Sunday, August 29, 2004

My Husband & Dad's

I know you probably gets bits and pieces of this by reading my blog, but I just wanted to put it in writing how blessed I am to have a man like Eric. I talk to other people, so I know all men aren't this way. I love him. Of course that's to be expected, but it seems like I find myself falling more in love with him constantly. I loved him the day we got married, but the way and depth of that love today is so much more. As he put it, "With time you become more like one." I am especially touched watching him change into the man who is going to be the father of my children. Sometimes it's easy for me to get wrapped up in "pregnancy" and believe that this whole process is all about me. Then he does little things to remind me that it's about us. He sincerely cares and wants to be involved in the process. He told me today that sometimes he feels bad that he isn't more involved. It's the little things I see him do. The day he was in the baby's closet taking out and looking at all her clothes. The way he helped me decide where to put all the furniture. Seeing him with the paint roller of purple paint in his hand. How upset he got about me taking cold medicine and possibly hurting the baby. How he gets riled up when I run up the stairs or poke my belly. How he aks how his daughter is doing. Besides the baby, there are the other things. On Saturday, he cut a few roses from our rosebush outside, stripped off all the thorns, pruned back some of the leaves and left them in a vase on the table for me. He always remembers to offer a kiss and I love you before he leaves for work. He's just amazing. I can't imagine not being with him.

I am looking forward to the day when my heart overflows a little more when I see him hold his daughter for the first time. I'm guessing there will be tears and I'll see this man I love totally committing himself to this tiny person. I'm hoping he'll be alot like my Dad. Eric was pointing out this morning, that he thinks my Dad would go to the ends of the earth for me. I agreed. I love that I've never questioned that. My Dad has always been there for me. I don't know that I always appreciated it at the time, but if I ever needed (or really wanted) anything he would do it for me. I can see that in Eric and I'm glad. He's going to make an excellent father.

1 comment:

Kitten said...

You are truly blessed! xoxo-D.