Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Doctor's Appointment - 36 weeks, 4 days

Sorry for the delay if any of you were anxiously awaiting my update.

I did have an appointment this morning. With it being the Thanksgiving holiday, most of the doctors were out, so I saw the nurse practitioner. As a result, I had to wait a bit longer than my last couple of visits.

I left my urine sample, the nurse weighed me (no change from last week - still 28 pounds total). She took my blood pressure 106/70 and pulse. She asked if I had any problems or concerns. I mentioned the bleeding last time and she agreed it was probably a result of the exam and wasn't a concern since it stopped. I also mentioned that my hands had been swelling a bit. That seemed to cause a little more concern, but she told me to stop wearing my rings and be sure to let them know if I noticed more swelling or if it spread to my feet or face. However, she said my blood pressure looked good. I'm assuming they are slightly concerned as swelling is a sign of pre-eclampsia, but so is high blood pressure and mine if fine.

Then I undressed and waited for the NP. She introduced herself when she came in and asked me many of the same questions the nurse did (baby movement, problems, etc.) I told her the same thing I told the nurse. Then she felt my belly and I mean felt it. I think she was trying to see how the baby is positioned. She said she felt a head down low, so I guess that is good. I was pretty sure she was head down, but it's nice to know they think so too. She measured my stomach and said I was measuring right on (no actual measurement given to me). Then we listened to the heartbeat. The doppler kept cutting out, but it sounded good while we could hear it. She seemed to be actual counting a heart rate, as I saw her check her watch, but she didn't tell me what it was. Then she checked my chart to see where I was last time and then did the internal exam. She said I'm dialated "about the same", but I might be "more thinned out." She also said, she thinks "the baby has moved down a bit." Again, no real numbers this time, but I'm taking that as pretty much no change. I'm not sure how far the baby has dropped, but that probably has a lot to do with the increased pressure I've been feeling.

She also asked me if I'd had any contractions. I said I didn't know, but explained the period type pain I've been getting occasionally especially when I go back to bed after my middle of the night bathroom trips. She said that could be a contraction, but she'd send my urine sample to the lab to check for a bladder infection. Speaking of infection, my Group B Strep test came back negative, so I don't have to worry about needing antibiotics during labor.

Well, that's about it. I think we should be fine this weekend. I didn't get everything I needed to accomplished at work this week, so I need a couple more days there. I even brought my laptop home to try to get some stuff done if I feel the urge this weekend.

Well, I need to go and start on some of my cooking for tomorrow. I have a couple of things that need to rise as I'm making noodles and yeast rolls from scratch, so I need to go do that tonight. Have a Happy Thanksgiving everyone!


Kitten said...

Something tells me you only have about 2 more of these appointments before Grace gets here.

Have a good Thanksgiving toots!

Cop Mom said...

I am so excited for you and I don't even know you, thanks for the read, it brought me back to my days of pregnancy. I now have a 17 month ole little boy that is the love of my life. Motherhood and parenting is such an adventure. Congrats and happy holidays.
