Wednesday, August 11, 2004

Kids Say the Darndest Things & Kicks

I have two stories to share from last night.

Kids Say the Darndest Things
I have been helping with Vacation Bible School in the evenings this week. I have been doing the nursery, but last night my one child didn’t come, so I helped out with the 1st and 2nd grade class. There was a boy who was quite a handful. At one point the kids were lined up to get drinks at the water fountain and Bobby got ready to flick the girl in front of him in the rear. I said, “No, Bobby.” That turned his attention to me and he aimed his “flicker” at my belly. At this point another little girl asked me, “Do you have a baby in there?” I said, “Yes, I do.” Then she said, “Bobby, don’t! You could hurt the baby. If you hurt it and it doesn’t make it, then it will have to go to COSI.” I then said, “COSI?” She then said, “That’s where they have the babies in the jars.” For those of you that don't know, COSI is a children's museum here in town that has various exhibits. One of those exhibits has jars with fetuses in various stages of development. She must have went to visit at some point and asked her parents where they got the babies. I’m guessing the answer was that they were babies that didn’t make it, thus, babies that don’t make it go to COSI. It was a little morbid, but also funny.

After I got home from VBS last night, I got a bowl of ice cream and settled down on the couch to watch Big Brother. Maybe it was the sugar, but Grace was really active. I was feeling tons of kicks (kind of like right now, come to think of it). I lifted my shirt, stared at my belly, and watched to see if I could see another kick. After a while, I did see one, although it wasn’t as obvious as the one I saw on Saturday. Then I told Eric that I was getting lots of kicks and asked if he wanted to come over and see if he could see or feel one. He came over and put his hand on my belly where I was getting lots of kicks. Very quickly we were rewarded. I got a really big kick and just as I was about to tell Eric that I felt a big one, he said, “I felt it!” It was so exciting. I think I was more excited then he was, but I was just so glad to get to share it with him. Now I’m sure he’ll get tired of me making him feel her move. The other good thing is that now that I know we can feel it from outside, I may get to let my Mom feel next weekend. I didn’t know I was going to get to see her before October, but then this trip popped up. I really hope we have a cooperative baby and she can feel a kick or two. Another milestone. First kick felt by Dad, 21 weeks 4 days.


Kitten said...

That story is make the weirdest connections to stuff they see.

Secondly, I can't wait until we can feel Grace in October!!!! I hope your mom can enjoy her first grandchild too! She'll be sooo happy! Have fun on your visit!

Mrs. T said...

Wow, it is so neat following your pregnancy with you. I love the story of kids going to COSI. That is so awesome that Eric can finally feel it, too. Make sure to eat some ice cream next weekend if Grace isn't cooperating. There's more than one way to bribe her!

Makes me even more anxious for our time to come.