Sunday, August 08, 2004

21 weeks, 1 day - The 22nd Week

My Symptoms
I'm definately enjoying the second trimester. I really feel great. I haven't even had any heartburn issues this week. I did get a headache that wouldn't quit and stayed home on Thursday, but other than that, I really feel good. I really feel (and look) pregnant now, and it's fun to have strangers make comments. I even got a carry-out at the grocery store and I didn't have to ask. Grace has been kicking up a storm. I now know I feel her several times a day, usually in the mid-morning if I'm sitting at my desk and not running around, late afternoon right before I leave to go home, and then now at night while we're just hanging out. I think Eric is getting anxious to feel her too. He keeps rubbing my belly and just likes to touch it. I haven't been sure I've felt it from outside yet, so I don't know if he can. It's just hard to know sometimes when I have my hand on my belly if I am really feeling it with my hand or if I am imagining it, since I felt it from the inside. Soon it will be obvious. Last night I actually saw a kick though. It was a big one, and I really saw the side of my belly move. I probably could have felt that one, but I wasn't touching it. I also was getting lots of little fluttery kicks up by my belly button while we were singing at church today. I kept staring at my belly though, and didn't see any of those. Speaking of belly button, I'm thinking it may be possible that mine will pop out before birth. I've always had a really deep innie, and thought there was no way it would come out. Now, it's still definately an innie, but I can tell it's much shallower (as in I can see the bottom) and I've still got to get a whole lot bigger. I guess we'll just wait and see.

The Baby
Your baby now weighs about 12.25 ounces. Crown-to-rump length at this time is about 7.6 inches. Your baby continues to grow; its body is getting larger every day. Your baby's eyelids and even the eyebrows are developed. Fingernails are also visible.

You’ve got a one pounder in there! Depending upon your particular fetus and pregnancy, it is probably around 10 1/2 inches tall from head to teeny, tiny toes.

Your baby now looks like a miniature newborn, checking in at 10.9 inches and almost 1 pound. Her skin will continue to appear wrinkled until she gains enough weight to fill it out, and the fine hair (lanugo) that covers her head and body is now visible. Her lips are becoming more distinct, and the first signs of teeth are appearing as buds beneath her gum line. Her eyes are developed, though the iris (the colored part of the eye) still lacks pigment. Eyelids and eyebrows are in place, and her pancreas, essential for hormone production, is developing steadily.

The baby is getting bigger and continuing to practice for extrauterine life. This week your baby has developed eyebrows! S/he weighs about 15 ounces (425 grams) and is 27.5 cms or 10.8 inches total length!

The Mom
Your uterus is now about 0.8 inch above your belly button or almost 9 inches (22 cm) from the pubic symphysis. You may feel "comfortably pregnant." Your enlarging abdomen is not too large and doesn't get in your way much. You're still able to bend over and to sit comfortably. Walking shouldn't be an effort. Morning sickness has probably passed, and you're feeling pretty good. It's kind of fun being pregnant now!

Keep up your healthy pregnancy diet. That means lots of calcium, green leafy vegetables, and protein. Watch your intake of fat and sugar. Pretend you’re in training for a marathon. (You are!)

You may start to notice stretch marks on your skin as your abdomen expands to accommodate your growing baby. Some pregnant women never get stretch marks, but at least half do. These small streaks of differently textured skin can range from pink to dark brown (depending on your skin color), and they become more apparent as pregnancy progresses. They can appear not only on your tummy, but also on your buttocks, thighs, hips, and breasts. Lotions won't prevent or eliminate them, but they help with any itching. Also, you may no longer be an "innie" — your navel is flat and may soon pop out. It will revert to its usual shape after birth.Another interesting skin quirk you may notice during pregnancy is something called vascular spiders. These are little areas of raised, reddish skin, with tiny branches. Commonly found on the face, neck, upper chest, and arms, they're caused by the higher levels of estrogen in pregnancy, and they usually disappear after delivery.

You are still feeling pretty good and active in this second trimester. If you are still having aches and pains or feel like you are slowing down you may want to look into some different remedies.
Sex is something that many pregnant couples don't really discuss at length. However, sexuality can change a lot during pregnancy. Usually in the first trimester you are nauseated, your breasts are sore, or you are just too tired. Finding alternate ways of expressing your sexuality without intercourse is appropriate. In the second trimester libido is usually increased. With the increase blood flow and secretions in the vagina and clitoris, some women become orgasmic or multi-orgasmic for the first time. You do not have to worry about getting pregnant, so this may be the first time in your lives where you weren't trying to get pregnant or trying to prevent a pregnancy. There is no way that you are going to harm the baby during intercourse, although this is a common fear. The baby is well surrounded by the amniotic sac and blissfully unaware of your actions. Unless you have been told by your practitioner that you should abstain from sex, it is a very healthy activity to engage in while pregnant. As you head into the third trimester creativity can be key. New positions will most likely take place, but studies have shown that there are very few reasons that you can't have sex up until the birth! Your practitioner will let you know if you should abstain from intercourse.

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