Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Picture Pages

I just thought I'd do a fun post and share some recent pictures. As these are recent, I am pregnant in them, but none of them are an "official" belly shot. I may still get that done tonight, but in the meantime, enjoy!

Because of popular demand, here is the mostly finished product of the blanket I've been making. This picture was before I put the back on and finished the edges. I've also made a cover for the mobile and a pillow. I still have two more pillows to make and then I'll take a finished picture of the crib.

Eric caught me taking a break to watch Grace kick while working on her blanket.

Here's a picture from the Colt's game a couple of weeks ago.

These pictures are all from the wedding last weekend.

These are of Eric and I. Again. Again.

This is Eric's Mom, Donna and her boyfriend Larry.

This is Eric and his highschool buddies.

I'll see if I can get you a belly pic and measurements tonight.


Mrs. T said...

All pics very cute! Looks like you did a great job on the blanket, too.

Anonymous said...

I just came across this...i have a blog too...nothing like this! Congratulations!
