Once that's done, I'm going to do a really good vacuum job and then steam the carpets while there isn't any furniture in there. The furniture should arrive next week. Samara's been working on my curtains and they are almost done (I still have to get her the board to use for the cornice and she may have to come help me hang them. I'm guessing once the crib arrives, we'll want to go buy the baby mattress and bedding, so it looks real. My mobile arrived yesterday (so cute!). It's coming together! I'll post more pictures after the furniture and curtains are in.
Here's the tour. This is a picture of one wall (standing in the doorway).
Here is a close-up of the duckies. Please, no one comment on them not being perfect. I was going for the I did it at home look.
Last, but not least. A quick shot of the closet and the cute little baby clothes already hanging there waiting.
That's the tour. I'll do more when the other stuff gets here.
My goodness, that is the cutest thing I've ever seen. Ducks & purple together was a PERFECT idea. You keep those pictures coming missy!
I love it!
I think you did a great job on them, too! It's more original when you do it yourself. I saw that first dress hanging in there. *wink!* How adorable. Can't wait to see more pics after more of it comes together!
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