Thursday, October 21, 2004

Doctor's Appointment

Nothing too exciting going on, but I thought I'd update on my Doctor's appointment. I got the nurse that doesn't share any of my vitals with me (blood pressure, pulse, etc.), so all I know is my weight. According to the doctor's scale measurements, I've gained 5 1/2 pounds since last month and a total of 24 pounds overall.

When the doctor finally came in (I really get sick of waiting), we listened to the heartbeat which was really easy to find. She measured me, but didn't tell me my measurements, and took questions. I also let her know about my other ultrasound. She seemed happy that she was right on the guess of the baby's sex. She also asked how it went and how much it cost. I asked her if Grace would stay head-down, and she said probably. I also asked about my lack of Braxton Hicks contractions. She said that it isn't a problem. With her first baby she didn't notice them until 35 weeks, with the second she was already having them where I am now. I then asked when we'd start guessing how big the baby was. She said, when we get closer to the end. I mentioned that she had said she wasn't working over Christmas. She pointed out that she just meant that weekend (Thursday-Sunday). She said if I'm still hanging around and am "ripe" we may induce on the 23rd, but if not, she'll have me wait until the 26th when she's back. So, she's really just interested in letting nature take it's course unless there's a reason to do otherwise.

I guess there goes my guarantee of having the baby before Christmas. We'll see how it goes. This pregnancy has been easy so far, so I'll just hope it stays that way.

Afterwards, we made my next appointment for 2 weeks from today on Thursday, November 4th. I'm guessing it'll be more of the same. Well, that's it for now. Back to the "vacation to-do list."

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