Thursday, December 02, 2004

Doctor's Appointment - 37 weeks, 5 days

Sorry for the late post. Things never go exactly how I planned.

Anyway, my appointment was at 3:00 p.m. today. I got there about 15 minutes early and they took me back right away for my sample, weighing (2 pounds this week for a total of 30), blood pressure, and pulse. The nurse said it wouldn't be long, so to lose the bottoms and get on the table.

I had to wait another 5 or 10 minutes and then Dr. B came in. I had never met him before, but he was very nice. He first brought over my chart and looked over my stats from the last weeks, etc. Then he had me lay down and measured the belly (37 cm), and listened to the heartbeat. He asked me if we knew what we were having and I said a girl. He asked if we had a name for her and I told him, Grace. By the way, Dr. D has never asked about names. He felt the belly a little and confirmed we are head down.

Then he examined me and I told him to give me some good news. He said I was 2cm dilated, maybe 2+, then he said I was about 70% effaced. Then he felt for Grace's head. He thinks were still at about a -2 station. He said last week they said -1, but he thinks it's more like -2. He said she's not really engaged yet. That was a bit disappointing as I've felt so much pressure lately I was sure she was lower. Then he was still feeling around and asked if I was "38, 2?" It took me a minute to figure out he was asking how far along I was, I corrected 37, 5. Then he said, he wouldn't get too rambunctious in there and finished the exam. All I can think of is that he was going to "strip my membranes," but figures it's still early and he'll let me go longer. Most people go into labor within 48 hours of having their membranes stripped. Then he told me that he thinks we'll be right on time and should be home before Christmas. I asked if that means I'll still be back next week and he said, yes. Of course, he could be wrong, but I'm guessing next Thursday I'll have another update to do. He also warned me that I'd probably have some spotting after this exam, which I did, so at least this time I had warning.

That was about it. I wish I had progressed more, but then again, today got crazy at work and I'm kind of glad I may have a couple more days to get some more stuff done. I really am thankful my job keeps me busy or these last few weeks would have me going nuts.

It looks like Samara's guess will be wrong, as she picked today for Grace's birthday. My Dad had asked me to wait until after today because of a class he's taking, and a co-worker wants me to wait until at least the weekend because our holiday party is tomorrow. Like I said, I've got some stuff to do at work and apparently a couple more Christmas things to wrap up this weekend, but I'm still ready any time.


Cop Mom said...

Hey Jennifer, the time is near, yeaaa, she is finally coming. I had my son at 38 weeks, visited the doctor on Thursday and had him on Friday after a late dinner. Came home and I was so uncomfortable with my jeans, so I ripped them off, walked into the kitchen and my water broke. It's like your peaing. Well, I laughed out of amazement. I sat on the toilet for like 10 min. waiting for the water to stop, silly me not knowing that you continue to leak until the baby is born. How fun....Those were the days.

Kitten said...

Come on Grace!

Mrs. T said...

At least the doc sounds like he's pretty sure you'll go before Christmas! When do you seem your normal doc again? Wonder why he thought you were further along... Interesting...