Thursday, January 27, 2005

Doctor's Appointment - Postpartum

I had my postpartum checkup today. I took Grace with me and she was very well behaved. All the nurses and ladies in the front office oohed and aahed over her. Of course, because she's so darn cute. My weight was still disturbingly high (although neither or the nurse or doctor said anything about it). My blood pressure was fine. Dr. D did a bit of internal exam and said everything looked good and seems to have healed nicely.

She asked me if I wanted a prescription for birth control, which I accepted (I'm not quite ready for another one yet). I'll get to start the pill again whenever my first period arrives. She asked about breastfeeding, Grace's cleft palate, and if we had resumed "relations." All which I answered honestly.

She said Grace looks like her Dad, which seems to be a common comment. That and that she has a ton of hair.

The appointment was nice. Dr. D was actually more chatty than usual, so it was quite pleasant. I won't see her again until I'm due for my annual in June. So it's official. I'm cleared to go back to work and officially recovered from childbirth.

1 comment:

Cop Mom said...

I am so happy that everything is going well for you and the baby...