Monday, August 16, 2004

Weekend Update

I’ve been a bad blogger, but wanted to try to get a weekend update in. Tonight I’ll try to do my weekly development update too.

This week was completely crazy and busy. From Sunday through Thursday I did Vacation Bible School at church every night from 6:30 p.m to 8:30 p.m. Two nights I was with the 1st and 2nd grade class and the other three nights I had a 2 year old in the nursery to watch. It wore me out!

Friday night was the closing program for VBS at 7:00 p.m.. Eric decided not to go with me, but it was still fun. The kids all got on stage and sang their songs, and then they had ice cream Sunday’s. My neighbor April was there, and we decided to call our husbands and have them meet us at El Vaquero’s for dinner after the program. We had lots of yummy Mexican and then went home. April had used the DVR to record the Olympic Opening Ceremony, so I went over there and watched it with her. I headed to bed sometime around midnight or 1:00 a.m.

Saturday morning I slept in a bit, but got up around 10:30 a.m. I then went to Lowe’s to buy paint and supplies to get started on the nursery. When I got home, Eric was still sleeping so I woke him up to get started on the day. He went to work for a bit and I taped the nursery. After he got home, I decided I wanted a nap, so I napped while he mowed the yard. After mowing, he had Martin come help him move the dresser and bed from the guest bedroom to the garage for our upcoming garage sale (date to be determined). Then he started painting. I did a bit of cleaning while he was painting, and by 9:30 p.m. we were both finished and watched some Olympics on TV. By the way, Eric did an awesome job painting. I was so proud of him, although I felt bad that I didn’t help.

Sunday we went to church. When I got home, I ran to the grocery store and Eric went to buy a new video game and pick up some BW3’s for lunch. After eating, I got to work on the ducks in the nursery. I used my stencil I made, plus the laser level (awesome) and a crayon to draw all the ducks on the wall. There ended up being 50 of them. Then at about 3:00 p.m. my friend Kelly from work came over. She brought her Pug dog Dewey and he and Zeus when crazy for about 2 hours. We just chatted and let the dogs play and then she left just before 5:00 p.m. Then it was back to work. I ended up doing 2 coats of yellow paint on the ducks with a 45 minute break in between. I still have to do the beaks and eyes, but they are very cute. Not quite perfect, but good enough for me. I didn’t take pictures yet, because they aren’t done, but expect pictures this week. Around 9:30 p.m. I decided to give it up for the night and tried to watch some more Olympics. My eyes kept closing though, and around 10:30 I gave up and went to bed.

To do this week, finish ducks and take pictures. I’ll be out of town (seeing my parents!) this weekend, so I will be excited to have that done before I go. One more thing, Eric is being so cute about seeing my parents. He was totally fine with the trip and then realized that his Fantasy Football draft is the same weekend. He told me he wanted to do the football thing back in May, but I didn’t have the draft on the calendar. If you don’t do the draft, you can’t play, so this was a dilemma. I didn’t want to tell him he couldn’t do it or had to come with me, but he doesn’t want to be “that husband.” You know, the one who always blows off the wife’s family things. Because of his work schedule and things, I do tend to see my parents by myself a lot and especially with the baby on the way, he doesn’t want to seem uninterested. I on the other hand, don’t want him to be a grouch and resenting giving up his football thing while hanging out this weekend. He made his decision though and decided to use the money he would have paid to get into the fantasy league to buy a new video game and now he will spend the weekend with me and visiting my parents. He also promised not be grouchy while there. We’ll see how that one goes.

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