Thursday, August 26, 2004

Appointment Update Plus Miscellaneousl Life Comments

First of all, I had another appointment today. It was pretty uneventful, but I still should post about it. We didn't expect anything exciting to happen, so this was the first one I went to by myself. I got there about 15 minutes early. Why do I still do that? At 2:00 (my appt. time) I headed back to leave my sample. Another 15 - 20 minutes went by and then they called me back. They weighed me and I had gained 8 pounds since my last appointment. That seems like a lot to me, but my total weight gain is just 14 pounds, and no one else seemed to think it was unreasonable, so I guess we'll just go with that. The nurse took my blood pressure and pulse and didn't share either number with me. Just after 2:30 p.m. Dr. D came in. She asked how I was feeling. I mentioned my cold. She asked if the baby was moving alot. I said yes. She had my lay on the table and got out the tape measure. They measure from your pubic symphysis to the top of your uterus. I'm not sure exactly how to find either of those points. She didn't tell me what the number was. We listened to the heartbeat. I hadn't heard it in a month, so that was nice. She said it sounded good. I asked her about this weird pressure/pain I have after I stand up after sitting or laying down. As suspected, it's normal and the weight of my growing uterus and baby are just stretching my round ligaments that support my uterus. It isn't a crampy sensation, just a weird stretching/pulling, so I'm guessing it'll get more noticable the larger I get. I asked her if I was in the normal range as far as size. She said yes. I said, "I'm just feel huge." She pointed out that some people have more room in the torso area then others, so I probably just feel/look bigger because I'm not that tall. She also gave me the sugar drink to take home. I'm supposed to chug it 1 hour before my next appointment and they'll take blood to test for gestational diabetes next time. For this time, that's about it.

Miscellaneous - Work
I think I'm more stressed right now about work than I ever have been. I just feel like there is so much to do! I like being busy, but right now I'm working within a time frame and that adds pressure. We have an internal audit of our files on September 8 and 9th. We have "Professional Standards" for those files that include timing that things have to be completed, etc. Many of my accounts are not in great shape. There is a variety of reasons for this. One is that my prior boss was not really that great at keeping on top of those types of things. There are only so many times I could suggest that we work on some of these items, then once they were late...well, they were already late and we had lots of work to do! The other reason is that a few of my accounts are new to me and I wasn't involved when the process began, so I may have other peoples mistakes to fix. The fact that this audit is looming plus the fact that I barely have enough time in the day to get my regular work done, causes me stress. Add to that the fact that I have a CPCU exam on 9/13 and I'm only on page 250 of 800 in my book. Anyway, I've been working alot. I stayed at work until 6:30 p.m. three days this week already. I also plan to put in 4 hours or so on Saturday and probably the same amount of time on Sunday this week. Next week will be me last chance to get everything done for the audit, so I'm forseeing many long days next week too. Again, I don't mind being busy, but what's really bothering me is that I am now thinking about work at home. I don't like that. I like to come home and forget about work until it's time to go back. Instead I catch myself making mental lists of things to get done tomorrow or even dreaming about work. I certainly hope that I feel better after this audit.

Miscellaneous - Baby
I feel like things are coming together at home. Our crib and dresser are in and will be delivered on Saturday afternoon (thus why I'm only working 4 rather than 8 hours Saturday). My Mom gave me money last weekend for the glider, so I'm hoping we can go buy it on Saturday afternoon or at least order it if they don't have them in stock. I also told Eric that I'll want to get the mattress and he suggested the bedding, so we may be doing some shopping at Babies R Us. I just want it to really look like a nursery. Last night I ordered a changing table online from It was only $100 after tax and shipping and it should be here September 10th. I'll be 6 months pregnant by then. That is so hard to believe. I am also going to go get the rest of the supplies for the curtains this weekend. I still need to buy a board that Samara can attach the yellow curtains too and I need a tension rod for the sheers and some L-brackets to hang it all up. Sounds like a busy weekend.

Miscellaneous - Friends
I miss them. All of them. I usually e-mail Danialle and Erica several times a week at work, but I've just been too swamped (see above). I think they've been busy too, because I haven't got many e-mails either. I feel bad, but I know we'll catch back up sooner or later. I miss Samara too. We need to plan a get together just for fun. I've seen her new house put together, but Eric hasn't and we've both been busy too. Now school is starting, so I'm guessing that her work is getting a bit more busy too. It's her first year teaching, so she can't exactly coast yet. My friend Kelly at work is still hanging around. I'm expecting her to go into labor at any minute. She isn't due until the 10th, but started dialating 3 weeks ago. Tuesday she was at 3cm, so I was sure she wouldn't last this long. They are inducing her on the 3rd if she makes it that long. I don't think she'll be back Monday.

Well, that's about it. I'm thinking a hot bath and early to bed sounds good tonight. Eric is already asleep on the couch. He got my cold, so he needs the rest. Poor baby. Speaking of baby, I may spend some time on the couch letting Grace kick me too. Good night!


Mrs. T said...

Hopefully your stress will let up after your audit. I'm sure everything is running around w/ their heads cut off b/c of the audit. You are getting some OT. Sometimes I wish I could get that, but I know when the time comes it is always inconvenient.

That's interesting about them measuring you. I guess I didn't realize they did that much. Of course, how would I know? Has she said yet how big she thinks little Grace will be by the end? (With you and Eric being big babies)

Kitten said...

Gosh!!! I miss you girls so much. I don't know why it seems like we're so far away right now, must be the lack of emails. Thank goodness it's one more month until GWO then showers.

Jennifer said...

To answer a few comments! OT would be better if I got paid for it. I'm on salary, so it doesn't really matter how many hours I work, the check is the same. I'm hoping it'll pay off in other ways (i.e. people seeing me staying late, working hard, etc.)

Measurements - She hasn't said much about the size of the baby. Chances are she'll be on the large end because of genetics, but she hasn't made any guesses as to the end weight or even current size.

Did you say GWO is in a month! Wow, time goes fast. I guess it will be September next week. I can't wait to see you all again

Lastly, I just reread my post and wanted to apologize for all the spelling and grammer mistakes. I must have been really tired.