Monday, August 23, 2004

Weekend Update

I had a very nice weekend visiting family.

Things started off a little rocky on Thursday. The plan was to come home from work, do the laundry, pack, and see who got evicted on Big Brother. I did start out doing the laundry, but just as Big Brother was getting started, Zeus had a seizure. It was so scary. He was eating and then I looked over at him and he was holding this one leg up weird. I went to see if he had hurt himself and he fell down and couldn't stand up. He wasn't really shaking or twitching, but he couldn't use his legs and he looked very scared. You could see it in his eyes. He tried to run into the other room, but kept falling over and looked like a baby horse that had just been born trying to walk. We grabbed a sheet on the refrigerator that had the map to the Emergency Vet and jumped in the car. He seemed to recover in the car and by the time we got to the vet, he was his normal self. We had them check him out and do some bloodwork. Two hours and $170 later the diagnosis was that sometimes dogs have seizures and unless he has several in a short period of time, or one lasts longer than 5 minutes, there isn't much they will do. When we got home I did one more load of laundry and decided that the packing just wasn't getting done that night.

Friday, I decided to take summer hours because I still had work to do at home. I came home around 1:30 p.m., took a nap, finished the laundry, and packed. We headed out around 6:00 p.m. when Eric got home. There was a lot of traffic, but we made it to Grandma's at a little after 9:00 Central time. Mom, Dad, and Jeremy were already there, so we just visited. Mom and Dad gave up the bed in the guest room for their pregnant daughter, so we slept in there with Zeus. I think being cooped up in the car all evening made him not very tired, so I had a horrible night's sleep.

Saturday, I got up with a full blown cold. It was starting last week, but by Saturday I was really miserable. Mom, Grandma, and I went to Lafayette for some shopping. We went to JoAnn Fabrics, Michael's, Target, and Toy's R Us. Mom really wanted to buy Grace an outfit, so we weren't leaving until she found one. Target didn't have much, so we stopped by Toy's R Us and found some really cute dresses. Grace now owns something pink! We also got lunch at Steak N' Shake. That was an early craving, but I haven't had it in a month or so. It was still very yummy. After we got back to the house, I took a little nap. The cold was kicking my butt! I picked up some Sudafed after talking to the pharmacist at Target, but I was still pretty miserable. One of my cousins' stopped by to chat and then the guys showed up with pizza. We ate and watched the Olympics. Satruday night was much better sleeping. Playing with the other dogs must have worn Zeus out, and I was all drugged up, so I slept ok.

Sunday, I got up fairly early and visited with Mom. Then we got ready for church and went to a church where a lot of the people from my old church go now. It was good to get to see everyone again. After church we had lunch with one of the couples and my parents. We ended up leaving town around 3:45 p.m. We made good time on the way home and made it here before 7:30 p.m. Sunday evening was spent on the couch trying to feel a little better.

It was so nice to see everyone without the added pressure of a big family gathering. There wasn't anything that had to be done and we really got to visit. I think my Mom is really excited about this first grandchild. I know we wish we could spend more time together, but we just keep promising to do better at calling and I'm going to have to get better at the pictures. The only thing I was disappointed in was that she didn't get to feel the baby kick. Grace just wasn't very cooperative. She was kicking Saturday night, but just not in the right places at the right time. I think she's feet down right now because I feel a whole lot way down low that you couldn't really feel from the outside. Stay tuned for my weekly update next.

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