Monday, August 02, 2004


I love my baby. There's nothing more wonderful than feeling these little rolls and kicks inside me and knowing that she's alive and growing and all mine. I'm anxious for the time when Eric can feel her too, but it's kind of nice having it all to myself right now. My favorite is when I'm sitting at my desk at work and all the sudden I get this nudge, like she's saying, "Hey, Mom, don't work too hard. Don't forget about me!" Then I go get a snack.

Tonight I felt this weird feeling and then pressure on the lower end of my belly. It was like she was stretching or something. Then I touched the spot where I felt the pressure and it was really hard. I wonder if it was a little head or back or butt pushed up against my belly. It won't be long before those kicks can be felt from the outside. Ok, off to bed.

1 comment:

Kitten said...

Awwww....that is soo sweet. I want to feel!