Thursday, December 09, 2004

Doctor's Appointment - 38 weeks, 5 days

I had my "39 week" appointment today. My doctor was back and as usual didn't give me quite as much info as I would have liked. I got there a little early (8:45 a.m.) and they let me go back and leave my sample, plus take my weight (up 3 pounds! for a total of 32), blood pressure and pulse. Then I went back to the waiting room because Dr. D wasn't even in the building yet. I brought a book, so I just read while I waited. At about 9:15 a.m. Dr. D came in. Then they sent me to the room to remove the bottoms and wait. She came in a few minutes later. I was measured and we listened to the heartbeat. Apparently I had sugar in my urine this morning, so we discussed my choice of Lucky Charms for breakfast. Maybe I'm glad I haven't had morning appointments throughout this pregnancy.

She checked me and now I am at 3 cm! Yeah, progress. She didn't give me the other numbers. She had me sit up and asked if I wanted to do it next week? I confirmed she meant a scheduled induction and then told her I wasn't sure about that, I kind of want to go into labor on my own. She said that is fine and if I do it myself that's probably better, so she'll see me for a regular appointment on Thursday (12/16). Then we can discuss options. The next week would put me at 39w5d on 12/23. She said there wouldn't be a problem with doing the induction that day, but she is also on call next weekend, so we could maybe do it next weekend too. We'll
discuss that next week. I think if I'm still around I'll have Eric come to that last appointment.

Then I asked her about stripping my membranes. Her reply was, "I just did." I asked her if that meant anything and she said it does for some people, but not necessarily. I've heard you should go into labor within 24 to 48 hours afterwards, but also know people who have had it done and not went into labor. I guess we'll wait and see.

I also thought I may have been having contractions this morning, though I didn't mention it to the doctor. I'm not sure though and so many people have said that I'll know when it happens, so I'm not getting my hopes up. The pains either feel like gas cramps (causing me to head to the restroom, but nothing coming of it) or
period like cramps that spread to my back too. I started timing things this
morning and had some type of pain every 20 minutes from about 6:45 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. Since then, it's been much less regular, so I just don't know. I guess we just wait. Nothing else to do.

I tried to pay attention this afternoon and again was back on the every 20 minute cycle, but I haven't had any for an hour now, so I don't know what that means. I'm going to try to just hang out tonight and see if anything happens. Wish me luck!

I also called the doctor's office back this afternoon after talking to Eric and my parents. Eric is ok with doing the induction next Friday or Saturday and a definate date would allow my parents to go ahead and book a flight (which could be moved earlier for a fee, if needed). I had to leave a message and I asked if I could schedule an induction for Saturday 12/18 or even 12/17. I never got a call back. I'm guessing the nurse had to discuss with the doctor. Hopefully, she calls me tomorrow, or I may leave another message in the morning (that is, if I'm not on my way to the hospital!) I shouldn't get my hopes up, but I'm really hoping this is it. I'm ready to meet my daughter.


Cop Mom said...

those are definetely contractions, I was having them and had no idea I was having them, Its just a great deal of discomfort, like gas, you feel uneasy. She's coming anyday now. yeaaaaaaaaa...

Lisa said...

Oh, Jennifer, this is IT! Any day now your precious little girl will arrive. You're in my thoughts & prayers for a quick & easy delivery! I can't wait to read the NEWS! Thank you so much for your kind words on my blog. I really appreciate your prayers. I don't think I'm as strong as it seems... I'm an emotional mess! I need to calm down for my baby's sake!