One issue we have with Grace his her constant desire to be held. She fusses alot. I wouldn't call it colic, because we can easily get her to stop crying by feeding her (remember she eats roughly 6 to 8 hours per day, or by holding her. Now I don't mind holding her when she's awake and alert, that's a good interaction time, but the problem comes in when she's asleep. She'll fall asleep in your arms and then when you lay her in the crib she'll wake up and scream until you pick her up again. This is making things difficult. During the day, I would like to nap or get some things done around the house while's she's asleep and at me selfish, but I wouldn't mind sleeping a little too.
We've got lots of well meaning advise from friends and family telling us not to hold her so much, or to just let her cry, she's manipulating us, or that it's "good for babies to cry." However, everything I've read says that a baby her age can't manipulate us and we should go to her when she crys. The books say that babies that are held are less likely to be clingy, dependent children and adults and well be more independent. They are also supposed to cry less as infants, a reference was made to American Indian cultures where they carry the papooses around all day. The dependency thing is supposed to be because by responding to baby's cry, you are teaching her that you are there for her and will meet her needs, where if you let her cry she feels abandoned, so as they get older they will be more clingy if they felt abandoned as infants.
Anyway, I felt like I needed to do something, so yesterday while at Babies R Us, I bought a sling carrier to carry her around and free up my hands. We tried it out yesterday evening and it looks a little uncomfortable. However, today, she was fussy and had just ate, so I put her in it and within 30 seconds she stopped crying and fell asleep. It's wonderful. She's in it right now as I'm typing. So we'll see how this goes.
Now, I'm going to go try to put her in her crib while I sneak a shower in and maybe, just maybe she'll sleep long enough for me to get a nap in too. Last night was rough. She slept from 10:00 to 2:00 a.m. and then was up at 4:00 a.m. and only slept in 30 minute to 1 hour intervals from 5:00 to 9:00 a.m. Mommy is very sleepy.
Thursday, December 30, 2004
Wednesday, December 29, 2004
I got pictures of Grace done at Babies R Us today. Here they are for your viewing pleasure. We ordered the first one.

Sunday, December 26, 2004
Still Here
Where does the time go? Oh yes, I spend it feeding Grace, pumping, and napping when I can.
This has been a rough two weeks for me, but I think I'm finally starting to get the hang of things and hopefully, it'll turn around soon. I think I should first admit that I think I have a bit of the "baby blues." I wouldn't go as far as saying I have postpartum depression, but I will say there has only been 1 day I haven't cried since Grace has been born. I think a big part of it is the lack of sleep. I've always been a 8 hours plus kind of girl and sleeping in 2 or 3 hour chunks has been really rough. Especially when it takes Grace about 40 minutes to an hour to drink her bottle, then I have to pump and then maybe, she'll go to sleep. She's been staying awake after feedings alot now, so there is usually a 2 or 2 1/2 hour stretch where we're up overnight. I try not to make Eric do much in those overnight times, because he's back to work, but man it's tough.
I do love her though, and she's so sweet. She makes the cutest faces and I just love cuddling up with her. I even let her sleep in my bed with me one night (mostly because she had been up from 7:00 p.m. to 1:30 a.m. and woke up every time I tried to lay her in her crib and I was dying for some sleep, but oh well.
Baby's crying. I'll be back later.
Ok, new day and another moment to try to finish this post while Eric is taking the baby duty.
It's now Monday of our second week by ourselves and I think we're starting to get the hang of things although last night was a rough one. We also had a doctor's appointment at 10:00 today. I'm not sure if it happens every time, but we didn't get to see the doctor until about 11:15 a.m. and that is way too long to wait with a fussy baby. Luckily I brought a couple of bottles and fed her while we were waiting. This girl eats almost constantly, but she's gaining weight as today she weighed 9 pounds 1 ounce. After the doctor we came home and took a nap (both of us), then we got up, fed Grace and went to the grocery store. That's 2 outings in 1 day, I'm getting to be a pro at this! Sunday was another busy day as we took Grace to church for the first time and then went to brunch afterwards with Eric's family (Mom, Brother, Sister-in-Law, and Nieces). Grace slept through the entire service and woke up for a bottle while we were waiting on our table. She finished eating just before our food came and hung out quietly in her carrier while we ate. I was so impressed.
I think physically I'm recovering nicely too. I got over most of the soreness after the first week although, I'm not sure how long the stitches take to dissolve or if they are still there. I'm still bleeding a bit, but it's getting lighter, so I'm assuming that will be done soon. Of my 35 pound weight gain, I lost between 15 and 20 pounds by the time I got home from the hospital. The rest has been slowly coming off. I've been frustrated that I still have to wear maternity clothes as my prepregnancy stuff either doesn't fit or makes me look really fat. Although Eric keeps reminding me that it's only been two weeks. Today, however, I weighed myself and found I'm only 9.5 pounds above my prepregancy weight, so I tried my jeans on again and with some holding my breath, I got them buttoned and wore non-maternity jeans to the doctor today. I haven't been craving as much junk, so I'm hoping the rest will continue to drop off. Eric bought me some exercise videos and stuff I can do at home for Christmas (at my request), so I'm hoping to start exercising soon, although I need to wait at least a month before I can maybe get clearance from my doctor. I was considering starting a diet for the New Year's but may need to put that on hold for a while too.
Pumping all the time really has me down, as it seems like I spend all of my time either feeding Grace or pumping. Assume it takes Grace 40 minutes to an hour to finish a bottle and she eats an average of 8 times per day. That's 6 to 8 hours a day feeding the baby. Then it takes me about 20 minutes start to finish to pump. I do that about 6 to 8 times per day which is about 3 hours pumping. That means if I do all feedings that I would be feeding or pumping 9 to 11 hours per day. Keep in mind that after several feedings she's awake for another hour or two, plus the time I'm trying to sneak naps in...that's why we're not posting much. Anyway, I wanted to discuss stopping pumping and switching to formula with the doctor today. She was thrilled at me pumping though. Especially when I told her I'm getting between 3 and 4 ounces per breast at each pumping and Grace is eating about 3 to 4 ounces per feeding. That means I have been freezing a ton of milk and have a great supply. She wants me to keep it up for at least a month, so I've got another two weeks to keep going. After that, we'll re-evaluate.
Ok, I think I've left the family upstairs long enough, plus I haven't put up those groceries from todays trip to the store and I was considering starting some laundry. I better get to work. I'll try to update again soon, but if not, I'm still around, just busy.
This has been a rough two weeks for me, but I think I'm finally starting to get the hang of things and hopefully, it'll turn around soon. I think I should first admit that I think I have a bit of the "baby blues." I wouldn't go as far as saying I have postpartum depression, but I will say there has only been 1 day I haven't cried since Grace has been born. I think a big part of it is the lack of sleep. I've always been a 8 hours plus kind of girl and sleeping in 2 or 3 hour chunks has been really rough. Especially when it takes Grace about 40 minutes to an hour to drink her bottle, then I have to pump and then maybe, she'll go to sleep. She's been staying awake after feedings alot now, so there is usually a 2 or 2 1/2 hour stretch where we're up overnight. I try not to make Eric do much in those overnight times, because he's back to work, but man it's tough.
I do love her though, and she's so sweet. She makes the cutest faces and I just love cuddling up with her. I even let her sleep in my bed with me one night (mostly because she had been up from 7:00 p.m. to 1:30 a.m. and woke up every time I tried to lay her in her crib and I was dying for some sleep, but oh well.
Baby's crying. I'll be back later.
Ok, new day and another moment to try to finish this post while Eric is taking the baby duty.
It's now Monday of our second week by ourselves and I think we're starting to get the hang of things although last night was a rough one. We also had a doctor's appointment at 10:00 today. I'm not sure if it happens every time, but we didn't get to see the doctor until about 11:15 a.m. and that is way too long to wait with a fussy baby. Luckily I brought a couple of bottles and fed her while we were waiting. This girl eats almost constantly, but she's gaining weight as today she weighed 9 pounds 1 ounce. After the doctor we came home and took a nap (both of us), then we got up, fed Grace and went to the grocery store. That's 2 outings in 1 day, I'm getting to be a pro at this! Sunday was another busy day as we took Grace to church for the first time and then went to brunch afterwards with Eric's family (Mom, Brother, Sister-in-Law, and Nieces). Grace slept through the entire service and woke up for a bottle while we were waiting on our table. She finished eating just before our food came and hung out quietly in her carrier while we ate. I was so impressed.
I think physically I'm recovering nicely too. I got over most of the soreness after the first week although, I'm not sure how long the stitches take to dissolve or if they are still there. I'm still bleeding a bit, but it's getting lighter, so I'm assuming that will be done soon. Of my 35 pound weight gain, I lost between 15 and 20 pounds by the time I got home from the hospital. The rest has been slowly coming off. I've been frustrated that I still have to wear maternity clothes as my prepregnancy stuff either doesn't fit or makes me look really fat. Although Eric keeps reminding me that it's only been two weeks. Today, however, I weighed myself and found I'm only 9.5 pounds above my prepregancy weight, so I tried my jeans on again and with some holding my breath, I got them buttoned and wore non-maternity jeans to the doctor today. I haven't been craving as much junk, so I'm hoping the rest will continue to drop off. Eric bought me some exercise videos and stuff I can do at home for Christmas (at my request), so I'm hoping to start exercising soon, although I need to wait at least a month before I can maybe get clearance from my doctor. I was considering starting a diet for the New Year's but may need to put that on hold for a while too.
Pumping all the time really has me down, as it seems like I spend all of my time either feeding Grace or pumping. Assume it takes Grace 40 minutes to an hour to finish a bottle and she eats an average of 8 times per day. That's 6 to 8 hours a day feeding the baby. Then it takes me about 20 minutes start to finish to pump. I do that about 6 to 8 times per day which is about 3 hours pumping. That means if I do all feedings that I would be feeding or pumping 9 to 11 hours per day. Keep in mind that after several feedings she's awake for another hour or two, plus the time I'm trying to sneak naps in...that's why we're not posting much. Anyway, I wanted to discuss stopping pumping and switching to formula with the doctor today. She was thrilled at me pumping though. Especially when I told her I'm getting between 3 and 4 ounces per breast at each pumping and Grace is eating about 3 to 4 ounces per feeding. That means I have been freezing a ton of milk and have a great supply. She wants me to keep it up for at least a month, so I've got another two weeks to keep going. After that, we'll re-evaluate.
Ok, I think I've left the family upstairs long enough, plus I haven't put up those groceries from todays trip to the store and I was considering starting some laundry. I better get to work. I'll try to update again soon, but if not, I'm still around, just busy.
Thursday, December 16, 2004
Grace's Birth Story
The baby has been fed and Daddy's home from work, so I have a moment to tell you how Grace came into this world.
Sunday morning I got up at at about 7:45 a.m. Eric and I had planned to go out to breakfast before church, so I was getting ready to jump in the shower. After I used the restroom, I was about to get in the shower when I noticed some fluid running down my legs. It wasn't alot and I had just used the restroom, so I wasn't 100% sure, but I immediately thought, "I think my water broke." I decided to go ahead and shower and see if there was still fluid after I was out and dry. I remember feeling a couple of possible "gushes" in the shower, but as I was standing under running water, I wasn't sure. After I got out of the shower and dried off I brushed my teeth, put in contacts, etc. and sure enough more fluid was running down my legs. I got partially dressed and headed downstairs to wake Eric up. He had stayed up Saturday night playing X-Box and fell asleep on the couch. I woke him up and told him that I had bad news. I didn't think he'd be able to watch the Colt's game today. That woke him up and he asked if I was in labor. I told him I think my water broke. At that time I wasn't having contractions yet, so I told him he had time to take a shower and we'd get the rest of our stuff together and make a couple of calls. While Eric was in the shower, I called my parents and let them know that we were about to head to the hospital and they started checking out flights to come on over. Then I called Samara to let her know what was up. We grabbed our last minute items. By the time Eric was out of the shower (8:15 a.m.) I had started having contractions. I came down to put a couple lines on my blog and while sitting at the computer felt a more definate gush and by then was pretty sure this was it. I was pretty calm, but Eric was a bit freaked out. We drove the hospital and went up to labor and delivery to check in. By the time we got to the hospital my contractions were about 5 minutes apart.
They put us in a triage room first to confirm I was in labor before admitting me (about 9:00 a.m.). They used this strip of paper to try to test the fluid to see if it was amniotic fluid. Unfortunately, I was a little too "dry" so the strip didn't completely turn colors. They told me I'd have to wait for a resident to do an internal exam where they collect some fluid from just outside the cervix and look at it under a microscope. We waited around for a while and finally the doctor came in to check me. While I was scooting down towards the stirrups I had another little gush and the doctor saw it, so they decided to use the strip again and this time it confirmed that my water had broken. While the doctor was there they did check me and I was at 3 cm, 90% effaced, and -1 station. The on-call doctor from my practice gave orders for me to walk for a while, so while they were doing my admission paperwork and getting me a room, they sent Eric and I to walk around the hallways for an hour. We walked for an hour and then went back and were put in our Labor and Delivery room around 11:00.
They hooked me up to the fetal monitors for a half hour or so and my contractions were about 2 to 3 minutes apart. Then they had me walk for another hour. This hour was tough. The contractions were really getting intense and I had to stop during every one to lean against the railing or Eric and breathe through it. We were supposed to go back to our room at 12:50 p.m. (after 1 hour of walking). We got back into the room and hooked back up to monitors. The monitor didn't seem to show all of the contractions that I was feeling and they mentioned giving me Pitocin to see if they could make my contractions more regular. I told them I didn't think the monitor was showing everything, so they put in an internal monitor. The internal monitor showed I was having contractions about every 90 seconds, so they decided I didn't need the Pitocin after all. They also checked me at this time and I was dialeted to 6 cm and 100% effaced. Will and Samara came in around 1:00 p.m. and got to witness some of the contractions I had to deal with. After they checked me, I started asking about an epidural. They said they would order me one, but they needed to start my IV and they had to take some blood to the lab before they could do it. They asked if I wanted some Nubane in the mean time. Eric and I had discussed it before hand and wanted to avoid Nubane, but these contractions hurt! I asked how long it would be before the epidural came, so I could decide if I wanted to just wait it out. They said an hour, so I decided to get the Nubane. It was wonderful. It made me a little sleepy and slightly drugged, but it definately took the edge off of the contractions. I'm not sure if it was the new drug or my perception of time, but it seemed like the anesthesiologist was there about 20 minutes later to give me the epidural. It was a breeze to get in as I didn't feel a thing. The IV in my hand hurt more. Eric saw the needle though and said it was pretty big. The epidural was in place around 2:00 p.m. After that, I didn't feel any of the contractions. I was just talking to people and sometimes Eric or Samara would mention that I was having a contraction (by looking at the monitor), but I didn't even notice. Will left a little later, but Samara decided to stick around since it seemed to be going relatively quickly.
Around 3:00 p.m., the nurse came back to check my progress again. I was now 7-8 cm. I'm not sure exactly when it was but around this time, Donna my mother-in-law arrived as well. We started trying to guess how much longer. We all thought maybe 7 or 8 p.m., but the nurse's guess was 5:15, so she must have known I was really progressing nicely. She came back to check me again at 4:00 p.m. This time I was 9 cm (still not feeling the contractions). She told me she'd be back in about 15 minutes, but to call sooner if I started feeling like I needed to push. Right about 15 minutes later, I started to feel like pushing. She came back and checked me and sure enough I was 10 cm dialated. Donna headed to the waiting room, the nurses brought out the sterile drapes and set up the tables with whatever stuff they use, and they adjusted the bed to add the stirrups and drop off the end for pushing. Around 4:20 p.m. I got to start pushing.
It took a couple of contractions for me to get the hang of it, but very quickly we started to make progress. Eric held one leg, while Samara held the other and Eric actually watched the whole time. At around 4:30 p.m. he could see the top of the head during pushes. I asked them to drop the mirror down so I could watch too. It was so amazing to see her little head making it's way down. They went to call my doctor at 4:30 to tell her to come to the hospital. She was about 20 minutes away and luckily for me, had come on call at 1:00 p.m., so my doctor was going to deliver my baby. After that, the nurse had my scale back on the pushes, so I wouldn't deliver before the doctor got there. I skipped a couple of contractions and did smaller pushes on others. Dr. D came in just before 5:00 p.m. Samara moved off to the side and the nurse took over on that leg. Now I got to push hard again. Her head came through and then things got a little crazy. Instead of having me stop pushing for a moment, everyone kept telling me to push more. I was running out of steam, but they just kept telling me to push. Then they had Eric move out of the way and the nurse jumped up on my bed and started pushing on my belly. The doctor apologized, but said they needed to cut me. Grace's shoulders had gotten stuck and they needed to get them out. Somehow, they made it through and Grace was born. They put her up on my chest and I just remember that she seemed purple and slippery and slightly sticky.
Then they took her over to the baby warmer to check her out. Eric went to the warmer to see her and the doctor started working on me. I still needed to deliver the placenta and get stiched up. They were immediately concerned about the shoulder dystocia. When she first came out she wasn't moving her right arm. The nerves can get pinched when the shoulder gets stuck and sometimes cause temporary or even permanent damage. They told us they were going to have someone from the NICU come to check her out. Otherwise she had Apgar scores of 7 and 9. By the 5 minute mark, she was beginning to move her right arm and they were less concerned about her shoulder. I was getting really impatient as I couldn't see the baby, but Eric took a couple of pictures and brought the camera over so I could see them. They weighed and measured her and said she was 8 pounds, 11 ounces and 21 inches long.
A few minutes later the NICU doctor came to check her out. By this time she seemed to have regained full use of her right arm. She had a good grip in both hands and everyone was pleased that there didn't appear to be any damage. Grace must have been crying during this time, because during her exam, the NICU attendant found out that she had a cleft palate. She had a dime size whole in the back of the roof of her mouth. They came to discuss it with us and said that it happens early in pregnancy (the first 8 weeks) and sometimes the palate doesn't completely close. It should be easily repairable with a surgery or two at Children's Hospital and we'll find out more about that part when we have our first official pediatrician appointment.
After checking her out, they wrapped her up, gave her to me and let us just hold her for a while. They let Donna come in and everyone got to see her. My parents arrived in from Iowa and got to the hospital around 7:00 p.m., just before they transferred us to our post-partum room.
Grace is beautiful and healthy for the most part and I felt very pleased with our birth even though we did have a few complications. When I have more time, I'll try to talk a little more about some of the consultations regarding feeding in the hospital, but overall, we just have a beautiful baby girl and couldn't be happier. Here's one more picture for you.
Sunday morning I got up at at about 7:45 a.m. Eric and I had planned to go out to breakfast before church, so I was getting ready to jump in the shower. After I used the restroom, I was about to get in the shower when I noticed some fluid running down my legs. It wasn't alot and I had just used the restroom, so I wasn't 100% sure, but I immediately thought, "I think my water broke." I decided to go ahead and shower and see if there was still fluid after I was out and dry. I remember feeling a couple of possible "gushes" in the shower, but as I was standing under running water, I wasn't sure. After I got out of the shower and dried off I brushed my teeth, put in contacts, etc. and sure enough more fluid was running down my legs. I got partially dressed and headed downstairs to wake Eric up. He had stayed up Saturday night playing X-Box and fell asleep on the couch. I woke him up and told him that I had bad news. I didn't think he'd be able to watch the Colt's game today. That woke him up and he asked if I was in labor. I told him I think my water broke. At that time I wasn't having contractions yet, so I told him he had time to take a shower and we'd get the rest of our stuff together and make a couple of calls. While Eric was in the shower, I called my parents and let them know that we were about to head to the hospital and they started checking out flights to come on over. Then I called Samara to let her know what was up. We grabbed our last minute items. By the time Eric was out of the shower (8:15 a.m.) I had started having contractions. I came down to put a couple lines on my blog and while sitting at the computer felt a more definate gush and by then was pretty sure this was it. I was pretty calm, but Eric was a bit freaked out. We drove the hospital and went up to labor and delivery to check in. By the time we got to the hospital my contractions were about 5 minutes apart.
They put us in a triage room first to confirm I was in labor before admitting me (about 9:00 a.m.). They used this strip of paper to try to test the fluid to see if it was amniotic fluid. Unfortunately, I was a little too "dry" so the strip didn't completely turn colors. They told me I'd have to wait for a resident to do an internal exam where they collect some fluid from just outside the cervix and look at it under a microscope. We waited around for a while and finally the doctor came in to check me. While I was scooting down towards the stirrups I had another little gush and the doctor saw it, so they decided to use the strip again and this time it confirmed that my water had broken. While the doctor was there they did check me and I was at 3 cm, 90% effaced, and -1 station. The on-call doctor from my practice gave orders for me to walk for a while, so while they were doing my admission paperwork and getting me a room, they sent Eric and I to walk around the hallways for an hour. We walked for an hour and then went back and were put in our Labor and Delivery room around 11:00.
They hooked me up to the fetal monitors for a half hour or so and my contractions were about 2 to 3 minutes apart. Then they had me walk for another hour. This hour was tough. The contractions were really getting intense and I had to stop during every one to lean against the railing or Eric and breathe through it. We were supposed to go back to our room at 12:50 p.m. (after 1 hour of walking). We got back into the room and hooked back up to monitors. The monitor didn't seem to show all of the contractions that I was feeling and they mentioned giving me Pitocin to see if they could make my contractions more regular. I told them I didn't think the monitor was showing everything, so they put in an internal monitor. The internal monitor showed I was having contractions about every 90 seconds, so they decided I didn't need the Pitocin after all. They also checked me at this time and I was dialeted to 6 cm and 100% effaced. Will and Samara came in around 1:00 p.m. and got to witness some of the contractions I had to deal with. After they checked me, I started asking about an epidural. They said they would order me one, but they needed to start my IV and they had to take some blood to the lab before they could do it. They asked if I wanted some Nubane in the mean time. Eric and I had discussed it before hand and wanted to avoid Nubane, but these contractions hurt! I asked how long it would be before the epidural came, so I could decide if I wanted to just wait it out. They said an hour, so I decided to get the Nubane. It was wonderful. It made me a little sleepy and slightly drugged, but it definately took the edge off of the contractions. I'm not sure if it was the new drug or my perception of time, but it seemed like the anesthesiologist was there about 20 minutes later to give me the epidural. It was a breeze to get in as I didn't feel a thing. The IV in my hand hurt more. Eric saw the needle though and said it was pretty big. The epidural was in place around 2:00 p.m. After that, I didn't feel any of the contractions. I was just talking to people and sometimes Eric or Samara would mention that I was having a contraction (by looking at the monitor), but I didn't even notice. Will left a little later, but Samara decided to stick around since it seemed to be going relatively quickly.
Around 3:00 p.m., the nurse came back to check my progress again. I was now 7-8 cm. I'm not sure exactly when it was but around this time, Donna my mother-in-law arrived as well. We started trying to guess how much longer. We all thought maybe 7 or 8 p.m., but the nurse's guess was 5:15, so she must have known I was really progressing nicely. She came back to check me again at 4:00 p.m. This time I was 9 cm (still not feeling the contractions). She told me she'd be back in about 15 minutes, but to call sooner if I started feeling like I needed to push. Right about 15 minutes later, I started to feel like pushing. She came back and checked me and sure enough I was 10 cm dialated. Donna headed to the waiting room, the nurses brought out the sterile drapes and set up the tables with whatever stuff they use, and they adjusted the bed to add the stirrups and drop off the end for pushing. Around 4:20 p.m. I got to start pushing.
It took a couple of contractions for me to get the hang of it, but very quickly we started to make progress. Eric held one leg, while Samara held the other and Eric actually watched the whole time. At around 4:30 p.m. he could see the top of the head during pushes. I asked them to drop the mirror down so I could watch too. It was so amazing to see her little head making it's way down. They went to call my doctor at 4:30 to tell her to come to the hospital. She was about 20 minutes away and luckily for me, had come on call at 1:00 p.m., so my doctor was going to deliver my baby. After that, the nurse had my scale back on the pushes, so I wouldn't deliver before the doctor got there. I skipped a couple of contractions and did smaller pushes on others. Dr. D came in just before 5:00 p.m. Samara moved off to the side and the nurse took over on that leg. Now I got to push hard again. Her head came through and then things got a little crazy. Instead of having me stop pushing for a moment, everyone kept telling me to push more. I was running out of steam, but they just kept telling me to push. Then they had Eric move out of the way and the nurse jumped up on my bed and started pushing on my belly. The doctor apologized, but said they needed to cut me. Grace's shoulders had gotten stuck and they needed to get them out. Somehow, they made it through and Grace was born. They put her up on my chest and I just remember that she seemed purple and slippery and slightly sticky.
Then they took her over to the baby warmer to check her out. Eric went to the warmer to see her and the doctor started working on me. I still needed to deliver the placenta and get stiched up. They were immediately concerned about the shoulder dystocia. When she first came out she wasn't moving her right arm. The nerves can get pinched when the shoulder gets stuck and sometimes cause temporary or even permanent damage. They told us they were going to have someone from the NICU come to check her out. Otherwise she had Apgar scores of 7 and 9. By the 5 minute mark, she was beginning to move her right arm and they were less concerned about her shoulder. I was getting really impatient as I couldn't see the baby, but Eric took a couple of pictures and brought the camera over so I could see them. They weighed and measured her and said she was 8 pounds, 11 ounces and 21 inches long.
A few minutes later the NICU doctor came to check her out. By this time she seemed to have regained full use of her right arm. She had a good grip in both hands and everyone was pleased that there didn't appear to be any damage. Grace must have been crying during this time, because during her exam, the NICU attendant found out that she had a cleft palate. She had a dime size whole in the back of the roof of her mouth. They came to discuss it with us and said that it happens early in pregnancy (the first 8 weeks) and sometimes the palate doesn't completely close. It should be easily repairable with a surgery or two at Children's Hospital and we'll find out more about that part when we have our first official pediatrician appointment.
After checking her out, they wrapped her up, gave her to me and let us just hold her for a while. They let Donna come in and everyone got to see her. My parents arrived in from Iowa and got to the hospital around 7:00 p.m., just before they transferred us to our post-partum room.
Grace is beautiful and healthy for the most part and I felt very pleased with our birth even though we did have a few complications. When I have more time, I'll try to talk a little more about some of the consultations regarding feeding in the hospital, but overall, we just have a beautiful baby girl and couldn't be happier. Here's one more picture for you.

Wednesday, December 15, 2004
Grace Ellen Marie
Well, we did it.
Now we are remarkably on Day 3. I'm very tired, but very happy. I'll get my birth story on here later, but for now I just wanted to provide the stats and just a couple of pictures.
The labor went smoothly with a slightly more challenging delivery. Grace was born on Sunday, December 12, 2004 at 5:13 p.m. She weighed 8 pounds, 11 ounces and was 21 inches long. So for our guessing contest, Heather would be the winner being off by 1 day with a guess of 12/13/04 and 2 ounces with a guess of 8lb. 9 oz. She is beautiful and keeps getting prettier by the day.
Our current challenge is feeding. Grace was born with a cleft palate, I'll provide more info on that later, but it means she has a hole in the back of her mouth that makes it very hard to get good suction to nurse. We have been attempting breast feeding, and she latches on well, but doesn't really have great suction, so we don't think she's actually getting much. I've been using a breast pump and pumping and now my milk has come in, so we supplement with a bottle after each feeding attempt to be sure she gets enough to eat. She has to use a special bottle that we can squeeze to help her draw the milk and luckily it works well and she's able to get enough by bottle.
Ok, I heard her wake up upstairs, so I'm going to just post a few pictures and will attempt my birth story tomorrow.
Grace at Birth
Grace & Mommy in Delivery Room
3 Days Old & Sleeping
After the First Bath at Home
Now we are remarkably on Day 3. I'm very tired, but very happy. I'll get my birth story on here later, but for now I just wanted to provide the stats and just a couple of pictures.
The labor went smoothly with a slightly more challenging delivery. Grace was born on Sunday, December 12, 2004 at 5:13 p.m. She weighed 8 pounds, 11 ounces and was 21 inches long. So for our guessing contest, Heather would be the winner being off by 1 day with a guess of 12/13/04 and 2 ounces with a guess of 8lb. 9 oz. She is beautiful and keeps getting prettier by the day.
Our current challenge is feeding. Grace was born with a cleft palate, I'll provide more info on that later, but it means she has a hole in the back of her mouth that makes it very hard to get good suction to nurse. We have been attempting breast feeding, and she latches on well, but doesn't really have great suction, so we don't think she's actually getting much. I've been using a breast pump and pumping and now my milk has come in, so we supplement with a bottle after each feeding attempt to be sure she gets enough to eat. She has to use a special bottle that we can squeeze to help her draw the milk and luckily it works well and she's able to get enough by bottle.
Ok, I heard her wake up upstairs, so I'm going to just post a few pictures and will attempt my birth story tomorrow.
Grace at Birth
Grace & Mommy in Delivery Room
3 Days Old & Sleeping
After the First Bath at Home
Sunday, December 12, 2004
My Water Broke
This time I think I mean it. We're heading to the hospital to confirm. Another update in a couple of days!
Saturday, December 11, 2004
Update on Friday
I'm going to try to post everyday now, mostly for the readers that I don't actually know or coorespond with in my day-to-day life. We're in the home stretch now and Grace could be here literally any day.
First of all, I am sorry to report that the contractions I had all day Thurday, pretty much amounted to nothing on Friday. I had a couple in the morning, but they weren't in the 20 minute apart range and then by lunch time, nothing was happening. The upside was that I made it through a meeting/conference call that I've been working on putting together for the past couple of weeks and now my fill-in person will be much better prepared to work on my renewal while I'm gone. I'm actually really happy about where I am at work, except that I've been waiting on this one piece of information from one of my clients for the last month or so. I'm working on a project for them and can't really do much more until I get this information. Well, they decided to send it finally at 4:30 p.m. on Friday. That's nice. Now, I will have something else to try to finish up if I go back on Monday.
I also called the doctor again yesterday morning. This time the nurse called me back in a timely manner. She said that Dr. D is fine with scheduling an induction next weekend and wants to do Saturday 12/18 (which is what I requested). The only problem is that the hospital won't allow scheduling more than a week in advance, so they have to wait until Monday to book it. My parents are going to go ahead and book their flight for Thursday afternoon and will just change it if we end up going sooner. So, now that I know at the very least, we'll be going in on Saturday, I could pick a last day of work. I still have 2 personal days that I haven't used for 2004 that won't be carried over to next year. I requested that I use them on Thursday and Friday next week (assuming I could otherwise work). I got the ok, so at the latest Wednesday will be my last day of work before my maternity leave. Yeah!
Friday night we had a decent evening. We were trying to get things moving a bit. I was really achy yesterday, so afterwork I came home and took a hot bath and then a 30 minute nap. Eric didn't get home until almost 7:00, so when he got home we went to the mall. We took back the jeans I bought for his birthday that were too small. Then we found some other jeans, bought him some new shoes for work, he got 2 new Colt's hats, and we picked up our final gifts for Eric's family and are now officially done Christmas shopping. We were at the mall until 9:00 and they shut down. Then we went to Chili's and had some dinner. After that we came home and I sat on the big exercise ball that Eric bought me for Christmas. He gave it to me Thursday because I couldn't get comfortable sitting on the couch and mentioned that I wish I had one of those balls they had in our childbirth classes to sit on. He bought if for exercise purposes, but it was nice. Then before we went to bed we tried one more old trick for getting labor started, but we don't need to share the details here.
So now it's Saturday morning, my water still hasn't broke and no contractions to speak of. It's hard to believe this is my last Saturday to just sit around and be lazy. This time next week I'll either be a Mom or at least at the hospital working towards that goal. All I have planned is to write the receipts in the checkboook, do a couple of bills, and when Eric gets home we're going to attempt to install the carseat base. Other than that, I may just be sitting with my feet up crossstiching or bouncing on my exercise ball.
One last thing to write about. My feelings keep sort of flip-flopping about the induction and when I want to have this baby. I've been thinking I wanted it to happen this weekend, but now with nothing really going on in the contraction department, I'm thinking that may not happen. Now I'm thinking maybe it wouldn't be so bad for her to wait a bit longer. I still would prefer to go into labor naturally, but it would be great if that happened on Thursday or Friday. My parents will be here by Thursday night. If we wait that long, I could have my Mom present for the birth. She could be at the hospital with me. I'm sure you ladies understand, how sometimes you just want your Mom? I've been preparing myself for the likely possibility that it would just be Eric and I and she probably wouldn't make it in time, but now she really could be here! So I'm a bit torn. I want Grace to come as soon as possible, but if she waits just a couple more days, I could have my Mom here too. I suppose it's good that it isn't my decision. She will come when she's ready and the rest of us will deal with it when it happens.
Ok, I'm going to go do a little minor cleaning and those bills. I'll update tomorrow with anything exciting that happens today or just to say I'm still here.
First of all, I am sorry to report that the contractions I had all day Thurday, pretty much amounted to nothing on Friday. I had a couple in the morning, but they weren't in the 20 minute apart range and then by lunch time, nothing was happening. The upside was that I made it through a meeting/conference call that I've been working on putting together for the past couple of weeks and now my fill-in person will be much better prepared to work on my renewal while I'm gone. I'm actually really happy about where I am at work, except that I've been waiting on this one piece of information from one of my clients for the last month or so. I'm working on a project for them and can't really do much more until I get this information. Well, they decided to send it finally at 4:30 p.m. on Friday. That's nice. Now, I will have something else to try to finish up if I go back on Monday.
I also called the doctor again yesterday morning. This time the nurse called me back in a timely manner. She said that Dr. D is fine with scheduling an induction next weekend and wants to do Saturday 12/18 (which is what I requested). The only problem is that the hospital won't allow scheduling more than a week in advance, so they have to wait until Monday to book it. My parents are going to go ahead and book their flight for Thursday afternoon and will just change it if we end up going sooner. So, now that I know at the very least, we'll be going in on Saturday, I could pick a last day of work. I still have 2 personal days that I haven't used for 2004 that won't be carried over to next year. I requested that I use them on Thursday and Friday next week (assuming I could otherwise work). I got the ok, so at the latest Wednesday will be my last day of work before my maternity leave. Yeah!
Friday night we had a decent evening. We were trying to get things moving a bit. I was really achy yesterday, so afterwork I came home and took a hot bath and then a 30 minute nap. Eric didn't get home until almost 7:00, so when he got home we went to the mall. We took back the jeans I bought for his birthday that were too small. Then we found some other jeans, bought him some new shoes for work, he got 2 new Colt's hats, and we picked up our final gifts for Eric's family and are now officially done Christmas shopping. We were at the mall until 9:00 and they shut down. Then we went to Chili's and had some dinner. After that we came home and I sat on the big exercise ball that Eric bought me for Christmas. He gave it to me Thursday because I couldn't get comfortable sitting on the couch and mentioned that I wish I had one of those balls they had in our childbirth classes to sit on. He bought if for exercise purposes, but it was nice. Then before we went to bed we tried one more old trick for getting labor started, but we don't need to share the details here.
So now it's Saturday morning, my water still hasn't broke and no contractions to speak of. It's hard to believe this is my last Saturday to just sit around and be lazy. This time next week I'll either be a Mom or at least at the hospital working towards that goal. All I have planned is to write the receipts in the checkboook, do a couple of bills, and when Eric gets home we're going to attempt to install the carseat base. Other than that, I may just be sitting with my feet up crossstiching or bouncing on my exercise ball.
One last thing to write about. My feelings keep sort of flip-flopping about the induction and when I want to have this baby. I've been thinking I wanted it to happen this weekend, but now with nothing really going on in the contraction department, I'm thinking that may not happen. Now I'm thinking maybe it wouldn't be so bad for her to wait a bit longer. I still would prefer to go into labor naturally, but it would be great if that happened on Thursday or Friday. My parents will be here by Thursday night. If we wait that long, I could have my Mom present for the birth. She could be at the hospital with me. I'm sure you ladies understand, how sometimes you just want your Mom? I've been preparing myself for the likely possibility that it would just be Eric and I and she probably wouldn't make it in time, but now she really could be here! So I'm a bit torn. I want Grace to come as soon as possible, but if she waits just a couple more days, I could have my Mom here too. I suppose it's good that it isn't my decision. She will come when she's ready and the rest of us will deal with it when it happens.
Ok, I'm going to go do a little minor cleaning and those bills. I'll update tomorrow with anything exciting that happens today or just to say I'm still here.
Thursday, December 09, 2004
Doctor's Appointment - 38 weeks, 5 days
I had my "39 week" appointment today. My doctor was back and as usual didn't give me quite as much info as I would have liked. I got there a little early (8:45 a.m.) and they let me go back and leave my sample, plus take my weight (up 3 pounds! for a total of 32), blood pressure and pulse. Then I went back to the waiting room because Dr. D wasn't even in the building yet. I brought a book, so I just read while I waited. At about 9:15 a.m. Dr. D came in. Then they sent me to the room to remove the bottoms and wait. She came in a few minutes later. I was measured and we listened to the heartbeat. Apparently I had sugar in my urine this morning, so we discussed my choice of Lucky Charms for breakfast. Maybe I'm glad I haven't had morning appointments throughout this pregnancy.
She checked me and now I am at 3 cm! Yeah, progress. She didn't give me the other numbers. She had me sit up and asked if I wanted to do it next week? I confirmed she meant a scheduled induction and then told her I wasn't sure about that, I kind of want to go into labor on my own. She said that is fine and if I do it myself that's probably better, so she'll see me for a regular appointment on Thursday (12/16). Then we can discuss options. The next week would put me at 39w5d on 12/23. She said there wouldn't be a problem with doing the induction that day, but she is also on call next weekend, so we could maybe do it next weekend too. We'll
discuss that next week. I think if I'm still around I'll have Eric come to that last appointment.
Then I asked her about stripping my membranes. Her reply was, "I just did." I asked her if that meant anything and she said it does for some people, but not necessarily. I've heard you should go into labor within 24 to 48 hours afterwards, but also know people who have had it done and not went into labor. I guess we'll wait and see.
I also thought I may have been having contractions this morning, though I didn't mention it to the doctor. I'm not sure though and so many people have said that I'll know when it happens, so I'm not getting my hopes up. The pains either feel like gas cramps (causing me to head to the restroom, but nothing coming of it) or
period like cramps that spread to my back too. I started timing things this
morning and had some type of pain every 20 minutes from about 6:45 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. Since then, it's been much less regular, so I just don't know. I guess we just wait. Nothing else to do.
I tried to pay attention this afternoon and again was back on the every 20 minute cycle, but I haven't had any for an hour now, so I don't know what that means. I'm going to try to just hang out tonight and see if anything happens. Wish me luck!
I also called the doctor's office back this afternoon after talking to Eric and my parents. Eric is ok with doing the induction next Friday or Saturday and a definate date would allow my parents to go ahead and book a flight (which could be moved earlier for a fee, if needed). I had to leave a message and I asked if I could schedule an induction for Saturday 12/18 or even 12/17. I never got a call back. I'm guessing the nurse had to discuss with the doctor. Hopefully, she calls me tomorrow, or I may leave another message in the morning (that is, if I'm not on my way to the hospital!) I shouldn't get my hopes up, but I'm really hoping this is it. I'm ready to meet my daughter.
She checked me and now I am at 3 cm! Yeah, progress. She didn't give me the other numbers. She had me sit up and asked if I wanted to do it next week? I confirmed she meant a scheduled induction and then told her I wasn't sure about that, I kind of want to go into labor on my own. She said that is fine and if I do it myself that's probably better, so she'll see me for a regular appointment on Thursday (12/16). Then we can discuss options. The next week would put me at 39w5d on 12/23. She said there wouldn't be a problem with doing the induction that day, but she is also on call next weekend, so we could maybe do it next weekend too. We'll
discuss that next week. I think if I'm still around I'll have Eric come to that last appointment.
Then I asked her about stripping my membranes. Her reply was, "I just did." I asked her if that meant anything and she said it does for some people, but not necessarily. I've heard you should go into labor within 24 to 48 hours afterwards, but also know people who have had it done and not went into labor. I guess we'll wait and see.
I also thought I may have been having contractions this morning, though I didn't mention it to the doctor. I'm not sure though and so many people have said that I'll know when it happens, so I'm not getting my hopes up. The pains either feel like gas cramps (causing me to head to the restroom, but nothing coming of it) or
period like cramps that spread to my back too. I started timing things this
morning and had some type of pain every 20 minutes from about 6:45 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. Since then, it's been much less regular, so I just don't know. I guess we just wait. Nothing else to do.
I tried to pay attention this afternoon and again was back on the every 20 minute cycle, but I haven't had any for an hour now, so I don't know what that means. I'm going to try to just hang out tonight and see if anything happens. Wish me luck!
I also called the doctor's office back this afternoon after talking to Eric and my parents. Eric is ok with doing the induction next Friday or Saturday and a definate date would allow my parents to go ahead and book a flight (which could be moved earlier for a fee, if needed). I had to leave a message and I asked if I could schedule an induction for Saturday 12/18 or even 12/17. I never got a call back. I'm guessing the nurse had to discuss with the doctor. Hopefully, she calls me tomorrow, or I may leave another message in the morning (that is, if I'm not on my way to the hospital!) I shouldn't get my hopes up, but I'm really hoping this is it. I'm ready to meet my daughter.
Monday, December 06, 2004
38 Weeks, 2 Days - The 39th Week
My Symptoms
I resisted the urge to clean out the refrigerator, but I still think I've been nesting. Saturday had me cleaning all day. I even washed down the walls in the dining room. My house is nice and clean (except for the refrigerator) and now I won't feel bad when my parents come out. Before I would have been humiliated had they seen my bathroom. I'm looking forward to this weeks appointment. I don't think I've dropped yet, but I still feel like I could go "any time." I kind of think I've been losing my mucus plug slowly. Meaning no big chunks, but I've had lots of really gross gooey stuff showing up. I know it's common for more discharge, but this is really ridiculous. I can't think of much else. I have trouble getting comfortable, I'm always hot and I can tell my hands are swollen. I feel better about work now. I brought home a project this weekend that I got mostly finished. I've now accepted that I probably won't get everything finished at work and I just do the best I can and make sure everything is in it's place when I leave at night and I have notes everywhere! Sorry friends that I haven't been e-mailing, no good excuse really, except I really am working constantly. I stayed until 6:30 p.m. tonight. No one can say I've been slacking off because of this pregnancy.
The Baby
Your baby weighs a littl more than 7 pounds. By this point in your pregnancy, crown-to-rump length is about 14.4 inches. The baby's total length is 21.5 inches. Your baby continues to gain weight, even up to the last week or two of pregnancy. It doesn't have much room to move inside your uterus. At this point, all organ systems are developed and in place. The last organ to mature is the lungs.
Birth could happen at any time. The baby's bowels are filled with meconium, a black, tarry substance which will become baby’s first bowel movement.
Your baby's ready to greet the world! He continues to build a layer of fat to help control his body temperature after birth, but it's likely he already measures about 20 inches and weighs a bit over 7 pounds. (Boys tend to be slightly heavier than girls.) Your baby's organs are fully developed and in place, and the outer layers of skin are sloughing off as new skin forms underneath.
Did you know that the amniotic fluid is continually replaced, even in labor, at the rate of every three hours? Pretty amazing stuff! We really don't know where amniotic fluid comes from, although it is partially comprised of urine, sweat and other fluids from the baby. Your baby has been practicing breathing the amniotic fluid for many weeks in preparation for the big event! The meconium in the baby's intestines will be shed as the first movement that the bowels make after birth. Meconium is a black, thick, tarry substance that is hard to get off of their rear ends! About 30% of the time, the baby will actually pass this stool before birth. This can cause problems if the baby swallows the meconium, however, that is not likely if the proper suctioning is done at birth. This can be done by a doctor or a midwife, even in a homebirth situation.
The Mom
If you measure from the pubic symphysis to the top of the uterus, the distance is 6.4 to 8 inches. You're almost at the end of your pregnancy. Your weight should not increase much from this point. It should remain between 25 and 35 pounds until delivery. It would be unusual for you not to be uncomfortable and feel huge at this time. Your uterus has filled your pelvis and most of your abdomen. It has pushed everything else out of the way. At this point in pregnancy, you may think you'll never want to be pregnant again because you're so uncomfortable.
Use this time to rest, prepare for baby, and consider the future. Long slow walks may help to bring on labor. Many women lose their mucus plug a week or two before delivery (though for others it doesn’t happen until right before delivery). If the mucus is pink or streaked with blood, it is known as the "bloody show" and usually means labor will begin within the next day. You may feel more fatigue or increased energy. Both are normal. With that heavy baby lodged deep in your pelvis, you may be running to the bathroom every two minutes! Notify your care provider immediately if you pass amniotic fluid!
At each visit, your midwife or doctor will do an abdominal exam to check your baby's growth and position. She might also do an internal exam to see whether you've started effacing (when the cervix thins out) or dilating (when the cervix opens). If the week passes and your baby stays put, don't panic. Only 5 percent of babies are born on their scheduled due date. And your baby can't make you wait indefinitely for his arrival. If you go past your due date, your provider will schedule you for fetal testing (usually a sonogram) after 40 weeks to ensure that it's safe to continue the pregnancy. If you don't go into labor on your own, most practitioners will induce labor when you're between one and two weeks overdue. Pregnant women on television sitcoms always have their water break dramatically — in the middle of a crowded room, of course — just before going into labor. Don't worry about a similar scenario happening to you. Membranes rupture before the beginning of labor in less than 15 percent of pregnancies, and it's not normally an enormous gush — usually a small gush or a slow leak. In any case, if your water does break (or you even suspect you might have a leak), call your doctor or midwife right away, but stay calm — it may be hours before your first contraction. (If you're a GBS carrier, you'll be asked to go to the hospital so you can start getting IV antibiotics and will likely be induced at the same time if you don't start contracting on your own.) Also call your practitioner right away if you notice that your baby's movements have slowed, whether or not you're leaking fluid. There are more common signs of impending labor than water breaking. You may notice your mucus plug — the small amount of thick mucus that blocks your cervical canal — in your undies or in the toilet. It might be tinged with a small bit of brownish, pink, or red blood (which is why it's called "bloody show"). (If you have vaginal spotting or bleeding other than mucus tinged with a tiny amount of blood, call your caregiver without delay.) Labor usually starts within a day or two of seeing the mucus plug. Another sign of labor is contractions at regular — but increasingly shorter — intervals. If you've been having Braxton Hicks contractions, you'll now realize that these were just practice. Your doctor or midwife will tell you when to give her a call, but it will likely be once your contractions last about a minute each and arrive every five minutes for about an hour. (Time the contractions from the beginning of one to the beginning of the next one.) If you're unsure about your progress, go ahead and give your practitioner a call. Your practitioner may have you count fetal movements. Even if you aren't asked to formally count movements, call her immediately if you notice a decrease in your baby's activity. Your baby should remain as active as ever right up to delivery, and a decrease in activity could be a sign of a problem — meaning that you need to deliver now rather than later.
Now that you know how to tell if you are really in labor, let's talk about some of the ways your body prepares for labor. It is really neat to examine all of the changes that take place in your body as the pregnancy continues. Your baby will descend into your pelvis, sometimes called engagement or lightening, usually before labor in first time moms and during labor in subsequent births. Your cervix, the mouth of your uterus, will begin to soften and possibly dilate. Some practitioners will do routine vaginal exams towards the end of pregnancy. Contrary to popular belief, you can't predict when labor will start by the details of your cervix. Some practitioners will also strip the membranes in an attempt to "get things going." If you feel strongly about this mention it to your practitioner before any physical exams. In the days before labor begins you may also experience the following, although they are not always accurate predictors of when labor will begin: bloody show, loss of mucous plug, nesting instinct, loose stools, loss of weight, increase in appetite. Hang in there! You are almost done!
I resisted the urge to clean out the refrigerator, but I still think I've been nesting. Saturday had me cleaning all day. I even washed down the walls in the dining room. My house is nice and clean (except for the refrigerator) and now I won't feel bad when my parents come out. Before I would have been humiliated had they seen my bathroom. I'm looking forward to this weeks appointment. I don't think I've dropped yet, but I still feel like I could go "any time." I kind of think I've been losing my mucus plug slowly. Meaning no big chunks, but I've had lots of really gross gooey stuff showing up. I know it's common for more discharge, but this is really ridiculous. I can't think of much else. I have trouble getting comfortable, I'm always hot and I can tell my hands are swollen. I feel better about work now. I brought home a project this weekend that I got mostly finished. I've now accepted that I probably won't get everything finished at work and I just do the best I can and make sure everything is in it's place when I leave at night and I have notes everywhere! Sorry friends that I haven't been e-mailing, no good excuse really, except I really am working constantly. I stayed until 6:30 p.m. tonight. No one can say I've been slacking off because of this pregnancy.
The Baby
Your baby weighs a littl more than 7 pounds. By this point in your pregnancy, crown-to-rump length is about 14.4 inches. The baby's total length is 21.5 inches. Your baby continues to gain weight, even up to the last week or two of pregnancy. It doesn't have much room to move inside your uterus. At this point, all organ systems are developed and in place. The last organ to mature is the lungs.
Birth could happen at any time. The baby's bowels are filled with meconium, a black, tarry substance which will become baby’s first bowel movement.
Your baby's ready to greet the world! He continues to build a layer of fat to help control his body temperature after birth, but it's likely he already measures about 20 inches and weighs a bit over 7 pounds. (Boys tend to be slightly heavier than girls.) Your baby's organs are fully developed and in place, and the outer layers of skin are sloughing off as new skin forms underneath.
Did you know that the amniotic fluid is continually replaced, even in labor, at the rate of every three hours? Pretty amazing stuff! We really don't know where amniotic fluid comes from, although it is partially comprised of urine, sweat and other fluids from the baby. Your baby has been practicing breathing the amniotic fluid for many weeks in preparation for the big event! The meconium in the baby's intestines will be shed as the first movement that the bowels make after birth. Meconium is a black, thick, tarry substance that is hard to get off of their rear ends! About 30% of the time, the baby will actually pass this stool before birth. This can cause problems if the baby swallows the meconium, however, that is not likely if the proper suctioning is done at birth. This can be done by a doctor or a midwife, even in a homebirth situation.
The Mom
If you measure from the pubic symphysis to the top of the uterus, the distance is 6.4 to 8 inches. You're almost at the end of your pregnancy. Your weight should not increase much from this point. It should remain between 25 and 35 pounds until delivery. It would be unusual for you not to be uncomfortable and feel huge at this time. Your uterus has filled your pelvis and most of your abdomen. It has pushed everything else out of the way. At this point in pregnancy, you may think you'll never want to be pregnant again because you're so uncomfortable.
Use this time to rest, prepare for baby, and consider the future. Long slow walks may help to bring on labor. Many women lose their mucus plug a week or two before delivery (though for others it doesn’t happen until right before delivery). If the mucus is pink or streaked with blood, it is known as the "bloody show" and usually means labor will begin within the next day. You may feel more fatigue or increased energy. Both are normal. With that heavy baby lodged deep in your pelvis, you may be running to the bathroom every two minutes! Notify your care provider immediately if you pass amniotic fluid!
At each visit, your midwife or doctor will do an abdominal exam to check your baby's growth and position. She might also do an internal exam to see whether you've started effacing (when the cervix thins out) or dilating (when the cervix opens). If the week passes and your baby stays put, don't panic. Only 5 percent of babies are born on their scheduled due date. And your baby can't make you wait indefinitely for his arrival. If you go past your due date, your provider will schedule you for fetal testing (usually a sonogram) after 40 weeks to ensure that it's safe to continue the pregnancy. If you don't go into labor on your own, most practitioners will induce labor when you're between one and two weeks overdue. Pregnant women on television sitcoms always have their water break dramatically — in the middle of a crowded room, of course — just before going into labor. Don't worry about a similar scenario happening to you. Membranes rupture before the beginning of labor in less than 15 percent of pregnancies, and it's not normally an enormous gush — usually a small gush or a slow leak. In any case, if your water does break (or you even suspect you might have a leak), call your doctor or midwife right away, but stay calm — it may be hours before your first contraction. (If you're a GBS carrier, you'll be asked to go to the hospital so you can start getting IV antibiotics and will likely be induced at the same time if you don't start contracting on your own.) Also call your practitioner right away if you notice that your baby's movements have slowed, whether or not you're leaking fluid. There are more common signs of impending labor than water breaking. You may notice your mucus plug — the small amount of thick mucus that blocks your cervical canal — in your undies or in the toilet. It might be tinged with a small bit of brownish, pink, or red blood (which is why it's called "bloody show"). (If you have vaginal spotting or bleeding other than mucus tinged with a tiny amount of blood, call your caregiver without delay.) Labor usually starts within a day or two of seeing the mucus plug. Another sign of labor is contractions at regular — but increasingly shorter — intervals. If you've been having Braxton Hicks contractions, you'll now realize that these were just practice. Your doctor or midwife will tell you when to give her a call, but it will likely be once your contractions last about a minute each and arrive every five minutes for about an hour. (Time the contractions from the beginning of one to the beginning of the next one.) If you're unsure about your progress, go ahead and give your practitioner a call. Your practitioner may have you count fetal movements. Even if you aren't asked to formally count movements, call her immediately if you notice a decrease in your baby's activity. Your baby should remain as active as ever right up to delivery, and a decrease in activity could be a sign of a problem — meaning that you need to deliver now rather than later.
Now that you know how to tell if you are really in labor, let's talk about some of the ways your body prepares for labor. It is really neat to examine all of the changes that take place in your body as the pregnancy continues. Your baby will descend into your pelvis, sometimes called engagement or lightening, usually before labor in first time moms and during labor in subsequent births. Your cervix, the mouth of your uterus, will begin to soften and possibly dilate. Some practitioners will do routine vaginal exams towards the end of pregnancy. Contrary to popular belief, you can't predict when labor will start by the details of your cervix. Some practitioners will also strip the membranes in an attempt to "get things going." If you feel strongly about this mention it to your practitioner before any physical exams. In the days before labor begins you may also experience the following, although they are not always accurate predictors of when labor will begin: bloody show, loss of mucous plug, nesting instinct, loose stools, loss of weight, increase in appetite. Hang in there! You are almost done!
Measurements & Pics - 38 weeks
The picture is from last night 38 weeks, 1 days. The measurements are from today 38 weeks 2 day. The last measurement is from 37 weeks, 1 day.
Before = (B) Last = (L) Current =(C)
Weight - 150.5 (B), 181.0 (L), 183.0 (C) = +32.5 pounds
Bicep - 11 3/4 (B), 11 3/4 (L), 12 (C) = + 1/4 inch
Chest - 35 1/2 (B), 40 (L), 39 1/2 (C) = +4 inches
Waist (at smallest point) - 30 (B), 39 3/4 (L), 39 (C) = +9 inches
Waist (at belly button) - 32 1/2 (B), 42 (L), 45 (C) = +12 1/2 inches
Hips - 38 (B), 41 (L), 42 (C) = +4 inches
Thigh - 23 (B), 22 ½ (L), 23 (C) = 0 inches
Calf - 14 (B), 14 1/2 (L), 15 1/2 (C) = +1 1/2 inch
Here is the belly shot.
I'll try to do an update later tonight. I am feeling the uncontrollable urge to clean out and scrub down the refrigerator after a light dinner of course.
Before = (B) Last = (L) Current =(C)
Weight - 150.5 (B), 181.0 (L), 183.0 (C) = +32.5 pounds
Bicep - 11 3/4 (B), 11 3/4 (L), 12 (C) = + 1/4 inch
Chest - 35 1/2 (B), 40 (L), 39 1/2 (C) = +4 inches
Waist (at smallest point) - 30 (B), 39 3/4 (L), 39 (C) = +9 inches
Waist (at belly button) - 32 1/2 (B), 42 (L), 45 (C) = +12 1/2 inches
Hips - 38 (B), 41 (L), 42 (C) = +4 inches
Thigh - 23 (B), 22 ½ (L), 23 (C) = 0 inches
Calf - 14 (B), 14 1/2 (L), 15 1/2 (C) = +1 1/2 inch
Here is the belly shot.
I'll try to do an update later tonight. I am feeling the uncontrollable urge to clean out and scrub down the refrigerator after a light dinner of course.
Sunday, December 05, 2004
Our Water Broke
Yes, that's right. I got up this morning around 9:00 a.m. to get ready for church. I showered, did some of the getting ready stuff (lotion, contacts, teeth brushing), and then went downstairs to eat breakfast. I heard this weird plumbing type noise and then went back upstairs to see if Eric was in the shower. He was still in bed, so I reminded him that it was now 9:30 a.m. and church starts at 10:00, so he should probably get in the shower. I went back downstairs to finish my cereal. A few minutes later, he came downstairs and told me we had no water.
We went outside and found a couple of neighbors outside as well, no one has water. Apparently there was a water main break. No idea how long it will take to get fixed, but with the frequency I need to use the restroom, it better be soon. There's only one toilet we haven't flushed yet. We didn't make church, but I think I'm going to go to Wal-Mart and maybe hang out with Eric to watch football at BW3s so I'll have ready access to a bathroom at least until later this afternoon.
Oh yeah, sorry about the title. I had to do it. Hopefully, the real thing will happen soon!
We went outside and found a couple of neighbors outside as well, no one has water. Apparently there was a water main break. No idea how long it will take to get fixed, but with the frequency I need to use the restroom, it better be soon. There's only one toilet we haven't flushed yet. We didn't make church, but I think I'm going to go to Wal-Mart and maybe hang out with Eric to watch football at BW3s so I'll have ready access to a bathroom at least until later this afternoon.
Oh yeah, sorry about the title. I had to do it. Hopefully, the real thing will happen soon!
Saturday, December 04, 2004
Saturday Morning
I could't sleep in this morning, so I thought I'd get in a quick post before starting the rest of my weekend to-do list.
Yesterday was a good day. I didn't get nearly enough done at work (I even decided to bring home the laptop and a project for the weekend). We closed at noon for our holiday party. We went to a place called Dave & Busters which is kind of like a Showbiz (Chucky Cheese) for adults. Lunch was ok (but free). After lunch they split the office up into 4 teams for a challenge consiting of a variety of arcade games. Basketball, Derby Downs (kind of like a ski ball race), Ski Ball, Daytona racing, and a shooting thing with a rifle. No thanks to my horrible scores (how do you only score 2 baskets?), my team did win and I got a free t-shirt. Then we had another 30 credits or so on the cards they gave us to play more games. I still made it home by 4:00 p.m. Then last night, Eric and I had our last "date." Which we also used to celebrate his birthday. We went to Champps for dinner since Eric loves it. The line was long, but we still were in and out by about 7:45. Then we decided to go to Target to kill some time before the movie. We bought a couple of unneccessary items. Then we headed over to the theater to find out that our movie started at 9:45, not 9:25, so then we went over to a used video game store to kill some more time. Eventually we saw the Bourne Supremacy (we were at the $1 theater, techinically $1.50 after 6). It was really good. We made it home around midnight.
I told Eric that I think I'll have the baby next week. I wouldn't even be that surprised if it was this weekend. I don't really have a good reason for thinking that, I just feel "different." The baby is still high, I was really uncomfortable at dinner and the movies because it felt like she was jammed up under my ribs and I could hardly breathe. I've also been having an increasing amount of discharge since my appointment and have been hoping that it's my mucus plug slowly disintigrating. My "feelings" are usually wrong though, so Grace will probably wait around until her due date. That wouldn't be so bad either. I just can't seem to get caught up at work and again have enough stuff that I think a couple more days would really help me out.
Well, I think my nesting instincts are calling me. I'm itching to get upstairs with a bucket and scrub my bathroom floor. And I need to eat some breakfast. I'll update more after the weekend.
Yesterday was a good day. I didn't get nearly enough done at work (I even decided to bring home the laptop and a project for the weekend). We closed at noon for our holiday party. We went to a place called Dave & Busters which is kind of like a Showbiz (Chucky Cheese) for adults. Lunch was ok (but free). After lunch they split the office up into 4 teams for a challenge consiting of a variety of arcade games. Basketball, Derby Downs (kind of like a ski ball race), Ski Ball, Daytona racing, and a shooting thing with a rifle. No thanks to my horrible scores (how do you only score 2 baskets?), my team did win and I got a free t-shirt. Then we had another 30 credits or so on the cards they gave us to play more games. I still made it home by 4:00 p.m. Then last night, Eric and I had our last "date." Which we also used to celebrate his birthday. We went to Champps for dinner since Eric loves it. The line was long, but we still were in and out by about 7:45. Then we decided to go to Target to kill some time before the movie. We bought a couple of unneccessary items. Then we headed over to the theater to find out that our movie started at 9:45, not 9:25, so then we went over to a used video game store to kill some more time. Eventually we saw the Bourne Supremacy (we were at the $1 theater, techinically $1.50 after 6). It was really good. We made it home around midnight.
I told Eric that I think I'll have the baby next week. I wouldn't even be that surprised if it was this weekend. I don't really have a good reason for thinking that, I just feel "different." The baby is still high, I was really uncomfortable at dinner and the movies because it felt like she was jammed up under my ribs and I could hardly breathe. I've also been having an increasing amount of discharge since my appointment and have been hoping that it's my mucus plug slowly disintigrating. My "feelings" are usually wrong though, so Grace will probably wait around until her due date. That wouldn't be so bad either. I just can't seem to get caught up at work and again have enough stuff that I think a couple more days would really help me out.
Well, I think my nesting instincts are calling me. I'm itching to get upstairs with a bucket and scrub my bathroom floor. And I need to eat some breakfast. I'll update more after the weekend.
Thursday, December 02, 2004
Doctor's Appointment - 37 weeks, 5 days
Sorry for the late post. Things never go exactly how I planned.
Anyway, my appointment was at 3:00 p.m. today. I got there about 15 minutes early and they took me back right away for my sample, weighing (2 pounds this week for a total of 30), blood pressure, and pulse. The nurse said it wouldn't be long, so to lose the bottoms and get on the table.
I had to wait another 5 or 10 minutes and then Dr. B came in. I had never met him before, but he was very nice. He first brought over my chart and looked over my stats from the last weeks, etc. Then he had me lay down and measured the belly (37 cm), and listened to the heartbeat. He asked me if we knew what we were having and I said a girl. He asked if we had a name for her and I told him, Grace. By the way, Dr. D has never asked about names. He felt the belly a little and confirmed we are head down.
Then he examined me and I told him to give me some good news. He said I was 2cm dilated, maybe 2+, then he said I was about 70% effaced. Then he felt for Grace's head. He thinks were still at about a -2 station. He said last week they said -1, but he thinks it's more like -2. He said she's not really engaged yet. That was a bit disappointing as I've felt so much pressure lately I was sure she was lower. Then he was still feeling around and asked if I was "38, 2?" It took me a minute to figure out he was asking how far along I was, I corrected 37, 5. Then he said, he wouldn't get too rambunctious in there and finished the exam. All I can think of is that he was going to "strip my membranes," but figures it's still early and he'll let me go longer. Most people go into labor within 48 hours of having their membranes stripped. Then he told me that he thinks we'll be right on time and should be home before Christmas. I asked if that means I'll still be back next week and he said, yes. Of course, he could be wrong, but I'm guessing next Thursday I'll have another update to do. He also warned me that I'd probably have some spotting after this exam, which I did, so at least this time I had warning.
That was about it. I wish I had progressed more, but then again, today got crazy at work and I'm kind of glad I may have a couple more days to get some more stuff done. I really am thankful my job keeps me busy or these last few weeks would have me going nuts.
It looks like Samara's guess will be wrong, as she picked today for Grace's birthday. My Dad had asked me to wait until after today because of a class he's taking, and a co-worker wants me to wait until at least the weekend because our holiday party is tomorrow. Like I said, I've got some stuff to do at work and apparently a couple more Christmas things to wrap up this weekend, but I'm still ready any time.
Anyway, my appointment was at 3:00 p.m. today. I got there about 15 minutes early and they took me back right away for my sample, weighing (2 pounds this week for a total of 30), blood pressure, and pulse. The nurse said it wouldn't be long, so to lose the bottoms and get on the table.
I had to wait another 5 or 10 minutes and then Dr. B came in. I had never met him before, but he was very nice. He first brought over my chart and looked over my stats from the last weeks, etc. Then he had me lay down and measured the belly (37 cm), and listened to the heartbeat. He asked me if we knew what we were having and I said a girl. He asked if we had a name for her and I told him, Grace. By the way, Dr. D has never asked about names. He felt the belly a little and confirmed we are head down.
Then he examined me and I told him to give me some good news. He said I was 2cm dilated, maybe 2+, then he said I was about 70% effaced. Then he felt for Grace's head. He thinks were still at about a -2 station. He said last week they said -1, but he thinks it's more like -2. He said she's not really engaged yet. That was a bit disappointing as I've felt so much pressure lately I was sure she was lower. Then he was still feeling around and asked if I was "38, 2?" It took me a minute to figure out he was asking how far along I was, I corrected 37, 5. Then he said, he wouldn't get too rambunctious in there and finished the exam. All I can think of is that he was going to "strip my membranes," but figures it's still early and he'll let me go longer. Most people go into labor within 48 hours of having their membranes stripped. Then he told me that he thinks we'll be right on time and should be home before Christmas. I asked if that means I'll still be back next week and he said, yes. Of course, he could be wrong, but I'm guessing next Thursday I'll have another update to do. He also warned me that I'd probably have some spotting after this exam, which I did, so at least this time I had warning.
That was about it. I wish I had progressed more, but then again, today got crazy at work and I'm kind of glad I may have a couple more days to get some more stuff done. I really am thankful my job keeps me busy or these last few weeks would have me going nuts.
It looks like Samara's guess will be wrong, as she picked today for Grace's birthday. My Dad had asked me to wait until after today because of a class he's taking, and a co-worker wants me to wait until at least the weekend because our holiday party is tomorrow. Like I said, I've got some stuff to do at work and apparently a couple more Christmas things to wrap up this weekend, but I'm still ready any time.
Monday, November 29, 2004
37 Weeks, 1 day – The 38th Week
My Symptoms
Today I feel good. There are good days and harder days. I think I’ve been doing a bit of nesting. Eric mentioned it, but I don’t feel like I’ve been doing so much. I did get the Christmas decorations up, finished wrapping presents, vacuumed and steamed upstairs again, and of course all the Thanksgiving preparations. I told him if I was really nesting, I’d tackle our bathroom. Physically, I think Grace has dropped more. I wouldn’t quite describe it as a bowling ball between the legs, but there sure is a lot of pressure and it hurts a bit when I stand up or walk around. I’m just very “sore.” No contractions to speak of, but I do head to the restroom at least once an hour (that’s being conservative) while I’m awake and another 2 or 3 times during the night. Sleep isn’t too bad although I was wide awake at 5:00 a.m. on Saturday. I made myself go back to sleep though. I think my belly button is slightly out (and if you noticed the difference in my belly measurements from the last 3 weeks, you’d understand). It’s not really poking out, but if you run your hand over it, you can feel it. We had a little scare yesterday. I got up around 8:15 a.m., ate breakfast, etc. By 9:00 a.m. I realized I hadn’t felt Grace move since her hiccups at 5:00 a.m. So I decided to sit down watch a little TLC and do a kick count. By 10:00 a.m. I had only felt 1 really strong movement and maybe 2 smaller ones. My doctor said 6 in a hour is what to aim for and the books usually say 10. So I decided to try some other things for the next hour. I can usually get her moving by sort of massaging my belly where she is, but that didn’t work. So I decided to get an ice cube and put it on my stomach and see if I could make her move. I got 5 movements over a 15 minute period, but when I stopped with the ice, she stopped. I usually can get 10 movements in less than 10 minutes on a normal day. Eric called at about 10:30 (he was at work) and I mentioned that Grace wasn’t moving much. He suggested drinking a caffeinated Coke and eating some chocolate and laying down to count again. So I did, and he came home (poor guy was worried). Starting at 10:30 a.m. I started counting again. It took about a half hour, but I finally got my 10 movements, so we decided things were ok, and not to go to the hospital. Saturday evening she was a little better and today has been moving lots all day. I felt her 10 times before getting out of bed this morning. Ok, that’s long enough for now. Less than 3 weeks to go!
The Baby
At this time, your baby weighs about 6.8 pounds. Crown-to-rump length hasn’t changed much; it’s still about 14 inches. Total length is 21 inches.
The fluid in the amnionic sac has increased from one drop to one liter. The placenta has grown to about seven inches in diameter and weights about one to two pounds.
Your baby has really fattened up. She likely weighs between 6 and 7 1/2 pounds now (boys tend to be slightly heavier than girls), and she's probably between 19 and 20 inches long. She has a firm grasp, which you'll soon be able to test with your pinky! Her organs are fully developed and in place, but her lungs and brain — though developed enough for her to function now — will continue to mature right through childhood. Wondering what color your baby's eyes will be? You may not be able to tell right away. If your baby is born with brown eyes, they'll likely stay brown. If she's born with steel gray or dark blue eyes, they may stay gray or blue or turn green, hazel, or brown by the time she's 9 months old. That's because a child's irises (the colored part of the eye) may gain more pigment in the months after she's born, but they won't get "lighter" or more blue. (Green, hazel, and brown eyes have more pigment than gray or blue eyes.)
The baby may be gaining as much as 1 ounce (about 28 grams) a day at this point! However, your weight gain has slowed or stopped. Hang in there! If you haven't written a letter to your baby, now would be a good time to do so.
The Mom
Many women don’t grow larger during the last several weeks of pregnancy, but they feel very uncomfortable. The distance between your uterus and the pubic symphsis is 14.4 to 15.2 inches (36 to 38 cm). From your bellybutton to the top of your uterus is about 6.4 to 7.2 inches.
Pack your bags and put them by the door! No need to stress on what to bring; we've got a checklist of the absolute necessities and some luxuries that might make your experience a little more comfortable and enjoyable. Even if you plan a home birth, you should pack a small suitcase. You’re waiting now. Your Braxton Hicks contractions are more frequent and intense. You may feel large and ungainly but, unless your water has broken, it’s fine to have sex. As a matter of fact, intercourse and nipple stimulation are some methods people use to induce labor naturally.
It may be harder than ever to get comfortable enough to sleep well at night. Take it easy through the day — this may be your last opportunity to do so for quite a while. Keep monitoring your baby's movements, too. Though she's crowded, she should still be active. Swelling of your feet is normal in these last weeks, but if you notice any swelling of your hands or face, sudden weight gain, persistent or severe headaches, blurry vision or spots before your eyes, or upper abdominal pain, call your practitioner right away, because these are symptoms of a serious condition called preeclampsia. Encourage your partner to relax and enjoy some activities he won't have time for after the baby arrives.
You may begin to feel electrical buzzes down your legs and inside your vagina. This is caused from the baby hitting nerves as s/he settles into your pelvis. A lot of time and effort has been spent educating mom about the process of labor, we are going to talk about a common fear for men this week: BEING IN THE BIRTH ROOM! I highly encourage men to go in to watch the partners give birth. It is one of the most amazing experiences you will ever be able to have. As a doula, I am constantly in awe of birth, even though I see it on a routine basis. Be assured that you will only have to watch or participate as much as you feel comfortable with. For some men this will be little more than holding your partners hand and gazing into her eyes. Let me assure you that this is a great thing to do! If you wish to take a more active role this may include labor support (breathing, massage, heat and cold packs, etc.), cutting to cord, helping to catch the baby. These are all fine, but should be discussed with your practitioner ahead of time, so that they know your preferences. A note about cord cutting: The umbilical cord contains no nerves, so neither the mother nor the baby will feel the cut. The cord is also a tough, fatty substance (this protects the cord from compression inutero) so expect to give it some effort to cut it.
Today I feel good. There are good days and harder days. I think I’ve been doing a bit of nesting. Eric mentioned it, but I don’t feel like I’ve been doing so much. I did get the Christmas decorations up, finished wrapping presents, vacuumed and steamed upstairs again, and of course all the Thanksgiving preparations. I told him if I was really nesting, I’d tackle our bathroom. Physically, I think Grace has dropped more. I wouldn’t quite describe it as a bowling ball between the legs, but there sure is a lot of pressure and it hurts a bit when I stand up or walk around. I’m just very “sore.” No contractions to speak of, but I do head to the restroom at least once an hour (that’s being conservative) while I’m awake and another 2 or 3 times during the night. Sleep isn’t too bad although I was wide awake at 5:00 a.m. on Saturday. I made myself go back to sleep though. I think my belly button is slightly out (and if you noticed the difference in my belly measurements from the last 3 weeks, you’d understand). It’s not really poking out, but if you run your hand over it, you can feel it. We had a little scare yesterday. I got up around 8:15 a.m., ate breakfast, etc. By 9:00 a.m. I realized I hadn’t felt Grace move since her hiccups at 5:00 a.m. So I decided to sit down watch a little TLC and do a kick count. By 10:00 a.m. I had only felt 1 really strong movement and maybe 2 smaller ones. My doctor said 6 in a hour is what to aim for and the books usually say 10. So I decided to try some other things for the next hour. I can usually get her moving by sort of massaging my belly where she is, but that didn’t work. So I decided to get an ice cube and put it on my stomach and see if I could make her move. I got 5 movements over a 15 minute period, but when I stopped with the ice, she stopped. I usually can get 10 movements in less than 10 minutes on a normal day. Eric called at about 10:30 (he was at work) and I mentioned that Grace wasn’t moving much. He suggested drinking a caffeinated Coke and eating some chocolate and laying down to count again. So I did, and he came home (poor guy was worried). Starting at 10:30 a.m. I started counting again. It took about a half hour, but I finally got my 10 movements, so we decided things were ok, and not to go to the hospital. Saturday evening she was a little better and today has been moving lots all day. I felt her 10 times before getting out of bed this morning. Ok, that’s long enough for now. Less than 3 weeks to go!
The Baby
At this time, your baby weighs about 6.8 pounds. Crown-to-rump length hasn’t changed much; it’s still about 14 inches. Total length is 21 inches.
The fluid in the amnionic sac has increased from one drop to one liter. The placenta has grown to about seven inches in diameter and weights about one to two pounds.
Your baby has really fattened up. She likely weighs between 6 and 7 1/2 pounds now (boys tend to be slightly heavier than girls), and she's probably between 19 and 20 inches long. She has a firm grasp, which you'll soon be able to test with your pinky! Her organs are fully developed and in place, but her lungs and brain — though developed enough for her to function now — will continue to mature right through childhood. Wondering what color your baby's eyes will be? You may not be able to tell right away. If your baby is born with brown eyes, they'll likely stay brown. If she's born with steel gray or dark blue eyes, they may stay gray or blue or turn green, hazel, or brown by the time she's 9 months old. That's because a child's irises (the colored part of the eye) may gain more pigment in the months after she's born, but they won't get "lighter" or more blue. (Green, hazel, and brown eyes have more pigment than gray or blue eyes.)
The baby may be gaining as much as 1 ounce (about 28 grams) a day at this point! However, your weight gain has slowed or stopped. Hang in there! If you haven't written a letter to your baby, now would be a good time to do so.
The Mom
Many women don’t grow larger during the last several weeks of pregnancy, but they feel very uncomfortable. The distance between your uterus and the pubic symphsis is 14.4 to 15.2 inches (36 to 38 cm). From your bellybutton to the top of your uterus is about 6.4 to 7.2 inches.
Pack your bags and put them by the door! No need to stress on what to bring; we've got a checklist of the absolute necessities and some luxuries that might make your experience a little more comfortable and enjoyable. Even if you plan a home birth, you should pack a small suitcase. You’re waiting now. Your Braxton Hicks contractions are more frequent and intense. You may feel large and ungainly but, unless your water has broken, it’s fine to have sex. As a matter of fact, intercourse and nipple stimulation are some methods people use to induce labor naturally.
It may be harder than ever to get comfortable enough to sleep well at night. Take it easy through the day — this may be your last opportunity to do so for quite a while. Keep monitoring your baby's movements, too. Though she's crowded, she should still be active. Swelling of your feet is normal in these last weeks, but if you notice any swelling of your hands or face, sudden weight gain, persistent or severe headaches, blurry vision or spots before your eyes, or upper abdominal pain, call your practitioner right away, because these are symptoms of a serious condition called preeclampsia. Encourage your partner to relax and enjoy some activities he won't have time for after the baby arrives.
You may begin to feel electrical buzzes down your legs and inside your vagina. This is caused from the baby hitting nerves as s/he settles into your pelvis. A lot of time and effort has been spent educating mom about the process of labor, we are going to talk about a common fear for men this week: BEING IN THE BIRTH ROOM! I highly encourage men to go in to watch the partners give birth. It is one of the most amazing experiences you will ever be able to have. As a doula, I am constantly in awe of birth, even though I see it on a routine basis. Be assured that you will only have to watch or participate as much as you feel comfortable with. For some men this will be little more than holding your partners hand and gazing into her eyes. Let me assure you that this is a great thing to do! If you wish to take a more active role this may include labor support (breathing, massage, heat and cold packs, etc.), cutting to cord, helping to catch the baby. These are all fine, but should be discussed with your practitioner ahead of time, so that they know your preferences. A note about cord cutting: The umbilical cord contains no nerves, so neither the mother nor the baby will feel the cut. The cord is also a tough, fatty substance (this protects the cord from compression inutero) so expect to give it some effort to cut it.
Measurements & Pics - 37 weeks
Blogger is acting up, so I’m doing this in word to transfer later.
The picture is from Friday night 36 weeks, 6 days. The measurements are from today 37 weeks 1 day. The last measurement is from 34 weeks, 2 days.
Before = (B) Last = (L) Current =(C)
Weight - 150.5 (B), 176.5 (L), 181.0 (C) = +30.5 pounds (blame it on the Turkey, I was only up 28 pounds Wednesday at the doctor.
Bicep - 11 3/4 (B), 12 (L), 11 3/4 (C) = 0
Chest - 35 1/2 (B), 39 1/2 (L), 40 (C) = +4 1/2 inches
Waist (at smallest point) - 30 (B), 37 1/4 (L), 39 3/4 (C) = +9 3/4 inches
Waist (at belly button) - 32 1/2 (B), 42 (L), 45 (C) = +12 1/2 inches
Hips - 38 (B), 41 (L), 41 1/2 (C) = +3 1/2 inches
Thigh - 23 (B), 22 ½ (L), 22 1/2 (C) = -1/2 inch
Calf - 14 (B), 14 1/2 (L), 15 1/4 (C) = +1 1/4 inch
Here is the belly shot. I must apologize for how bad I look. Looking good at home isn’t something I spend a lot of time on.
The picture is from Friday night 36 weeks, 6 days. The measurements are from today 37 weeks 1 day. The last measurement is from 34 weeks, 2 days.
Before = (B) Last = (L) Current =(C)
Weight - 150.5 (B), 176.5 (L), 181.0 (C) = +30.5 pounds (blame it on the Turkey, I was only up 28 pounds Wednesday at the doctor.
Bicep - 11 3/4 (B), 12 (L), 11 3/4 (C) = 0
Chest - 35 1/2 (B), 39 1/2 (L), 40 (C) = +4 1/2 inches
Waist (at smallest point) - 30 (B), 37 1/4 (L), 39 3/4 (C) = +9 3/4 inches
Waist (at belly button) - 32 1/2 (B), 42 (L), 45 (C) = +12 1/2 inches
Hips - 38 (B), 41 (L), 41 1/2 (C) = +3 1/2 inches
Thigh - 23 (B), 22 ½ (L), 22 1/2 (C) = -1/2 inch
Calf - 14 (B), 14 1/2 (L), 15 1/4 (C) = +1 1/4 inch
Here is the belly shot. I must apologize for how bad I look. Looking good at home isn’t something I spend a lot of time on.
Friday, November 26, 2004
Happy Thanksgiving!
I know, I know, I'm a day late.
I guess I just updated on Wednesday, but it seems a like it's been a while. Wednesday I was very, very busy as I started reviewing my dishes to bring for Thanksgiving it seemed that almost everything needed to be done ahead of time, so I cooked. I made 3 dozen yeast rolls that required 2 1/2 hours for the dough to rise before turning into rolls and then another hour to rise before cooking. I made chicken broth (from boiling a whole chicken and peeling the meat from the bones) and homemade noodles. I made a fruity/cream cheese/whip cream salad/dessert (had to chill for at least 5 hours). And I made a homemade apple pie (using storebought crusts). Then finally at midnight, I got to go to bed.
Thanksgiving, Eric and I slept in a bit and then headed over to Will and Samaras. We got there about 10:30 a.m. The boys watched TV and Samara and I chatted and did some preparations. About 11:30 I started cooking my noodles in my homemade broth and then started peeling and cutting up the potatoes for my Mashed potatoes. The turkey was ready around 1:30 and we got to eat. The menu: Turkey, gravy, Chicken & Noodles, Mashed Potatoes, Rolls, Scalloped Corn, Mashed Yams, Deviled Eggs, Fruity Salad, Apple, and Pumpkin Pie. I might have forgotten something, but regardless, it was a whole lot of food for just 4 people (and 2 babies in utero). After dinner, we were all pooped, so we sat around the counches and finished watching the Colts game. After that we decided to break out the pie. After pie, we cleaned the rest of the stuff up and Eric and I headed back home. I was pretty pooped last night too. Eric tried to watch a little more football, but fell asleep on the couch by 7:00 p.m. I took a nice hot bath and then watched all the Thursday night shows while working on my cross-stitch.
Today, Eric had to go to work, but I stayed home and slept until 9:45 a.m. Samara called then and asked me to go to Babies R Us with her. I wasn't planning on shopping, but as Eric had fallen asleep so early the night before, he didn't bring up my Christmas decorations or move the furniture for me, so I couldn't work on decorating anyway. I met her at about 11:30. She ordered her crib and I found a toy I'd been looking for for my niece and finished up the Christmas shopping (except one item for Eric that needs to be ordered online and is currently unavailable). Then we went to Chile's for lunch. I ordered an appetizer combo and they messed it up, so they gave it to me for free. After lunch we decided to go over to Target where Samara needed a few items and we met the crazy shopper crowd. After that, Grace was starting to feel really heavy and I was ready to get home and off my feet. I got home around 3:30 p.m. and then took a nice little hour long nap. Once Eric got home I showed him where to move all the furniture, and he brought my decorations up from the basement. Then I decided to finish wrapping the rest of my Christmas presents. I decided not to start decorating tonight.
My plans for the rest of the weekend include: tonight - go sit on the couch and cross-stitch, tomorrow (Sat.) - put up the Christmas tree and decorations, address and get Christmas cards ready to send, possibly do some work from work (although now I'm pretty sure I'll be there next week, so I may not work now), and take a 37 week belly picture and measurements. Sunday - go to church, relax, work on the cross-stitch. It's been a nice long weekend.
Well, I better go get started on that TV watching. I hope you are all having great weekends too. By the way, can you believe my baby will be here in 3 weeks or less? All the sudden that doesn't seem that far away to me. Wow.
I guess I just updated on Wednesday, but it seems a like it's been a while. Wednesday I was very, very busy as I started reviewing my dishes to bring for Thanksgiving it seemed that almost everything needed to be done ahead of time, so I cooked. I made 3 dozen yeast rolls that required 2 1/2 hours for the dough to rise before turning into rolls and then another hour to rise before cooking. I made chicken broth (from boiling a whole chicken and peeling the meat from the bones) and homemade noodles. I made a fruity/cream cheese/whip cream salad/dessert (had to chill for at least 5 hours). And I made a homemade apple pie (using storebought crusts). Then finally at midnight, I got to go to bed.
Thanksgiving, Eric and I slept in a bit and then headed over to Will and Samaras. We got there about 10:30 a.m. The boys watched TV and Samara and I chatted and did some preparations. About 11:30 I started cooking my noodles in my homemade broth and then started peeling and cutting up the potatoes for my Mashed potatoes. The turkey was ready around 1:30 and we got to eat. The menu: Turkey, gravy, Chicken & Noodles, Mashed Potatoes, Rolls, Scalloped Corn, Mashed Yams, Deviled Eggs, Fruity Salad, Apple, and Pumpkin Pie. I might have forgotten something, but regardless, it was a whole lot of food for just 4 people (and 2 babies in utero). After dinner, we were all pooped, so we sat around the counches and finished watching the Colts game. After that we decided to break out the pie. After pie, we cleaned the rest of the stuff up and Eric and I headed back home. I was pretty pooped last night too. Eric tried to watch a little more football, but fell asleep on the couch by 7:00 p.m. I took a nice hot bath and then watched all the Thursday night shows while working on my cross-stitch.
Today, Eric had to go to work, but I stayed home and slept until 9:45 a.m. Samara called then and asked me to go to Babies R Us with her. I wasn't planning on shopping, but as Eric had fallen asleep so early the night before, he didn't bring up my Christmas decorations or move the furniture for me, so I couldn't work on decorating anyway. I met her at about 11:30. She ordered her crib and I found a toy I'd been looking for for my niece and finished up the Christmas shopping (except one item for Eric that needs to be ordered online and is currently unavailable). Then we went to Chile's for lunch. I ordered an appetizer combo and they messed it up, so they gave it to me for free. After lunch we decided to go over to Target where Samara needed a few items and we met the crazy shopper crowd. After that, Grace was starting to feel really heavy and I was ready to get home and off my feet. I got home around 3:30 p.m. and then took a nice little hour long nap. Once Eric got home I showed him where to move all the furniture, and he brought my decorations up from the basement. Then I decided to finish wrapping the rest of my Christmas presents. I decided not to start decorating tonight.
My plans for the rest of the weekend include: tonight - go sit on the couch and cross-stitch, tomorrow (Sat.) - put up the Christmas tree and decorations, address and get Christmas cards ready to send, possibly do some work from work (although now I'm pretty sure I'll be there next week, so I may not work now), and take a 37 week belly picture and measurements. Sunday - go to church, relax, work on the cross-stitch. It's been a nice long weekend.
Well, I better go get started on that TV watching. I hope you are all having great weekends too. By the way, can you believe my baby will be here in 3 weeks or less? All the sudden that doesn't seem that far away to me. Wow.
Wednesday, November 24, 2004
Doctor's Appointment - 36 weeks, 4 days
Sorry for the delay if any of you were anxiously awaiting my update.
I did have an appointment this morning. With it being the Thanksgiving holiday, most of the doctors were out, so I saw the nurse practitioner. As a result, I had to wait a bit longer than my last couple of visits.
I left my urine sample, the nurse weighed me (no change from last week - still 28 pounds total). She took my blood pressure 106/70 and pulse. She asked if I had any problems or concerns. I mentioned the bleeding last time and she agreed it was probably a result of the exam and wasn't a concern since it stopped. I also mentioned that my hands had been swelling a bit. That seemed to cause a little more concern, but she told me to stop wearing my rings and be sure to let them know if I noticed more swelling or if it spread to my feet or face. However, she said my blood pressure looked good. I'm assuming they are slightly concerned as swelling is a sign of pre-eclampsia, but so is high blood pressure and mine if fine.
Then I undressed and waited for the NP. She introduced herself when she came in and asked me many of the same questions the nurse did (baby movement, problems, etc.) I told her the same thing I told the nurse. Then she felt my belly and I mean felt it. I think she was trying to see how the baby is positioned. She said she felt a head down low, so I guess that is good. I was pretty sure she was head down, but it's nice to know they think so too. She measured my stomach and said I was measuring right on (no actual measurement given to me). Then we listened to the heartbeat. The doppler kept cutting out, but it sounded good while we could hear it. She seemed to be actual counting a heart rate, as I saw her check her watch, but she didn't tell me what it was. Then she checked my chart to see where I was last time and then did the internal exam. She said I'm dialated "about the same", but I might be "more thinned out." She also said, she thinks "the baby has moved down a bit." Again, no real numbers this time, but I'm taking that as pretty much no change. I'm not sure how far the baby has dropped, but that probably has a lot to do with the increased pressure I've been feeling.
She also asked me if I'd had any contractions. I said I didn't know, but explained the period type pain I've been getting occasionally especially when I go back to bed after my middle of the night bathroom trips. She said that could be a contraction, but she'd send my urine sample to the lab to check for a bladder infection. Speaking of infection, my Group B Strep test came back negative, so I don't have to worry about needing antibiotics during labor.
Well, that's about it. I think we should be fine this weekend. I didn't get everything I needed to accomplished at work this week, so I need a couple more days there. I even brought my laptop home to try to get some stuff done if I feel the urge this weekend.
Well, I need to go and start on some of my cooking for tomorrow. I have a couple of things that need to rise as I'm making noodles and yeast rolls from scratch, so I need to go do that tonight. Have a Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
I did have an appointment this morning. With it being the Thanksgiving holiday, most of the doctors were out, so I saw the nurse practitioner. As a result, I had to wait a bit longer than my last couple of visits.
I left my urine sample, the nurse weighed me (no change from last week - still 28 pounds total). She took my blood pressure 106/70 and pulse. She asked if I had any problems or concerns. I mentioned the bleeding last time and she agreed it was probably a result of the exam and wasn't a concern since it stopped. I also mentioned that my hands had been swelling a bit. That seemed to cause a little more concern, but she told me to stop wearing my rings and be sure to let them know if I noticed more swelling or if it spread to my feet or face. However, she said my blood pressure looked good. I'm assuming they are slightly concerned as swelling is a sign of pre-eclampsia, but so is high blood pressure and mine if fine.
Then I undressed and waited for the NP. She introduced herself when she came in and asked me many of the same questions the nurse did (baby movement, problems, etc.) I told her the same thing I told the nurse. Then she felt my belly and I mean felt it. I think she was trying to see how the baby is positioned. She said she felt a head down low, so I guess that is good. I was pretty sure she was head down, but it's nice to know they think so too. She measured my stomach and said I was measuring right on (no actual measurement given to me). Then we listened to the heartbeat. The doppler kept cutting out, but it sounded good while we could hear it. She seemed to be actual counting a heart rate, as I saw her check her watch, but she didn't tell me what it was. Then she checked my chart to see where I was last time and then did the internal exam. She said I'm dialated "about the same", but I might be "more thinned out." She also said, she thinks "the baby has moved down a bit." Again, no real numbers this time, but I'm taking that as pretty much no change. I'm not sure how far the baby has dropped, but that probably has a lot to do with the increased pressure I've been feeling.
She also asked me if I'd had any contractions. I said I didn't know, but explained the period type pain I've been getting occasionally especially when I go back to bed after my middle of the night bathroom trips. She said that could be a contraction, but she'd send my urine sample to the lab to check for a bladder infection. Speaking of infection, my Group B Strep test came back negative, so I don't have to worry about needing antibiotics during labor.
Well, that's about it. I think we should be fine this weekend. I didn't get everything I needed to accomplished at work this week, so I need a couple more days there. I even brought my laptop home to try to get some stuff done if I feel the urge this weekend.
Well, I need to go and start on some of my cooking for tomorrow. I have a couple of things that need to rise as I'm making noodles and yeast rolls from scratch, so I need to go do that tonight. Have a Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
Tuesday, November 23, 2004
First of all, I'd like to say that I've felt better today. The morning started off a little rough, but then as the day went on, I felt better. I've even got my wedding ring on again.
I don't think I'm going to meet my Thanksgiving deadline for all of my work projects, but I guess that keeps me busy instead of just sitting around waiting.
Anyway, about this post. I was told that I needed to post guesses from my friends and family. These are the one's I've been told. If anyone else wants to make a guess, put it in the comments section. I've put them in order of soonest to farthest away. I don't know that there is a prize, but if someone is exactly right, I may have to do something.
12/2/04 - 7lb 14oz (Samara)
12/10/04 - 8lb 3oz (Me)
12/13/04 - 8lb 9oz (Heather)
12/14/04 - 9lb 2 oz (Eric)
12/15/04 - 7lb 15 oz (Erica)
12/18/04 - 7lb 4oz (Danialle)
We'll have to see who wins.
I don't think I'm going to meet my Thanksgiving deadline for all of my work projects, but I guess that keeps me busy instead of just sitting around waiting.
Anyway, about this post. I was told that I needed to post guesses from my friends and family. These are the one's I've been told. If anyone else wants to make a guess, put it in the comments section. I've put them in order of soonest to farthest away. I don't know that there is a prize, but if someone is exactly right, I may have to do something.
12/2/04 - 7lb 14oz (Samara)
12/10/04 - 8lb 3oz (Me)
12/13/04 - 8lb 9oz (Heather)
12/14/04 - 9lb 2 oz (Eric)
12/15/04 - 7lb 15 oz (Erica)
12/18/04 - 7lb 4oz (Danialle)
We'll have to see who wins.
Monday, November 22, 2004
Today is not such a good day. It all started around 4ish a.m. (I think). During one of my routine trips to the restroom, I saw that the bedroom clock was flashing. For some reason we fairly regularly get power flashes that affect the TV and cable box, computer, and my bedroom clock. Anyway, I grabbed my watch, turned on the bedside light and reset the time and alarm and went back to sleep. After a fairly decent night of sleep, I got up at 7:00 a.m. I went downstairs to let the dog out and caught a glimpse of the clock on the cable box which said 8:00 a.m. Apparently at 4 something in the morning I can't read my watch and I set the time an hour off. I went upstairs and woke Eric up apologizing (he's supposed to be at work at 8:00). He washed his face, threw on some clothes and headed out. I decided I was going to go ahead and shower, etc, as I never oversleep and am never really "late" for work. As I was about to get in the shower, however, I realized that I had a client meeting scheduled at 8:30 a.m. downtown. No shower for me. I called the other guy I was meeting there to explain, and luckily I was only 15 minutes late. They were pretty understanding.
Then I got into the office around 10:00, we had a all-collegue conference call at 11 and then I had lunch, so I got basically nothing done all morning.
Then there are the pregnancy symptoms. I forget if I mentioned this, but my hands are swelling. I put on the ring I usually wear on my right hand. I noticed during the call that it seemed tight. I took it off and have the indention of the ring in my skin. So, I put it on my pinkie until I could get back to my desk. By the time I got back to my desk, I had the indention on my pinkie too. After lunch, I decided to play it safe and take off my wedding ring too. I wore it on my pinkie for the rest of the day, but that makes me sad. I never take off my wedding ring. I sleep in it, shower in it, I wear it all day every day. Now I need to find a chain or something. I haven't noticed any swelling in my feet or face though, so I suppose it could be worse.
I've also just felt really icky today. I was hot all day long. Other people freeze and I've got a sweat going. I'm glad this baby wasn't due in September or I'd really be in trouble. I've also felt slightly nauseous and still have that familiar crampy/achiness in my belly. It's nothing that I could time, so I don't think it's contractions, but every twinge makes me wonder. This afternoon, getting up and walking around was difficult (my hips really feel out of socket) and I just felt really blah. Tonight I haven't been able to get comfortable even on the couch, because I feel like I can't breathe.
I'm just complaining. These are the last few weeks of pregnancy and it makes since that I'm uncomfortable. I'm just readay to finish this week and then let the baby come whenever she wants (After Saturday).
I think I'm going to go wrap some Christmas presents, so maybe I can move up my comfort date to Friday.
Then I got into the office around 10:00, we had a all-collegue conference call at 11 and then I had lunch, so I got basically nothing done all morning.
Then there are the pregnancy symptoms. I forget if I mentioned this, but my hands are swelling. I put on the ring I usually wear on my right hand. I noticed during the call that it seemed tight. I took it off and have the indention of the ring in my skin. So, I put it on my pinkie until I could get back to my desk. By the time I got back to my desk, I had the indention on my pinkie too. After lunch, I decided to play it safe and take off my wedding ring too. I wore it on my pinkie for the rest of the day, but that makes me sad. I never take off my wedding ring. I sleep in it, shower in it, I wear it all day every day. Now I need to find a chain or something. I haven't noticed any swelling in my feet or face though, so I suppose it could be worse.
I've also just felt really icky today. I was hot all day long. Other people freeze and I've got a sweat going. I'm glad this baby wasn't due in September or I'd really be in trouble. I've also felt slightly nauseous and still have that familiar crampy/achiness in my belly. It's nothing that I could time, so I don't think it's contractions, but every twinge makes me wonder. This afternoon, getting up and walking around was difficult (my hips really feel out of socket) and I just felt really blah. Tonight I haven't been able to get comfortable even on the couch, because I feel like I can't breathe.
I'm just complaining. These are the last few weeks of pregnancy and it makes since that I'm uncomfortable. I'm just readay to finish this week and then let the baby come whenever she wants (After Saturday).
I think I'm going to go wrap some Christmas presents, so maybe I can move up my comfort date to Friday.
Sunday, November 21, 2004
36 weeks, 1 day - The 37th Week
My Symptoms
I've felt pretty good this week although I've been much more aware of all the pressure I've been feeling down below since I know I'm dialating. Unfortunately I think my stretch marks have gotten a bit darker. I'm also noticing the line down my belly. I thought maybe I was imagining it before, but Eric pointed it out this week, so it must really be there. My belly button has about 1/2 way popped out. The top half sort of popped, so now it's almost completetly flat on top, but the bottom is still inside. I've noticed, especially at night, that I get really uncomfortable and feel a lot of pressure just after I empty my bladder. Not really sure why, but it's hard to go back to sleep right afterwards. I've noticed a little bit of swelling in my hands, not so much in my feet. I wear my wedding ring all the time, but I have a ring I wear on my right hand when I go to work or out. The last couple of days I've noticed a line around my finger when I take that one off. That must mean my fingers are swelling right? I could feel a lot worse and I keep going back and forth about whether I'm ready for Grace to come right now or wait a while. Some people told me that they only thought I'd make it another two weeks. That seems a little soon, although at times I think I really want it soon. I at least need to wait until after next weekend. I think I can get most of my work stuff done this week and the rest of my home stuff should be done by the end of next weekend. So if she could wait until sometime in December, we'd be happy. I also feel like we could go right up until the due date, although we'll have to see if I opt to be induced a day or two early if that's the case. For now, I'm ok with waiting around this week. I'll give you another update after my Wednesday doctor's appointment.
The Baby
Your baby weighs almost 6.5 pounds. Crown-to-rump length is 14 inches. Its total length is 21 inches. Your baby is continuing to grow and to gain weight, even during these last few weeks of pregnancy. The baby's head is usually directed down into the pelvis around this time.
Your cherub is approximately 5.5 pounds and 19 inches long. This baby is just about done growing inside you. That means it could be anytime now!
Congratulations! Your pregnancy is now considered full term — meaning your baby is developmentally ready to handle life outside the womb. (Babies born before 37 weeks are pre-term and those born after 42 weeks are post-term.) Your baby probably weighs a little over 6 pounds at this point and measures between 19 and 20 inches, head to heel. Many babies have a full head of hair at birth, with locks from 1/2 inch to 1 1/2 inches long. But don't be surprised if your baby's hair isn't the same color as yours. Dark-haired couples are sometimes thrown for a loop when their children are born blonds or redheads, and fair-haired couples have been surprised by Elvis look-alikes. And then, of course, some babies sport only peach fuzz.
Your baby is practicing breathing by inhaling amniotic fluid. Sometimes the baby will even get hiccoughs! Remember to feel these last few weeks of kicks, believe it or not you will miss them.
The Mom
Your uterus may be the same size as measured in the last week or two. Measuring from the pubic symphysis, the top of the uterus is about 14.8 inches (37 cm). From the bellybutton, it is 6.4 to 6.8 inches. Your total weight gain by this time should be about as high as it will go at 25 to 35 pounds. About this time in your pregnancy, your healthcare provider may do a pelvic exam. Your healthcare provider will examine your cervix at the pelvic exam. During labor, the cervix usually becomes softer and thins out. This process is called effacement. Before labor begins, the cervix is thick and is "0% effaced." When you're in active labor, the cervix thins out; when it is half-thinned, it is "50% effaced." Immediately before delivery, the cervix is "100% effaced." The dilatation of teh cervix is also important. It is usually measured in cenimeters. The cervix if fully open when the diameter of tehr cervical opening measures 10 cm. Before labor begins, the cervix may be closed. Or it may be open a little way, such as 1cm. The goal of labor is the stretching and opening of the cervix so the baby fist through it and can pass out of the uterus. The station is then determined. Station describes the degree to which the presenting part of the baby has descended into the brith canal. If the baby's head is at a -2 station, it means the head is higher inside you than if it were at a +2 station. The 0 point is a bony landmark in the pelvis, the starting point of the birth canal.
Have you discussed hospital procedures, including birthing facilities, IVs, shaves, monitors, pain relief, and enemas, with your caregiver? Do you know you have choices about many of these things? Look for answers to your questions (or ask one of your own!) in our Ask the Expert section, and if you haven't done so already, take the time to fill out the interactive birth plan. This is the best action you can take to insure you and your family will be in control of your birth experience. If you’ll be using a diaper service, arrange for predelivery. They’ll help you determine how many diapers you’ll actually need (it’s probably a LOT more than you think!) What about help after the baby is born? You don't have to be supermom. Ask a family member or friend to help out the days following your delivery or if you can afford it hire a domestic service. Childbirth is overwhelming and exhausting - take the time you need to recuperate and enjoy this special time in your life. Your uterus has grown from about 3 inches to a whopping 12 inches to hold your baby. Continue to do your Kegal exercises, at least 25 a day. They’ll help you in your recovery.
The next couple of weeks are a waiting game. Use this time to prepare your baby's nursery or to take care of tasks you may not get around to for a while after your baby's born. Take naps and catch up on your reading while you can. Have you noticed an increase in the frequency or vividness of dreams lately? Anxiety about becoming a parent can fuel a lot of strange pregnancy dreams. You may be getting a lot more Braxton Hicks contractions now, and they may last longer and be more uncomfortable. Sometimes — when they start to come frequently — you may even think you're in labor. You might also notice an increase in mucus discharge from your vagina. If you see some "bloody show" (the mucus plug tinged with a tiny amount of blood), labor is probably right around the corner! (If you have other spotting or bleeding, call your caregiver immediately.)
The pregnancy is considered a "term" pregnancy at this point and nothing will be done to stop labor in most circumstances. You should plan to take a tour of your birth facility if you have not previously. If you are having a home birth try to invite everyone over for a quick run through of what you expect. It will save hurt feelings in the end! Many women wonder if they will really know when labor has begun. There are several ways to tell the difference between real labor and prelabor. Be sure that you talk to your practitioner about knowing the difference.
I've felt pretty good this week although I've been much more aware of all the pressure I've been feeling down below since I know I'm dialating. Unfortunately I think my stretch marks have gotten a bit darker. I'm also noticing the line down my belly. I thought maybe I was imagining it before, but Eric pointed it out this week, so it must really be there. My belly button has about 1/2 way popped out. The top half sort of popped, so now it's almost completetly flat on top, but the bottom is still inside. I've noticed, especially at night, that I get really uncomfortable and feel a lot of pressure just after I empty my bladder. Not really sure why, but it's hard to go back to sleep right afterwards. I've noticed a little bit of swelling in my hands, not so much in my feet. I wear my wedding ring all the time, but I have a ring I wear on my right hand when I go to work or out. The last couple of days I've noticed a line around my finger when I take that one off. That must mean my fingers are swelling right? I could feel a lot worse and I keep going back and forth about whether I'm ready for Grace to come right now or wait a while. Some people told me that they only thought I'd make it another two weeks. That seems a little soon, although at times I think I really want it soon. I at least need to wait until after next weekend. I think I can get most of my work stuff done this week and the rest of my home stuff should be done by the end of next weekend. So if she could wait until sometime in December, we'd be happy. I also feel like we could go right up until the due date, although we'll have to see if I opt to be induced a day or two early if that's the case. For now, I'm ok with waiting around this week. I'll give you another update after my Wednesday doctor's appointment.
The Baby
Your baby weighs almost 6.5 pounds. Crown-to-rump length is 14 inches. Its total length is 21 inches. Your baby is continuing to grow and to gain weight, even during these last few weeks of pregnancy. The baby's head is usually directed down into the pelvis around this time.
Your cherub is approximately 5.5 pounds and 19 inches long. This baby is just about done growing inside you. That means it could be anytime now!
Congratulations! Your pregnancy is now considered full term — meaning your baby is developmentally ready to handle life outside the womb. (Babies born before 37 weeks are pre-term and those born after 42 weeks are post-term.) Your baby probably weighs a little over 6 pounds at this point and measures between 19 and 20 inches, head to heel. Many babies have a full head of hair at birth, with locks from 1/2 inch to 1 1/2 inches long. But don't be surprised if your baby's hair isn't the same color as yours. Dark-haired couples are sometimes thrown for a loop when their children are born blonds or redheads, and fair-haired couples have been surprised by Elvis look-alikes. And then, of course, some babies sport only peach fuzz.
Your baby is practicing breathing by inhaling amniotic fluid. Sometimes the baby will even get hiccoughs! Remember to feel these last few weeks of kicks, believe it or not you will miss them.
The Mom
Your uterus may be the same size as measured in the last week or two. Measuring from the pubic symphysis, the top of the uterus is about 14.8 inches (37 cm). From the bellybutton, it is 6.4 to 6.8 inches. Your total weight gain by this time should be about as high as it will go at 25 to 35 pounds. About this time in your pregnancy, your healthcare provider may do a pelvic exam. Your healthcare provider will examine your cervix at the pelvic exam. During labor, the cervix usually becomes softer and thins out. This process is called effacement. Before labor begins, the cervix is thick and is "0% effaced." When you're in active labor, the cervix thins out; when it is half-thinned, it is "50% effaced." Immediately before delivery, the cervix is "100% effaced." The dilatation of teh cervix is also important. It is usually measured in cenimeters. The cervix if fully open when the diameter of tehr cervical opening measures 10 cm. Before labor begins, the cervix may be closed. Or it may be open a little way, such as 1cm. The goal of labor is the stretching and opening of the cervix so the baby fist through it and can pass out of the uterus. The station is then determined. Station describes the degree to which the presenting part of the baby has descended into the brith canal. If the baby's head is at a -2 station, it means the head is higher inside you than if it were at a +2 station. The 0 point is a bony landmark in the pelvis, the starting point of the birth canal.
Have you discussed hospital procedures, including birthing facilities, IVs, shaves, monitors, pain relief, and enemas, with your caregiver? Do you know you have choices about many of these things? Look for answers to your questions (or ask one of your own!) in our Ask the Expert section, and if you haven't done so already, take the time to fill out the interactive birth plan. This is the best action you can take to insure you and your family will be in control of your birth experience. If you’ll be using a diaper service, arrange for predelivery. They’ll help you determine how many diapers you’ll actually need (it’s probably a LOT more than you think!) What about help after the baby is born? You don't have to be supermom. Ask a family member or friend to help out the days following your delivery or if you can afford it hire a domestic service. Childbirth is overwhelming and exhausting - take the time you need to recuperate and enjoy this special time in your life. Your uterus has grown from about 3 inches to a whopping 12 inches to hold your baby. Continue to do your Kegal exercises, at least 25 a day. They’ll help you in your recovery.
The next couple of weeks are a waiting game. Use this time to prepare your baby's nursery or to take care of tasks you may not get around to for a while after your baby's born. Take naps and catch up on your reading while you can. Have you noticed an increase in the frequency or vividness of dreams lately? Anxiety about becoming a parent can fuel a lot of strange pregnancy dreams. You may be getting a lot more Braxton Hicks contractions now, and they may last longer and be more uncomfortable. Sometimes — when they start to come frequently — you may even think you're in labor. You might also notice an increase in mucus discharge from your vagina. If you see some "bloody show" (the mucus plug tinged with a tiny amount of blood), labor is probably right around the corner! (If you have other spotting or bleeding, call your caregiver immediately.)
The pregnancy is considered a "term" pregnancy at this point and nothing will be done to stop labor in most circumstances. You should plan to take a tour of your birth facility if you have not previously. If you are having a home birth try to invite everyone over for a quick run through of what you expect. It will save hurt feelings in the end! Many women wonder if they will really know when labor has begun. There are several ways to tell the difference between real labor and prelabor. Be sure that you talk to your practitioner about knowing the difference.
The Weekend
Finally, my first weekend at home with "nothing" plannned. It ended up being pretty useful though and I now have almost everything done off of my "to-do before the baby comes list (home version)."
Friday night Eric played a lot of X-Box and I got some important stuff done. I did the laundry, picked up the house, vacuumed upstairs, moved the litter box. I better explain that one. Until Friday, the cat's litter box has been what was originally was our computer room, but now has turned into the office/guestroom. There is no computer there anymore, but we still have a desk, 3 bookshelves, and a futon. The closet in that room is also where I keep most micellaneous items. The dog's cage is in there, but he only uses it while we're at work. Anyway, with the baby on the way, I'm thinking if my parents could use that room as "home base" while they are visiting. You know, keep there stuff in there, sleep, etc. The dog cage won't be a problem because he doesn't need to be in there unless no one is home. However, the litter box was also in this room and that would prevent us from closing that door, plus who wants to sleep in a room with a litter box? So, I would like to move the litter box to the basement. I have tried this once before, and the cat protested and decided to just use the carpet instead, but I am going to try this in stages. For the next few days the box has moved to the upstairs hallway, just outside the room it was in. On Tuesday, I plan to move it to the bottom of the stairs in our landing. This will not be a practical long-term solution, but I don't want the cat to "forget" where the box is. On Saturday, I will move it into the basement at the bottom of the stairs. My cat does frequent the basement, as his food is in the laundry room, but last time for some reason, he refused to use the litter box when I moved it from the bottom of the stairs into the laundry room. Someone suggested that the basement may be too dark. I bought night lights this time. We'll be sure that Smokey can see where he is going and find his way. Eric will not like the litter box hanging out at the bottom of the stairs. I'm not sure if it's the unfinished part of the basement that makes the cat jumpy, so if I need to the final step will be to put it behind the bar area (still in the finished part). Wish us luck.
Anyway, also on Friday night, I did two more thank you notes, wrote all receipt amounts in the checkbook, paid the bills, and updated my budget spreadsheet, I also pre-ordered our birth announcements and typed all addresses into "labels" to be printed off of word. I'm thinking that will help out on the Christmas cards too.
Saturday, I slept in until about 9:30 a.m. Samara and I planned to go Christmas shopping, so I called her. While she was finishing up some things at home, I showered, dressed, and took Zeus to Petsmart for a nailtrim. I left the house to meet her at the mall at 12:30 p.m. We thought the mall would be empty because the OSU/Michigan game started at 1:00 p.m., but it was still slightly crowded. We first got us some lunch and then we shopped, and shopped. We finally left the mall just after 6:00 p.m. I had to stop by the grocery store for some essentials as I was completely out of contact solution, water, milk, cereal and Coke for Eric, and I got home at 6:45 p.m. I was so tired and while I didn't get all the shopping done, by the time we were done I at least knew what I was getting everyone else. Eric was sleeping on the couch when I got home. It must have been a combination of staying up late Friday night, being at work by 8:00 on Saturday morning, and watching football all day with some guy friends. He slept all night. I ordered pizza, watched Erin Brochovich on TV, and cross-stiched with my feet up for the rest of the night.
Today, we finally went back to church! I hadn't been since October 3rd with everything we've had going on. It was good to be back. We picked up some Wendy's came home and then I took a nice 2 hour nap. It was so nice! Eric went to BW3s with Martin to watch the Colts game. After my nap and waking up a bit, I went to Wal-Mart to finish up the Christmas shopping. Since then I've taken a bath and sat on the couch. It's like heaven.
So, here's what I still need to get done before the baby comes. Get my Thanksgiving recipes from my Mom, do the Thanksgiving grocery shopping, Wednesday evening and Thursday cook and have Thanksgiving dinner with Will & Samara. Finish the final Christmas shopping (I have a couple of items to order online for Eric, plus one thing to return at Hallmark and a gift to get Eric from Grace, also one other friend gift and then I'll be done). Next weekend, put up the Christmas tree, decorate the house and wrap all the presents. We may also need to come up with a backup labor and delivery plan for Zeus' care depending on when April and Martin will be out of town for Christmas. Now my "to-do list...Work version", that's another story.
Friday night Eric played a lot of X-Box and I got some important stuff done. I did the laundry, picked up the house, vacuumed upstairs, moved the litter box. I better explain that one. Until Friday, the cat's litter box has been what was originally was our computer room, but now has turned into the office/guestroom. There is no computer there anymore, but we still have a desk, 3 bookshelves, and a futon. The closet in that room is also where I keep most micellaneous items. The dog's cage is in there, but he only uses it while we're at work. Anyway, with the baby on the way, I'm thinking if my parents could use that room as "home base" while they are visiting. You know, keep there stuff in there, sleep, etc. The dog cage won't be a problem because he doesn't need to be in there unless no one is home. However, the litter box was also in this room and that would prevent us from closing that door, plus who wants to sleep in a room with a litter box? So, I would like to move the litter box to the basement. I have tried this once before, and the cat protested and decided to just use the carpet instead, but I am going to try this in stages. For the next few days the box has moved to the upstairs hallway, just outside the room it was in. On Tuesday, I plan to move it to the bottom of the stairs in our landing. This will not be a practical long-term solution, but I don't want the cat to "forget" where the box is. On Saturday, I will move it into the basement at the bottom of the stairs. My cat does frequent the basement, as his food is in the laundry room, but last time for some reason, he refused to use the litter box when I moved it from the bottom of the stairs into the laundry room. Someone suggested that the basement may be too dark. I bought night lights this time. We'll be sure that Smokey can see where he is going and find his way. Eric will not like the litter box hanging out at the bottom of the stairs. I'm not sure if it's the unfinished part of the basement that makes the cat jumpy, so if I need to the final step will be to put it behind the bar area (still in the finished part). Wish us luck.
Anyway, also on Friday night, I did two more thank you notes, wrote all receipt amounts in the checkbook, paid the bills, and updated my budget spreadsheet, I also pre-ordered our birth announcements and typed all addresses into "labels" to be printed off of word. I'm thinking that will help out on the Christmas cards too.
Saturday, I slept in until about 9:30 a.m. Samara and I planned to go Christmas shopping, so I called her. While she was finishing up some things at home, I showered, dressed, and took Zeus to Petsmart for a nailtrim. I left the house to meet her at the mall at 12:30 p.m. We thought the mall would be empty because the OSU/Michigan game started at 1:00 p.m., but it was still slightly crowded. We first got us some lunch and then we shopped, and shopped. We finally left the mall just after 6:00 p.m. I had to stop by the grocery store for some essentials as I was completely out of contact solution, water, milk, cereal and Coke for Eric, and I got home at 6:45 p.m. I was so tired and while I didn't get all the shopping done, by the time we were done I at least knew what I was getting everyone else. Eric was sleeping on the couch when I got home. It must have been a combination of staying up late Friday night, being at work by 8:00 on Saturday morning, and watching football all day with some guy friends. He slept all night. I ordered pizza, watched Erin Brochovich on TV, and cross-stiched with my feet up for the rest of the night.
Today, we finally went back to church! I hadn't been since October 3rd with everything we've had going on. It was good to be back. We picked up some Wendy's came home and then I took a nice 2 hour nap. It was so nice! Eric went to BW3s with Martin to watch the Colts game. After my nap and waking up a bit, I went to Wal-Mart to finish up the Christmas shopping. Since then I've taken a bath and sat on the couch. It's like heaven.
So, here's what I still need to get done before the baby comes. Get my Thanksgiving recipes from my Mom, do the Thanksgiving grocery shopping, Wednesday evening and Thursday cook and have Thanksgiving dinner with Will & Samara. Finish the final Christmas shopping (I have a couple of items to order online for Eric, plus one thing to return at Hallmark and a gift to get Eric from Grace, also one other friend gift and then I'll be done). Next weekend, put up the Christmas tree, decorate the house and wrap all the presents. We may also need to come up with a backup labor and delivery plan for Zeus' care depending on when April and Martin will be out of town for Christmas. Now my "to-do list...Work version", that's another story.
Thursday, November 18, 2004
Doctor's Appointment
Today I had my first of the weekly doctor's appointments. I wasn't sure if they'd do an internal exam because last time they said they don't start those until 36 weeks and according to them I'm 35 weeks, 5 days, which is not quite 36 weeks. Anyway, I got there, gave my urine sample, got weighed and gained 3 pounds since 2 weeks ago, for a total weight gain of 28 pounds. The nurse took my blood pressure which was a nice 112/60. Then the nurse told me we were going to start internals this week, so to take off the bottoms and use the cover up sheet.
When Dr. D. came in she asked if I had any questions. I asked her if she would give me a guess on how big the baby is. She said she'd feel my stomach and see. Then I asked a couple of questions from the birth plan section of my planner. 1. Can I wear contacts during labor? Yes, unless at some point the anesthesiologist asks me to take them out. 2. What are her thoughts about induction? If I want to be induced, they will consider it on 12/16 or 12/17 (both days that my doctor is on call) as long as I am dialating and effacing nicely. If I'm not ready by the due date, she will usually only let me go a week past the due date. For me, that would be Christmas, so they would probably induce me on the 23rd. We talked a little bit about episiotomies and C-sections too. Again, I'm only interested if it's really needed and I don't think she would do either unnecessarily.
After the questions she measured me, but didn't tell me the number. She felt my belly and said she thinks we're probably average size, about 5 1/2 or 6 pounds right now. Which would put us on track for a 7 or 8 pound baby. We listened to the heartbeat which was good. Then she did a swab for the Group B Strep test. If it comes back positive, I would need antibiotics during labor.
Then she did the internal exam. She said that I am 1, almost 2 cm dialated, 60% effaced, and the baby is at -2 station. For reference, you can be 0-10 cm dialated, 0-100% effaced with 100% being the goal, and the baby starts at -4 (floating in the uterus) to 0 (fully engaged in the pelvis) to +4 (crowning). Things seem to be progressing nicely. We'll see if anything changes over the next week. None of it means much as your water can break when you are 0 cm and my friend Kelly walked around at 4cm dialated for 2 weeks. At least it's nice to know that in some way, my
body has started preparing.
One other thing, after I left my appointment I stopped by Eric's office. When I went to the restroom, I noticed I was bleeding. I'm assuming it's because of the exam. It wasn't really alot of blood, but enough to go through my underwear and to my pants. I went home and changed and added a panty-liner. It's definatly tapered off though the afternoon and evening, but there is still a hint of pink when I wipe. If I still have pink by mornnig, I will call and ask the doctor about it. I'm pretty sure it's just from the exam.
That's about it. Next appointment Wednesday.
When Dr. D. came in she asked if I had any questions. I asked her if she would give me a guess on how big the baby is. She said she'd feel my stomach and see. Then I asked a couple of questions from the birth plan section of my planner. 1. Can I wear contacts during labor? Yes, unless at some point the anesthesiologist asks me to take them out. 2. What are her thoughts about induction? If I want to be induced, they will consider it on 12/16 or 12/17 (both days that my doctor is on call) as long as I am dialating and effacing nicely. If I'm not ready by the due date, she will usually only let me go a week past the due date. For me, that would be Christmas, so they would probably induce me on the 23rd. We talked a little bit about episiotomies and C-sections too. Again, I'm only interested if it's really needed and I don't think she would do either unnecessarily.
After the questions she measured me, but didn't tell me the number. She felt my belly and said she thinks we're probably average size, about 5 1/2 or 6 pounds right now. Which would put us on track for a 7 or 8 pound baby. We listened to the heartbeat which was good. Then she did a swab for the Group B Strep test. If it comes back positive, I would need antibiotics during labor.
Then she did the internal exam. She said that I am 1, almost 2 cm dialated, 60% effaced, and the baby is at -2 station. For reference, you can be 0-10 cm dialated, 0-100% effaced with 100% being the goal, and the baby starts at -4 (floating in the uterus) to 0 (fully engaged in the pelvis) to +4 (crowning). Things seem to be progressing nicely. We'll see if anything changes over the next week. None of it means much as your water can break when you are 0 cm and my friend Kelly walked around at 4cm dialated for 2 weeks. At least it's nice to know that in some way, my
body has started preparing.
One other thing, after I left my appointment I stopped by Eric's office. When I went to the restroom, I noticed I was bleeding. I'm assuming it's because of the exam. It wasn't really alot of blood, but enough to go through my underwear and to my pants. I went home and changed and added a panty-liner. It's definatly tapered off though the afternoon and evening, but there is still a hint of pink when I wipe. If I still have pink by mornnig, I will call and ask the doctor about it. I'm pretty sure it's just from the exam.
That's about it. Next appointment Wednesday.
Monday, November 15, 2004
35 Weeks, 2 Days - The 36th Week
My Symptoms
I'm calling this my ninth month now. I've got about a month left, give or take, and I'm ready. Overall, I guess I still feel pretty good, but I am noticing the little things. I can't sit or stand for too long without getting a back ache. I'm pretty sure the "relaxin" has kicked in as I definately waddle, especially after I get up after sitting for a while. It's weird. I just feel like my hips don't work properly, almost like they are out of socket. I can't see it, but I feel like the baby is dropping at least a little. I notice a lot more "pressure" down below. Again, especially if I sit for a while, I need to stand up and walk around. She still moves alot and I just figured out that if I put my hand where her butt is when she's poking her feet out my side, and push her feet back in, I can feel her butt move. It's kind of cool. It probably annoys her. I'm thinking I may have a little bit of the dark line down my belly. I don't see it when I look directly at my belly, but do notice a bit of a line when I look in the mirror. I still have an appetite, but notice now that I get full very fast. I can actually feel full and hungry at the same time. It just means that I try to eat more frequently, since I have to eat less. I can't think of much else. No noticible swelling or puffiness, my belly button is still in, the stretch marks don't seem to have gotten darker or multiplied. I'm just ready for her to come out. Two more weeks and I'll be considered "full term." That sounds nice.
The Baby
By this week, your baby weighs about 6 pounds. Its crown-to-rump length is over 13.5 inches and total length is 20.7 inches.
It’s getting cramped in there! Kicking and shoving have replaced the early swooping and rolling -- there’s simply no more room! He is about 17 inches long and weighs about five pounds. From now on his growth will be slow and steady as he continues to put on weight and fill out.
Your baby is still putting on the pounds — about an ounce a day. She now weighs almost 6 pounds and is a little less than 19 inches long. She's shedding most of the downy covering of hair that covered her body as well as the vernix caseosa, the creamy substance that covered and protected her skin during its submersion in amniotic fluid. Your baby swallows both of these substances, along with other secretions, which will stay in her bowels until birth. This blackish mixture, called meconium, will become her first bowel movement.
At the end of this week, your baby will be considered full-term. (Babies between 37 and 42 weeks are considered full-term; a baby born before 37 weeks is pre-term and after 42 is post-term.) Most likely she's in a head-down position by now, which is optimal for a smooth delivery, but if she isn't in the next week, your provider may suggest scheduling an "external cephalic version," which is a fancy way of saying she'll try to coax your baby into a head-down position manually, by manipulating her from the outside of your belly.
The baby continues to grow and snuggle down into your pelvis. The benefit of this is that you can breathe more easily, however, you also have to urinate more often. Your practitioner will probably not stop your labor if you were to start having regular contractions now. Baby weighs about five pounds two ounces (2.3 kilograms) and measures 45 cms or 17.8 inches. Although here at the end there is a larger margin of difference among babies. Ask your practitioner to palpate (feel through your abdomen) to guesstimate the weight. Remember it is just a guess, although some are better than others.
The Mom
Measuring from the pubic symphysis, it's about 14.5 inches (36cm) to the top of your uterus. If you measure from your bellybutton, it's more than 5.5 inches to the top of your uterus. You may feel as though you've run out of room! Your uterus has grown bigger in the past few weeks as the baby has grown inside of it. Now the uterus is probably up under your ribs. You only have 4 to 5 weeks to go until your due date. It's easy to get anxious for your baby to be delivered. However, don't ask your doctor to induce labor at this point. You may have gained 25 to 30 pounds, and you still have a month to go. It isn't unusual for your weight to stay the same at each of your weekly visits after this point.
Having odd dreams? That’s common! So is "nesting" behavior, though this tends to kick in strongest right before labor begins. Watch out! If you have a sudden, unbearable urge to scrub the grease from behind the stove, you may be heading for the hospital soon! Ah! At last! At some point during the last month of most first pregnancies, the fetus will "drop" into the pelvis, and once again you’ll be able to breathe! You’ve probably gained between 25-30 pounds (though that’s just the average, and many women gain less or more).
While your baby continues to grow and crowd your internal organs, you may find that you're not as hungry as you were a few weeks ago. Smaller, more frequent meals are often easier to handle at this point. On the other hand, you may have less heartburn and have an easier time breathing when your baby starts to drop down lower in your pelvis. This dropping — called lightening or engagement — is more likely to happen before labor if this is your first baby. When it does, though, you may feel increased pressure in your lower abdomen, making walking increasingly uncomfortable. Some women say it feels as though they're carrying a bowling ball between their legs, or as if the baby is going to fall out. (Don't worry, she won't!) You might also notice that your Braxton Hicks contractions are a little more frequent now. Be sure to review with your practitioner exactly when and where to call her when you think your labor has started. As a general rule, you should call when you start having regular contractions coming every five minutes for about an hour. Of course, you'll want to call right away if you're not yet 37 weeks and have signs of preterm labor. You should also call without delay if your water breaks (or if you even think you're leaking amniotic fluid), if you notice a decrease in your baby's activity, or if you have any vaginal bleeding, fever, severe headaches, abdominal pain, or changes in your vision. Even if you're enjoying an uncomplicated pregnancy, it's best to avoid flying during your final month, when you're more likely to go into labor. In fact, many airlines won't let women on board who are due to deliver within seven or sometimes 30 days of the flight.
You will probably start to see your practitioner every week until you give birth. Most babies will be in a head down position at this point. However, about 4% of the babies will be breech. Do not panic! There are plenty of things that you can do to encourage the baby to turn, including special exercises. If the exercises do not work, your practitioner may want to attempt an external cephalic version (ECV). The ECV is a manual turning of the baby.
I'm calling this my ninth month now. I've got about a month left, give or take, and I'm ready. Overall, I guess I still feel pretty good, but I am noticing the little things. I can't sit or stand for too long without getting a back ache. I'm pretty sure the "relaxin" has kicked in as I definately waddle, especially after I get up after sitting for a while. It's weird. I just feel like my hips don't work properly, almost like they are out of socket. I can't see it, but I feel like the baby is dropping at least a little. I notice a lot more "pressure" down below. Again, especially if I sit for a while, I need to stand up and walk around. She still moves alot and I just figured out that if I put my hand where her butt is when she's poking her feet out my side, and push her feet back in, I can feel her butt move. It's kind of cool. It probably annoys her. I'm thinking I may have a little bit of the dark line down my belly. I don't see it when I look directly at my belly, but do notice a bit of a line when I look in the mirror. I still have an appetite, but notice now that I get full very fast. I can actually feel full and hungry at the same time. It just means that I try to eat more frequently, since I have to eat less. I can't think of much else. No noticible swelling or puffiness, my belly button is still in, the stretch marks don't seem to have gotten darker or multiplied. I'm just ready for her to come out. Two more weeks and I'll be considered "full term." That sounds nice.
The Baby
By this week, your baby weighs about 6 pounds. Its crown-to-rump length is over 13.5 inches and total length is 20.7 inches.
It’s getting cramped in there! Kicking and shoving have replaced the early swooping and rolling -- there’s simply no more room! He is about 17 inches long and weighs about five pounds. From now on his growth will be slow and steady as he continues to put on weight and fill out.
Your baby is still putting on the pounds — about an ounce a day. She now weighs almost 6 pounds and is a little less than 19 inches long. She's shedding most of the downy covering of hair that covered her body as well as the vernix caseosa, the creamy substance that covered and protected her skin during its submersion in amniotic fluid. Your baby swallows both of these substances, along with other secretions, which will stay in her bowels until birth. This blackish mixture, called meconium, will become her first bowel movement.
At the end of this week, your baby will be considered full-term. (Babies between 37 and 42 weeks are considered full-term; a baby born before 37 weeks is pre-term and after 42 is post-term.) Most likely she's in a head-down position by now, which is optimal for a smooth delivery, but if she isn't in the next week, your provider may suggest scheduling an "external cephalic version," which is a fancy way of saying she'll try to coax your baby into a head-down position manually, by manipulating her from the outside of your belly.
The baby continues to grow and snuggle down into your pelvis. The benefit of this is that you can breathe more easily, however, you also have to urinate more often. Your practitioner will probably not stop your labor if you were to start having regular contractions now. Baby weighs about five pounds two ounces (2.3 kilograms) and measures 45 cms or 17.8 inches. Although here at the end there is a larger margin of difference among babies. Ask your practitioner to palpate (feel through your abdomen) to guesstimate the weight. Remember it is just a guess, although some are better than others.
The Mom
Measuring from the pubic symphysis, it's about 14.5 inches (36cm) to the top of your uterus. If you measure from your bellybutton, it's more than 5.5 inches to the top of your uterus. You may feel as though you've run out of room! Your uterus has grown bigger in the past few weeks as the baby has grown inside of it. Now the uterus is probably up under your ribs. You only have 4 to 5 weeks to go until your due date. It's easy to get anxious for your baby to be delivered. However, don't ask your doctor to induce labor at this point. You may have gained 25 to 30 pounds, and you still have a month to go. It isn't unusual for your weight to stay the same at each of your weekly visits after this point.
Having odd dreams? That’s common! So is "nesting" behavior, though this tends to kick in strongest right before labor begins. Watch out! If you have a sudden, unbearable urge to scrub the grease from behind the stove, you may be heading for the hospital soon! Ah! At last! At some point during the last month of most first pregnancies, the fetus will "drop" into the pelvis, and once again you’ll be able to breathe! You’ve probably gained between 25-30 pounds (though that’s just the average, and many women gain less or more).
While your baby continues to grow and crowd your internal organs, you may find that you're not as hungry as you were a few weeks ago. Smaller, more frequent meals are often easier to handle at this point. On the other hand, you may have less heartburn and have an easier time breathing when your baby starts to drop down lower in your pelvis. This dropping — called lightening or engagement — is more likely to happen before labor if this is your first baby. When it does, though, you may feel increased pressure in your lower abdomen, making walking increasingly uncomfortable. Some women say it feels as though they're carrying a bowling ball between their legs, or as if the baby is going to fall out. (Don't worry, she won't!) You might also notice that your Braxton Hicks contractions are a little more frequent now. Be sure to review with your practitioner exactly when and where to call her when you think your labor has started. As a general rule, you should call when you start having regular contractions coming every five minutes for about an hour. Of course, you'll want to call right away if you're not yet 37 weeks and have signs of preterm labor. You should also call without delay if your water breaks (or if you even think you're leaking amniotic fluid), if you notice a decrease in your baby's activity, or if you have any vaginal bleeding, fever, severe headaches, abdominal pain, or changes in your vision. Even if you're enjoying an uncomplicated pregnancy, it's best to avoid flying during your final month, when you're more likely to go into labor. In fact, many airlines won't let women on board who are due to deliver within seven or sometimes 30 days of the flight.
You will probably start to see your practitioner every week until you give birth. Most babies will be in a head down position at this point. However, about 4% of the babies will be breech. Do not panic! There are plenty of things that you can do to encourage the baby to turn, including special exercises. If the exercises do not work, your practitioner may want to attempt an external cephalic version (ECV). The ECV is a manual turning of the baby.
The Weekend
Another busy weekend, although this one wasn't really supposed to be that way.
Friday afternoon I got a call at work from my father-in-law. He and his girlfriend were planning on going to the riverboat in Cincinnati on Friday night and thought they'd come by on Saturday to visit. They haven't been here to visit since we moved into the house 2 1/2 years ago, so I was glad to have them come by. That meant, however, that Friday night I needed to do a little housecleaning. So when I got home from work I cleaned the house, did some laundry, and then started packing my hospital bags.
Saturday, Eric got up to go into work around 8:30 a.m. I decided to get up too and I went shopping at Target. I got most of the baby things we still needed that I could get there, plus alot of stuff for my labor and hospital bags and some baskets and boxes for baby storage. When packing my hospital bags, my main goal is to have as little as possible on the "pack last minute" list. So I made sure to get travel toiletries so we don't have to get anything out of the bathroom (except my makeup, which I am keeping in a bag on the counter, so we just have to grab it). I also didn't want to deplete Eric's wardrobe, so I bought him some new sweats and a couple of t-shirts that I could go ahead and pack. I also needed a robe to wear when walking the halls in my hospital gown, some slippers, and at least one front opening set of PJ's for afterwards when I'm trying to nurse. The Target expedition lasted until about noon and after spending lots of cash, I headed home. We weren't really sure when Gary and Christie would be in (they said afternoon), so after I got some lunch I decided to take an hour nap. When I got up they had just called and were about an hour away.
Gary and Christie got in around 3:30 p.m. We showed them the house which is much different than when we were moving in. They hadn't seen the new TV, Eric's Colt's basement, the painted old computer room, or of course the nursery. I think they were impressed with the quality of our crib as that was the item they had offered to help us with. After taking a look at the house, we left to get them checked into the hotel. They know they are welcome to stay with us, but they prefer a hotel so they can be more comfortable and they are both smokers, so they don't have to go outside to smoke, etc. After they got checked in, we decided to go to Babies R' Us. I still wanted to finish off my list of the last of the items needed before Grace comes. While we were there, Gary and Christie got stuck in the clothes section and when the time came to check out, they spent about as much as we did. We were of course, very appreciative. After shopping, we headed to Champps for dinner. It was very yummy as always. After dinner we just went back to the hotel and hung out until around 11:00 p.m. when Eric and I came home and went to bed.
Sunday morning we met back at the hotel for breakfast around 9:00 a.m. After breakfast we drove up to Powell to go to some antique stores, but most things didn't open until at least noon, so there wasn't much to see. After that, Gary and Christie headed back to Indiana and Eric and I went home. At 1:00 p.m. we went to BW3s to get some lunch and watch the Colts game. They won by a lot, so I didn't think we really needed to stay the whole time, but we did. We got home around 4:30 p.m. Then we left again at just after 6:00 to go to our final Childbirth Education class.
Eric was really nervous about this class because he was supposed to lead me through a "relaxation and visualization" exercise. He thought he had to do it in front of the class, but the teacher just turned the music on, the lights down, and left the room instructing us to "practice." We'd been having some problems with the position we are usually in. Eric sits against the wall, we put my two pillows in front of him, and I sit between his legs and lean back into him. Eric's legs always go to sleep and lately, sitting too much makes my back hurt. This time, we decided to have me lay on my left side with Eric laying behind me and rubbing my lower back. We practiced the breathing too and it seemed like a much better position for me. I could see me using that for part of labor. After the practice session we practiced "pushing." Actually, we just went over the breathing part of it, she didn't want us to actually bear down and break any waters while we were there. The end of class was spent talking a little bit about what to expect from your baby after birth, cord care, and just general questions. Overall a decent class and I think I feel much more comfortable with everything now. I'm getting excited about the upcoming birth. Maybe I should be more scared, but I'm going to go with the flow. I'll try to manage my pain, but I know there are drugs if I need them and no matter what happens, in the end I should get my beautiful baby girl.
Well, that was my weekend. Now it's back to another week of work. I have a doctor's appointment Thursday and now will have one every week.
Friday afternoon I got a call at work from my father-in-law. He and his girlfriend were planning on going to the riverboat in Cincinnati on Friday night and thought they'd come by on Saturday to visit. They haven't been here to visit since we moved into the house 2 1/2 years ago, so I was glad to have them come by. That meant, however, that Friday night I needed to do a little housecleaning. So when I got home from work I cleaned the house, did some laundry, and then started packing my hospital bags.
Saturday, Eric got up to go into work around 8:30 a.m. I decided to get up too and I went shopping at Target. I got most of the baby things we still needed that I could get there, plus alot of stuff for my labor and hospital bags and some baskets and boxes for baby storage. When packing my hospital bags, my main goal is to have as little as possible on the "pack last minute" list. So I made sure to get travel toiletries so we don't have to get anything out of the bathroom (except my makeup, which I am keeping in a bag on the counter, so we just have to grab it). I also didn't want to deplete Eric's wardrobe, so I bought him some new sweats and a couple of t-shirts that I could go ahead and pack. I also needed a robe to wear when walking the halls in my hospital gown, some slippers, and at least one front opening set of PJ's for afterwards when I'm trying to nurse. The Target expedition lasted until about noon and after spending lots of cash, I headed home. We weren't really sure when Gary and Christie would be in (they said afternoon), so after I got some lunch I decided to take an hour nap. When I got up they had just called and were about an hour away.
Gary and Christie got in around 3:30 p.m. We showed them the house which is much different than when we were moving in. They hadn't seen the new TV, Eric's Colt's basement, the painted old computer room, or of course the nursery. I think they were impressed with the quality of our crib as that was the item they had offered to help us with. After taking a look at the house, we left to get them checked into the hotel. They know they are welcome to stay with us, but they prefer a hotel so they can be more comfortable and they are both smokers, so they don't have to go outside to smoke, etc. After they got checked in, we decided to go to Babies R' Us. I still wanted to finish off my list of the last of the items needed before Grace comes. While we were there, Gary and Christie got stuck in the clothes section and when the time came to check out, they spent about as much as we did. We were of course, very appreciative. After shopping, we headed to Champps for dinner. It was very yummy as always. After dinner we just went back to the hotel and hung out until around 11:00 p.m. when Eric and I came home and went to bed.
Sunday morning we met back at the hotel for breakfast around 9:00 a.m. After breakfast we drove up to Powell to go to some antique stores, but most things didn't open until at least noon, so there wasn't much to see. After that, Gary and Christie headed back to Indiana and Eric and I went home. At 1:00 p.m. we went to BW3s to get some lunch and watch the Colts game. They won by a lot, so I didn't think we really needed to stay the whole time, but we did. We got home around 4:30 p.m. Then we left again at just after 6:00 to go to our final Childbirth Education class.
Eric was really nervous about this class because he was supposed to lead me through a "relaxation and visualization" exercise. He thought he had to do it in front of the class, but the teacher just turned the music on, the lights down, and left the room instructing us to "practice." We'd been having some problems with the position we are usually in. Eric sits against the wall, we put my two pillows in front of him, and I sit between his legs and lean back into him. Eric's legs always go to sleep and lately, sitting too much makes my back hurt. This time, we decided to have me lay on my left side with Eric laying behind me and rubbing my lower back. We practiced the breathing too and it seemed like a much better position for me. I could see me using that for part of labor. After the practice session we practiced "pushing." Actually, we just went over the breathing part of it, she didn't want us to actually bear down and break any waters while we were there. The end of class was spent talking a little bit about what to expect from your baby after birth, cord care, and just general questions. Overall a decent class and I think I feel much more comfortable with everything now. I'm getting excited about the upcoming birth. Maybe I should be more scared, but I'm going to go with the flow. I'll try to manage my pain, but I know there are drugs if I need them and no matter what happens, in the end I should get my beautiful baby girl.
Well, that was my weekend. Now it's back to another week of work. I have a doctor's appointment Thursday and now will have one every week.
Thursday, November 11, 2004
Stress at Work
I don't really like stress, but sometimes it finds me.
There is a whole collaboration of things at work that are causing me to feel a bit stressed. I can't go into too much detail for the sake of being annonomous, but I would like to get some thoughts out here. Anyone who doesn't know me, but could do a little research could probably figure out where I work after this post, but anyway...
Things causing me stress at work:
1. My company was recently brought into huge lawsuit at the corporate level. Most of the things the lawsuit alleges are industry practice and would therefore effect our competitors as well, but right now, we're the only ones in the limelight. This lawsuit has caused us to stop doing one of those industry practices which will cost our company approximately $500 million in revenue this year.
2. As a result of above mentioned lawsuit, the corporation has been making various management changes and this week decided to lay off 3000 employees (2200 from my part of the company). The effect on my office was the loss of 2 people. Luckily, I am not one, but we just had a RIF (Reduction in Force) a couple of months ago due to more local competitive pressure. It doesn't seem fair to have to do it again. Corporate has said this may not be the end. They will re-evaluate after first quarter next year.
3. Suddenly, every one I work with has realized that I will be leaving soon. This means that I have had many "team meetings" to discuss open items and have a whole lot on my plate that needs to get finished or resolved before I leave. The fewer items I leave open, the less chance that someone else will have to figure out what was going on. The ideal would be that the people covering my accounts should just deal with new issues that arise while I am out, not complete items that were open before I left.
4. Some of these projects are big. Many of them will take a lot of time. I don't know how much time I have. Realistically, I can probably count on at least 2 more weeks. After that, I could have another 3 to get to my due date, but after 2 weeks, I'll be in the "anytime" category.
5. I am a bit of a perfectionist. I don't want to let anyone down, and thus I want all of these loose ends tied up in that "guaranteed" two week time period. I don't want to take the chance with those next 3 weeks.
I may spend the next two weeks working long hours and maybe, just maybe a little weekend time. The bad part about that is I still have some stuff to do at home. I don't want to spend my nights and weekends at work. I'm having a baby soon and I want to prepare at home or at least enjoy these last few weeks of relaxing on the couch when I feel the urge.
There's no real point to this post, but to vent a little. I will try to take it easy as I know stress isn't good for me or the baby and I certainly don't want to put myself into labor early! I still take lunch and get up and take breaks on occasion. Unfortunately, the only way I'll truely be able to relax is to get the stuff done. I have one person who has volunteered to go ahead and take some of the work before I go (she'll be covering one of my accounts). I'm going to let her. I certainly have enough on other accounts to stay busy. So, friends, don't worry too much about me. I'll be ok and when I'm off work, my goal is to forget it all. Someone will pick up my work...they have to.
There is a whole collaboration of things at work that are causing me to feel a bit stressed. I can't go into too much detail for the sake of being annonomous, but I would like to get some thoughts out here. Anyone who doesn't know me, but could do a little research could probably figure out where I work after this post, but anyway...
Things causing me stress at work:
1. My company was recently brought into huge lawsuit at the corporate level. Most of the things the lawsuit alleges are industry practice and would therefore effect our competitors as well, but right now, we're the only ones in the limelight. This lawsuit has caused us to stop doing one of those industry practices which will cost our company approximately $500 million in revenue this year.
2. As a result of above mentioned lawsuit, the corporation has been making various management changes and this week decided to lay off 3000 employees (2200 from my part of the company). The effect on my office was the loss of 2 people. Luckily, I am not one, but we just had a RIF (Reduction in Force) a couple of months ago due to more local competitive pressure. It doesn't seem fair to have to do it again. Corporate has said this may not be the end. They will re-evaluate after first quarter next year.
3. Suddenly, every one I work with has realized that I will be leaving soon. This means that I have had many "team meetings" to discuss open items and have a whole lot on my plate that needs to get finished or resolved before I leave. The fewer items I leave open, the less chance that someone else will have to figure out what was going on. The ideal would be that the people covering my accounts should just deal with new issues that arise while I am out, not complete items that were open before I left.
4. Some of these projects are big. Many of them will take a lot of time. I don't know how much time I have. Realistically, I can probably count on at least 2 more weeks. After that, I could have another 3 to get to my due date, but after 2 weeks, I'll be in the "anytime" category.
5. I am a bit of a perfectionist. I don't want to let anyone down, and thus I want all of these loose ends tied up in that "guaranteed" two week time period. I don't want to take the chance with those next 3 weeks.
I may spend the next two weeks working long hours and maybe, just maybe a little weekend time. The bad part about that is I still have some stuff to do at home. I don't want to spend my nights and weekends at work. I'm having a baby soon and I want to prepare at home or at least enjoy these last few weeks of relaxing on the couch when I feel the urge.
There's no real point to this post, but to vent a little. I will try to take it easy as I know stress isn't good for me or the baby and I certainly don't want to put myself into labor early! I still take lunch and get up and take breaks on occasion. Unfortunately, the only way I'll truely be able to relax is to get the stuff done. I have one person who has volunteered to go ahead and take some of the work before I go (she'll be covering one of my accounts). I'm going to let her. I certainly have enough on other accounts to stay busy. So, friends, don't worry too much about me. I'll be ok and when I'm off work, my goal is to forget it all. Someone will pick up my work...they have to.
Tuesday, November 09, 2004
Measurements & Pics - 34weeks, 2 days
The measurements and picture are from yesterday 34 weeks 2 days. The last measurement is from 32 weeks, 3 days.
Before = (B) Last = (L) Current =(C)
Weight - 150.5 (B), 176.0(L), 176.5 (C) = +26 pounds
Bicep - 11 3/4 (B), 12 (L), 12 (C) = +1/4
Chest - 35 1/2 (B), 40 (L), 39 1/2 (C) = +4 inches
Waist (at smallest point) - 30 (B), 37 1/2 (L), 37 1/4 (C) = +7 1/4 inches
Waist (at belly button) - 32 1/2 (B), 43 (L), 42 (C) = +9 1/2 inches
Hips - 38 (B), 41 (L), 41 (C) = +3 inches
Thigh - 23 (B), 23 3/4(L), 22 1/2 (C) = -1/2 inch
Calf - 14 (B), 14 1/2 (L), 14 1/2 (C) = +1/2 inch
Here is the belly shot.
Before = (B) Last = (L) Current =(C)
Weight - 150.5 (B), 176.0(L), 176.5 (C) = +26 pounds
Bicep - 11 3/4 (B), 12 (L), 12 (C) = +1/4
Chest - 35 1/2 (B), 40 (L), 39 1/2 (C) = +4 inches
Waist (at smallest point) - 30 (B), 37 1/2 (L), 37 1/4 (C) = +7 1/4 inches
Waist (at belly button) - 32 1/2 (B), 43 (L), 42 (C) = +9 1/2 inches
Hips - 38 (B), 41 (L), 41 (C) = +3 inches
Thigh - 23 (B), 23 3/4(L), 22 1/2 (C) = -1/2 inch
Calf - 14 (B), 14 1/2 (L), 14 1/2 (C) = +1/2 inch
Here is the belly shot.
Monday, November 08, 2004
34 Weeks, 2 Days - The 35th Week
My Symptoms
This week has been better than last week. Maybe because I didn't have to travel. I was really busy, but didn't really feel too bad. Less BH contractions than last week. I still feel really big and awkward and I've noticed when I stand up after sitting for a while (mostly at work), I waddle when I walk. My hips just don't feel like they are on right. Kind of like they are out of socket. I know it's probably just the "relaxin" hormone trying to loosen up my pelvis so the baby will have an easier exit route, but it's kind of uncomfortable. I've noticed more and more than when Grace moves, my belly changes shape. I woke up this morning with my right side all hard and poked out. She must be running out of room and needs to stretch more. I'm becoming more comfortable with this whole idea and with just over 5 weeks until my due date, I think I'll be ready when she comes, emotionally that is. My head is racing as I feel like I'm running out of time. For home, I have a list of to-dos before the baby is born. Like packing my bags. I have a list, but may need to go to the store to complete it. I also want to order baby announcements soon, do the Christmas shopping, finish thank you notes, and so on. Work is another animal. My self-set goal is to have everything important finished by Thanksgiving, with detailed enough documentation or open items list that any time after that day, someone else could come to my desk and pick up where I left off. Time will tell if that one happens. I should stay late to catch up, but then I have all this stuff to do at home...
The Baby
Your baby now weighs over 5.5 pounds. Crown-to-rump length by this week is about 13.2 inches. Its total length is 20.25 inches.
During these last weeks, the fetus is gaining weight. She’s developed sleeping patterns (and they often have little to do with night and day!) Your little bouncer may be around four and a half pounds right now!
Your baby's getting big. He weighs a tad over 5 pounds and is just over 18 inches long. Because it's so snug in your womb, he isn't likely to be doing somersaults anymore, but the number of times he kicks should remain about the same. His kidneys are fully developed now, and his liver can process some waste products. Most of his basic physical development is now complete — he'll spend the next few weeks putting on weight.
Your baby weighs about 4 pounds 12 ounces (2.15 kilograms) right now, although later in pregnancy there is more room for variation than in the beginning of pregnancy. Your baby is putting on an average of .5 pounds a week at this point. The length is reaching 18 inches from head to toe, as opposed to the earlier measurements from crown to rump. All organ systems have been present for a long time, now they are just putting on the final touches before birth.
The Mom
Measuring from the bellybutton, it is now about 6 inches to the top of the uterus. Measuring from the pubic symphysis, the distance is about 14 inches (35cm). By this week, your total weight gain should be between 24 and 29 pounds.
You’ll be visiting the doctor more frequently now and should be tested for Group B strep. You may also have non-stress tests and manual checks for cervical effacement (thinning) and dilation. You’re eating 2400 calories a day. Keep that intake healthy! Later in life you’ll be able to pig out on junk food again. You’re growing a human being in there. Give her the best start that you can!
Your uterus — now up under your ribs — has expanded to about 15 times its original volume, and you may feel like you've run out of room! If you could peek inside your uterus, you'd see that there's much less amniotic fluid and much more baby in there now. Your ballooning uterus is crowding your internal organs too, which is why you probably have to urinate more often and have heartburn and other digestive problems. If you don't have these problems, you're one of the lucky few. Your doctor or midwife will probably want to start seeing you every week until you deliver. She may ask you to count fetal movements, to track your baby's activity level. Between now and 37 weeks, she'll also do a culture to check for bacteria called Group B streptococci (GBS). This is done by swabbing the lower end of your vagina and your rectum — the swab is the size of a regular cotton swab, and it won't hurt at all. Group B streptococcus is usually harmless in adults, but if you have it and pass it on to your baby during labor and birth, it can cause complications (like pneumonia, meningitis, or a blood infection). Because 10 to 30 percent of pregnant women have the bacteria and don't know it, it's important to be screened. (The bacteria come and go on their own — that's why you weren't screened earlier in pregnancy.) If you're a GBS carrier, you'll be given IV antibiotics when you're in labor, which will reduce your baby's risk of infection by 70 percent. This is also a good time to fill out your birth plan. Using our form will help you focus on specifics — like who will be present, what pain management techniques you want to try, and how long you want to stay in the hospital. It will give you a starting point to discuss your preferences with your medical team. Labor and delivery are unpredictable and you probably won't follow your plan to the letter, but knowing ahead of time what choices you have to make can take some of the anxiety out of the process.
Your pregnancy is progressing and you may have trouble sleeping at night. Some claim that this is mother nature's way of preparing you for life with a new baby. Others believe it is caused by worrying about the health of your baby, labor, and/or parenting. There are also numerous physical reasons that sleep may be difficult. For one going the bathroom every 45 minutes isn't conducive to sleep, nor is a constant backache. Try doing pelvic tilts before bed, limiting fluids after a certain time, and being tired when you go to bed.
This week has been better than last week. Maybe because I didn't have to travel. I was really busy, but didn't really feel too bad. Less BH contractions than last week. I still feel really big and awkward and I've noticed when I stand up after sitting for a while (mostly at work), I waddle when I walk. My hips just don't feel like they are on right. Kind of like they are out of socket. I know it's probably just the "relaxin" hormone trying to loosen up my pelvis so the baby will have an easier exit route, but it's kind of uncomfortable. I've noticed more and more than when Grace moves, my belly changes shape. I woke up this morning with my right side all hard and poked out. She must be running out of room and needs to stretch more. I'm becoming more comfortable with this whole idea and with just over 5 weeks until my due date, I think I'll be ready when she comes, emotionally that is. My head is racing as I feel like I'm running out of time. For home, I have a list of to-dos before the baby is born. Like packing my bags. I have a list, but may need to go to the store to complete it. I also want to order baby announcements soon, do the Christmas shopping, finish thank you notes, and so on. Work is another animal. My self-set goal is to have everything important finished by Thanksgiving, with detailed enough documentation or open items list that any time after that day, someone else could come to my desk and pick up where I left off. Time will tell if that one happens. I should stay late to catch up, but then I have all this stuff to do at home...
The Baby
Your baby now weighs over 5.5 pounds. Crown-to-rump length by this week is about 13.2 inches. Its total length is 20.25 inches.
During these last weeks, the fetus is gaining weight. She’s developed sleeping patterns (and they often have little to do with night and day!) Your little bouncer may be around four and a half pounds right now!
Your baby's getting big. He weighs a tad over 5 pounds and is just over 18 inches long. Because it's so snug in your womb, he isn't likely to be doing somersaults anymore, but the number of times he kicks should remain about the same. His kidneys are fully developed now, and his liver can process some waste products. Most of his basic physical development is now complete — he'll spend the next few weeks putting on weight.
Your baby weighs about 4 pounds 12 ounces (2.15 kilograms) right now, although later in pregnancy there is more room for variation than in the beginning of pregnancy. Your baby is putting on an average of .5 pounds a week at this point. The length is reaching 18 inches from head to toe, as opposed to the earlier measurements from crown to rump. All organ systems have been present for a long time, now they are just putting on the final touches before birth.
The Mom
Measuring from the bellybutton, it is now about 6 inches to the top of the uterus. Measuring from the pubic symphysis, the distance is about 14 inches (35cm). By this week, your total weight gain should be between 24 and 29 pounds.
You’ll be visiting the doctor more frequently now and should be tested for Group B strep. You may also have non-stress tests and manual checks for cervical effacement (thinning) and dilation. You’re eating 2400 calories a day. Keep that intake healthy! Later in life you’ll be able to pig out on junk food again. You’re growing a human being in there. Give her the best start that you can!
Your uterus — now up under your ribs — has expanded to about 15 times its original volume, and you may feel like you've run out of room! If you could peek inside your uterus, you'd see that there's much less amniotic fluid and much more baby in there now. Your ballooning uterus is crowding your internal organs too, which is why you probably have to urinate more often and have heartburn and other digestive problems. If you don't have these problems, you're one of the lucky few. Your doctor or midwife will probably want to start seeing you every week until you deliver. She may ask you to count fetal movements, to track your baby's activity level. Between now and 37 weeks, she'll also do a culture to check for bacteria called Group B streptococci (GBS). This is done by swabbing the lower end of your vagina and your rectum — the swab is the size of a regular cotton swab, and it won't hurt at all. Group B streptococcus is usually harmless in adults, but if you have it and pass it on to your baby during labor and birth, it can cause complications (like pneumonia, meningitis, or a blood infection). Because 10 to 30 percent of pregnant women have the bacteria and don't know it, it's important to be screened. (The bacteria come and go on their own — that's why you weren't screened earlier in pregnancy.) If you're a GBS carrier, you'll be given IV antibiotics when you're in labor, which will reduce your baby's risk of infection by 70 percent. This is also a good time to fill out your birth plan. Using our form will help you focus on specifics — like who will be present, what pain management techniques you want to try, and how long you want to stay in the hospital. It will give you a starting point to discuss your preferences with your medical team. Labor and delivery are unpredictable and you probably won't follow your plan to the letter, but knowing ahead of time what choices you have to make can take some of the anxiety out of the process.
Your pregnancy is progressing and you may have trouble sleeping at night. Some claim that this is mother nature's way of preparing you for life with a new baby. Others believe it is caused by worrying about the health of your baby, labor, and/or parenting. There are also numerous physical reasons that sleep may be difficult. For one going the bathroom every 45 minutes isn't conducive to sleep, nor is a constant backache. Try doing pelvic tilts before bed, limiting fluids after a certain time, and being tired when you go to bed.
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