It was a very nice shower. The people at my office are very generous and they all pitched in to get me a group gift and then several individuals also got me gifts on their own. The group gift was the Pack & Play that we registered for and a very nice Eddie Bauer diaper bag. We also got lots of very cute outfits for Grace in various size ranges, a couple supersoft baby blankets, and a sterling silver rattle. I think this is going to be one very well dressed baby.
I have a couple of pictures for your viewing pleasure. (Mom, my goal by the next shower date is to make you a CD of all pregnancy related pictures, so don't worry if you can't print these).
This is the cake.
Here is a photo of all the gifts.
As a tease, posts to come include, the GWO update, news about my brother/what's happening this week, and the Pregnancy Update. I'm on vacation this week, so we may actually get a lot of posts in!
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