to watch some TV and work on my craft projects. I have now officially finished the blanket. I still need to do the mobile cover and I have enough extra fabric to make a couple of pillows. I'm also working on a cross stich baby announcement. I'm not sure I'll get it done in the next two months, but I'll try.

This week should go buy fairly quickly. I need to be productive at work as this will be the last week I work before taking a week vacation! Yeah! Eric has an employee out and can't take time off with me, so I'll be at home, but I need to rest a bit. Thursday is my shower at work, so I'm kind of excited about that. Also, after work Thursday, I leave for Lafayette for the beginning of the next GWO. It will actually be in Terre Haute, but our hostess is working part day on Friday, so those of us who want to get started early are meeting at Erica's.

I'll try to get a new belly picture up tomorrow, but that may be it before the weekend. Have a good one!

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