Wednesday, October 20, 2004


About a week and a half ago (just after my political post) , my brother called me to tell me that he was being transferred to a different reserve unit that was about to be activated. He asked to keep it quiet until he knew what was happening as he had to report to one of the regional bases (that's probably not the right terminology) last Tuesday.

Thursday while I was driving to Indiana for my girl's weekend, he called to tell me the news. He and one other person from his unit have been transferred to a unit in Maryland. That unit is being activated and will be heading to Iraq. He has to report to Fort Bragg on October 30. He's not sure if he'll have to meet up with the rest of the unit earlier or what his travel arrangements will be, but he's heading back to Indiana this weekend. His reserve unit is in Indiana, although he recently moved back in with my parents in Iowa. He's been traveling back monthly for his reserve. Anyway, his last day of work will be Friday. He will then fly into Indianapolis and stay with my granparents. He will report to his unit on Monday or Tuesday to find out the details of his travel plans. So, if I want to see him before he leaves, I will be making another trip to Indiana this weekend. Of course, I want to see him.

I don't think it's all quiet sunk in yet. I still think of him as a kid, you know, my annoying little brother. He's 21 years old though, and that means he's an adult. I find some comfort in that his specialty shouldn't take him to the front lines, although in a war anything can happen. I'm guessing he'll be there for a year, although no one has told me that. I don't see him a whole lot as it is, but it'll be different knowing he's there. I just pray that he stays safe.

I'll get more details on when and where he's going to be this weekend and when I'll meet up with him. I'm also not sure if my parents are coming too, or if they are just saying their goodbyes this week. At least from this end, it looks like we'll be leaving here by early afternoon on Saturday (Eric needs to work a couple of hours on Saturday) and then driving over and staying Saturday night and then coming back sometime on Sunday. I'm just glad that things worked out so that I can see him. This is the only weekend we didn't have plans in October and I only have 3 more weeks of doctor approved time to travel before Grace comes.

I'll let you know how our visit goes.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

I know you're scared & worried about your brother going over to Iraq. I just wanted to let you know that I understand how you're feeling. My husband is a Captain in the Army and was in Kuwait & Iraq from Sept. 2002-May 2003 and now he'll be leaving again in January (this time for a year or more.) It's frightening to send someone you love off to such a terrible place. I will keep your brother (along with all the other troops) in my prayers. Just know he is doing a brave & noble job in the reserves. Enjoy your time with your brother this weekend.