Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Date Weekend

I can't remember if I've written it here, but I've started to get a bit paranoid that the doctor might be wrong about Grace being a girl. At first the fear just stemmed from the fact that we've painted the room purple and it's not very masculine. Now I'm more afraid of how I would feel if after the delivery, the announcement came, "It's a Boy!" I think of the baby as Grace. I talk to her and think about my daughter. I feel like I bond with her as a "her." I'm just not sure how I would feel if this baby I bonded with came out completely unexpected. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure I'd get over it fairly quickly and would definately love a son. If you remember, I wanted a boy originally, but now I'm just very happy with the idea of a baby girl.

Anyway, I was telling Eric that I wish I could have another ultrasound. My doctor hasn't mentioned doing another one, and I haven't really asked. Nothing is wrong or troubling me. I don't "need" one. But, I want to see her again. Last night Eric told me to call the doctor and see if they would schedule one for me if we wanted to pay out of pocket. That seemed a little weird to me, since I'm not sure that they would do one for absolutely no reason, and I don't even know if they can charge us separately and not insurance. I also have no idea what they charge the insurance company. So today, on a whim, I called Fetal Fotos. This is the place we were going to get the 3D ultrasound done before. Last time I made an appointment they were booked weeks in advance, so I expected the same. However, to my surprise, they had 3 openings on Saturday! I decided to make an appointment. We'll be going at 1:00 p.m. I think we'll just do a regular 2D ultrasound and it's $100. I'm assuming I would have paid at least that at the doctor and this way I can go in a couple of days! We don't have any plans for this weekend, so I guess now we'll take a little trip down to Cincinatti, take a peek at the baby and then maybe get dinner or something. Eric said we should have a "date." Doesn't dinner and an ultrasound sound like a great date?

On another note, I did call my doctor to see when or if I'd get the results of my Glucola test. Apparently they only call if it's bad news. Everything came back fine, so no change to the diet is necessary! Yeah!

Oh yeah, both Lori and Kelly from work brought their babies in to the office today. Lori's is 6 weeks old and weighs 9 pounds, Kelly's is 3 weeks and weighs 8 pounds 3 ounces. I'm afraid mine will be that big when it comes out. Anyway, I held Cole (Kelly's) a whole lot and just melted. I'm ready. I may get nothing done because I sit around and stare at her all day, but I'm ready for mine. I can't wait until I can stare at her on Saturday.

Tuesday, September 28, 2004

28 Weeks, 3 Days - The 29th Week

My Symptoms
I'm a little slow this week. Honestly I just forgot yesterday. Nothing exciting really happening this week except that I feel huge! I still feel good though, so I'm not complaining. I'm dreading the time where I stop sleeping through the night. I get up once usually for a bathroom break, but I can handle that. Grace got the hiccups again today. It was just a rythymic little tap. My belly button is slowly disappearing. Well, not exactly disappearing, but become very close to an "outie." It's very shallow, but I don't think it will be that ugly if it pops, so I'm ok with that now. I also notice I've been very gassy. It's weird that it doesn't really kick in until I get home at night, but out. Oh well, if that's as bad as it gets... Overall a pretty good week. I've got no weekend plans this week, so I'm hoping to just hang out and catch up on some rest.

The Baby
By this time, your baby weighs about 2.7 pounds. Crown-to-rump length is about 10.4 inches. Total fetal length is 16.7 inches. Week by week, we've noted tha change in your baby's size as pregnancy progresses. Because growth is rapid during pregnancy, infants born prematurely may be tiny. Even a few weeks' less time in the uterus can have a dramatic effect on the size of your baby. The baby continues to grow after 36 weeks of gestation, but at a slower rate. What is the survival rate for premature babies? The most recent information indicates that for infants who weighed 1.1 pound to 1.5 pounds, the survival rate is about 43%. For babies weighting between 1.5 pounds and 2.2. pounds, the survival rate is about 72%.

Her growth has begun to slow down now, but she will still gain approximately 4 pounds between now and birth. If she were born now, she would be almost three pounds and able to breathe, but might tire easily and need assistance. Her little eyes are sensitive to light. Keep that baby cooking! You’re getting there!

Your baby now weighs about 2 1/2 pounds and is a tad over 15 inches long from head to heel. His muscles and lungs are continuing to mature, and his head is growing bigger to accommodate his brain — which is busy developing billions of neurons. With this rapid growth, it's no surprise that your baby's nutritional needs reach their peak during this trimester. To keep yourself and him well nourished, you'll need plenty of protein, vitamin C, folic acid, iron, and calcium. (About 200 milligrams of calcium is deposited in your baby's skeleton — which is now hardening — every day.)

Your baby is busy getting ready for the birthday! The baby is beginning to regulate his own temperature and the bone marrow is completely in charge of production of the red blood cells. The baby is even urinating about a half liter of urine into the amniotic fluid everyday!
The movements that you feel will probably begin to change at this point. You once were the home of wild gymnastic parties, now as the space becomes cramped you will notice smaller movements, such as elbows and knees. Try monitoring the baby yourself, using fetal kick counts. Your baby weighs in at about two pounds nine ounces (1.16 kilograms)!

The Mom
Measuring from your belly button, your uterus is about 3.5 to 4 inches above it. Your total weith gain by this week should be between 19 and 25 pounds.

Easily flushed? Your blood volume has doubled, and you’ve gained 15-20 pounds. Keep your calcium and iron intake high -- you need it, and so does your baby! Begin working with your birth support partner or team to plan your birth. As part of your preparations, it’s not too early to begin perineal massage to help prevent an episiotomy or tearing during delivery. You may not be able to reach by yourself -- have your partner assist you. Sleep tip: Use lots of pillows to help relieve back strain and sleepless nights. Try sleeping on your side with a pillow between your knees and another under your belly. Comfy now?

You should be able to feel your baby's movements strongly now. Pay attention to the kicks and nudges, and let your practitioner know if you ever notice a decrease in activity. She may ask you to do fetal kick counts to make sure everything's okay.Some old friends — heartburn and constipation — may take center stage again. The pregnancy hormone progesterone relaxes smooth muscle tissue throughout your body, including your gastrointestinal tract. This relaxation, coupled with the crowding in your abdomen, slows your digestive process, which can cause gas, especially after a big meal. Another problem you can credit to your growing uterus (and constipation) is hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids — which are simply swollen blood vessels in your rectal area — are very common during pregnancy and usually clear up soon after delivery. If they're itchy or painful, try soaking in a sitz bath and applying a hot pad or cold compresses medicated with a little witch hazel to the affected area. Also avoid sitting or standing for long stretches. Talk with your practitioner before using any over-the counter remedies during pregnancy, and let her know if you have any rectal bleeding. To prevent constipation, eat a high-fiber diet, drink plenty of water, and get some regular exercise.A small number of women get something called "supine hypotensive syndrome" during pregnancy. When they lie on their backs, they get a change in heart rate and blood pressure that makes them feel dizzy until they change position. You might note that you get dizzy if you stand up too quickly, too. To avoid getting the spins, move slowly as you go from lying down to sitting and then standing.

As your baby is growing, so is your body. You may feel as if your internal organs are crowded. They are. The best way to deal with the discomforts of late pregnancy are: Good Posture, Proper Nutrition, Exercise, and Rest (When you can!). Most discomforts will occur in your back, your legs, and the amount of air you can take into your lungs. Hang in there!

Sunday, September 26, 2004

One Year Ago

One year ago today, my doctor confirmed that our first baby didn't make it. I just re-read my post about that appointment. I'm strangely comforted by the fact that reading it again did bring tears to my eyes. I don't want to forget.

However, I think this is a time I need to reflect on the last year. One thing that Derek Webb said at the concert last night struck me. He said that people tend to think of blessings as the good things that happen in your life, like riches and success. However, many times our blessings come in the bad things like poverty, failure, and heartbreaks. Those are the times when we need God the most. While I have a hard time believing that the loss of my first baby was a blessing, I would agree that that experience has led to many other experiences that have left me blessed. Let's review.

Eric and I are closer than ever. Mourning our first child together was so difficult, but we did it together. I love him so much more today than I could have even imagined on our wedding day. While it didn't happen immediately, I also have grown spiritually. I didn't want to be one of those people who ran to church or started praying the minute things didn't go my way, so I resisted turning that direction right after my loss. However, as time went by, I realized that it was ok. God doesn't really care when or how you come to him, as long as you do. In the past year Eric and I have become members of a church and still attend regularly. Eric has actually just recently joined a weekly bible study too. I also learned that no matter what, you really can't control everything in your life. This was my big trying to get pregnant lesson. For 5 months (which in reality isn't that long of a time) we did everything exactly right. Our timing was good, I monitored all my fertility signs, but still no baby. Until I finally figured out that it wasn't up to me. Some people can get pregnant on the first try, sometimes it takes 5 months, sometimes it takes more than a year, and none of us really have any control in how long that takes. Perhaps most importantly I realized what a gift pregnancy and children are. It's not something you can take for granted.

So, in summary, one year ago was probably the lowest point I've had in my life so far. However, I think it's made me a stronger person, a better person. Perhaps it's easier to look back while even at this moment I have a new life inside me. She's been kicking me all through this post, perhaps to remind me that while I lost one baby, she's still here. I can't control what will happen in this pregnancy either. As far as I know, she's healthy and thriving and will come out in 2 1/2 months a beautiful, healthy baby girl (or boy!). If all goes as planned, I will be so thankful that I have her and that I was blessed with this child.

But, I never want to forget that first baby. The one I never felt move or kick and only loved for the idea of what he or she would have been. I still love that baby, my first baby.

Saturday, September 25, 2004

Most of the Weekend Update

I'll be gone most of tomorrow, so I wanted to get an update in. This has been a very good and mostly productive weekend.

Friday evening began with an appointment at Kenneth's to get my eyebrows waxed and my hair cut and color done. I hadn't been there in probably 3 months, so it was definately time. I had to hurry from my appointment to dinner at Champps with Eric and Will and Samara. We wanted to have a little celebratory dinner for there new baby news.

Today Eric and I slept in until 9:00 or so and then he went to work and I cleaned the house. I mostly did some picking up, but we had 5 loads of laundry that needed done. I also cleaned out the back (unfinished) part of the basement where all the garage sale stuff had been piled, and it now looks tidy, organized and not at all scary. The next task was the garage. We pretty much just left everything that didn't sale at the garage sale where it was and have been parking in the driveway all week. Well, we still can't park in the garage, but I did make some progress. I'm trying to decide what to bring back into the house and what should be donated to the Salvation Army. They will come do a pickup, so I want to sort through everything and then call them. I got most of the clothes packed up and have sorted through most of the other miscellaneous items. I still have one laundry basket to go through and need to put all the shoes and accessories in a bag. Samara called right before 3:00 and I met her at the mall. She wanted to see if there were any sales at Motherhood for summer items that she could use at the end of her pregnancy. While she restrained herself and only bought a couple items, I spent $150. The good news is that I got 2 pair of pants I can wear to work as my current work pant selection is starting to get tight. I also picked up a dress I can wear to the wedding we are going to on October 9th. Then I threw in 2 lightweight longsleeve shirts and a sweater that was on sale. Oh yeah, and some panty hose and a bra extender. After the mall I came home, tried unsuccessfully, to put my purchases away before Eric asked how much I spent. Then we headed to the church for a Derek Webb concert. The concert was o.k. I don' t usually listen to Christian music, so I'd never heard any of the songs, but he had a nice voice and was entertaining. The music was too loud though, and now I have a headache. It kept Grace up though and she kicked the whole time. She must be sleeping now that it's quiet.

Tomorrow we'll be leaving around 9:30 a.m. to head to Indianapolis. We'll be there plenty early as the game starts at 3:15. Eric is very excited. Hopefully, we'll be back by 11:00 or so, and then it'll be bedtime before another week at work.

Speaking of bedtime... no nap today and I'm a bit pooped. Look for a baby update on Monday evening!

Measurements & Pics - 28 weeks

As promised. I'll update the sidebar later as I'm running low on time.

The measurements are from 28 weeks, 0 days (Saturday). The belly shot is 27 weeks, 6 days (Friday). The last measurement is from 24 weeks, 4 days.

Before = (B) Last = (L) Current =(C)

Weight - 150.5 (B), 164.5 (L), 169.5 (C) = +19 pounds
Bicep - 11 3/4 (B), 12 (L), 12 1/4 (C) = +1/2
Chest - 35 1/2 (B), 39 3/4 (L), 39 1/2 (C) = +4 inches
Waist (at smallest point) - 30 (B), 35 3/4 (L), 36 (C) = +6 inches
Waist (at belly button) - 32 1/2 (B), 39 1/2 (L), 40 1/2 (C) = +8 inches
Hips - 38 (B), 41 (L), 41 (C) = +3
Thigh - 23 (B), 23 1/2 (L), 22 3/4 (C) = -1/4 inch
Calf - 14 (B), 14 (L), 14 1/2 (C) = +1/2 inch

And the belly shots.

Belly covered by shirt.

Belly Exposed.

Thursday, September 23, 2004

Doctor's Appointment

I should be headed to bed now, but didn't want to wait another whole day before posting.

I had my 28 week doctor appointment today. The big event was the Glucola test for Gestational Diabetes. I chose the lemon-lime flavor drink and it wasn't gross at all. It tasted like Sprite. I drank it just after 1 p.m. at work. My appointment was at 2. They got me in quickly, as they have to take my blood exactly 1 hour after the drink. After the blood draw I had to wait a bit on the doctor. As far as my other vitals, I had gained another 4 1/2 pounds this month for a total of 18 1/2 on the doctor's scale (19 at home). They said there was sugar in my urine this month, but that is fairly normal after the glucola test, it'll be a little longer before I find out if I passed that one. During our question and answer time I asked the doctor about Grace's quiet days. Some days she doesn't move much and I had read that you should feel 10 movements in an hour. Yesterday was a slow day. Today, however, I've felt her alot all day long. Dr. D said I should feel 6 movements in an "active" hour. Meaning, I don't have to feel her every hour, but the ones that she's active should be at least 6 movements. That makes me feel alot better. When she's moving I feel lots more than 6 movements. I also asked about the breastfeeding class the hospital offers. She didn't seem to think it was especially necessary to do before the baby comes, as the hospital staff will help me while I'm there, but it's still my choice. She asked if I'd chosen a pediatrician, which I haven't, but I did get a name from Kim at work, so at least I have a lead. I still have one more 4 week appointment next month and then will start going every two weeks for a while. After the Q&A time, Dr. D measured me and I measured 28 cm (right on target) and then listened to the heartbeat. It sounded really fast to me, but it was really loud and strong. She said it must be all that sugar! Grace also kicked the doppler a couple of times and it was cool to see my stomach move at the appointment. That's about it.

After the doctor, I went home and got Smokey for his vet appointment. I took him to a new place and really like this doctor. That was all good and we got home just after 5.

Also, this week we signed up for the Childbirth Education classes which will start on October 24th at 6:30 p.m. I'm excited about those too.

One more thing, which I'm assuming by now, it's ok to publish. My best friend Samara is officially pregnant! While she's not the only friend I have who is trying to get pregnant, I'm glad to have someone else join the club. I'm a good ways ahead of her, but our kids should be 6 months apart and it will be nice to have another couple here in town that we can hang out with that has kids too. We'll be able to figure alot of this out together. Congrats!

Ok, I wrote this one pretty fast, but it is past my bedtime. I've told Eric that tomorrow is time for another belly picture. I'd like to do one in work clothes this time, because the sweats don't really do much for me. So, the plan is to do measurements and belly pictures tomorrow, a weekend update probably Sunday morning or Monday night as we won't get back from the Colts game until 11 or so. The weekly baby update will probably be on Monday.

Monday, September 20, 2004

Weekend Update

What a busy and exhausting weekend. I feel like things are getting accomplished though!

Friday night was get ready for the Garage Sale day. Eric and I took all of the junk, I mean sale items, out of the basement and into the garage. We also reformatted our old computer, which we decided to sale, to clean all of our personal items and added programs off of it. We then went out and put up the signs I made in the neighborhood and grabbed some Wendy's for dinner. We got back right around 8:00 p.m. and watched Big Brother. Around 9:00 I went out to the garage and started organizing and pricing items. Eric stayed in and steamed our living room carpet. I ended up staying up until 2:00 a.m. to get everything priced and organized and a shower before bed.

Saturday morning I got up around 7:00 a.m. I had enough time to eat some breakfast, pick up some ice for a cooler of soft drinks I had available for purchase, print off the picture of the entertainment center and TV we were selling and didn't want to cart outside, and move some of the items from the garage to the driveway. The sale was supposed to start at 9:00 a.m. Our first shopper arrived at 9:15 a.m. After that we had a fairly steady flow throughout the day and ended up selling most of our big items (TV, Matress/Boxspring/Frame, Computer). Also lots of little stuff that I priced to sale. We closed up shop around 2:30 p.m. At that time I was exhausted so we just pulled everything back inside and I headed up for a 1 1/2 hour nap. After waking, I talked to Samara and we made plans to meet at 6 at the Olive Garden. We had dinner and afterwards, the boys came back to our place to get a little X-Box in before the football game they wanted to watch. Samara and I went to Lowe's to get some supplies to make some adjustments to the curtains. When we got back we spent some time in the nursery making the yellow curtains look longer. Then we joined the boys for some football on TV. The game ended around midnight and Will and Samara went home and we headed for bed.

Sunday we did make it up for church and then after church, Eric and I ate some very overpriced hamburgers at a place called Fudruckers. We got to go home for about an hour and then headed to Chris and Tammy's to visit. It was nice to see them again and we had a nice visit and time to catch up. We stayed until around 6 p.m. and then came back home. Unfortunaely, I spent the rest of the evening trying to balance the checkbook and do the bills, but luckily got everything worked out around 10:30 and headed for bed.

I'll try to update with more this week as there could be alot going on:
1. Tomorrow I'm planning on registering for Childbirth Education classes. Eric and I have picked the day and time we want to go (although, I must admit that the time picked was scheduled around football on Sunday). The classes are 3 hours each, once a week for 4 weeks. We plan on starting in late October and have chosen the Sunday class that goes from 6:30-9:30 p.m.
2. Thursday I have a doctor's appointment. I'll be doing the glucose test for gestational diabetes and am now curious to see if I'll start going every two weeks now, like the websites have said.
3. Saturday we have plans to go to a concert at the church. We don't listen to much Christian music, but have been told this is worth going to, so we bought tickets.
4. Sunday we'll be driving to Indy to see the Colts/Packers game. The game starts at 3:15 p.m. but Eric wants to leave by 9:00 a.m. That would be 8:00 a.m. in Indiana and since we're only going to Indy we should make it easily in under 3 hours. What we are going to do for the 4 hours before game time I have no idea, but when that boy gets something in his head...
5. I'm going to try to get another belly pic done this weekend. I promised one at 28 weeks. Speaking of pictures, one of my best friends D has offered to take some pregnancy pictures for me both when we have girls weekend in October and at my Ohio shower in November. I'm going to try to do some photos that really show the beauty of pregnancy (tastefully) rather than just standard portraits, so if anyone has ideas on what would be good feel free to e-mail me or leave a comment. You've all seen my non-professional looking belly pictures, so I'm not really afraid to take pictures of the belly without clothes covering it. I'm sure these will be much more attractive though. Here's hoping the belly button stays in that long.

Anyway, I'm off to veg in front of the TV. I'll try to get more updates this week.

27 Weeks, 2 Days - The 28th Weeks

My Symptoms
Tired. That about sums it up. I don't know if it's all the other stuff going on in my life or pregnancy, but I'm exhausted. I am also really feeling the weight now. Stairs make me out of breath along with any type of physical exertion. I have trouble getting up after sitting on the couch or laying down. Picking things up off of the floor is sometimes difficult. But, I still love feeling the baby move. She was pretty quiet this week, but when she does kick it's nice and strong. I felt another batch of what was probably hiccups too. They don't last that long, but I'm guessing that's what it was. This week should be interesting as I have a doctor's appointment on Thursday and am planning on signing up for childbirth education classes. I'll provide more info on those as the time comes. Also, as far as weight gain, I've caught up with the averages. According to my scale I've gained about 18 pounds, so that's right in the range for now. We'll see what the doctor says. No Braxton Hicks contractions yet, that I notice. By the way, I'm in my 3rd trimester now! That's right, the last one.

The Baby
Your baby weighs about 2.4 pounds. This is an amazing growth compared to just 11 weeks ago, when it weighed only about 3.5 ounces at 17 weeks of pregnancy. Your baby has increased it's weight more than 10 times in 11 weeks! In the last 4 weeks, from teh 24th week of your pregnancy to this week, its weight has doubled. Your baby is growing rapidly. Crown-to-rump length is close to 10 inches. Total length is 15.75 inches. Until this time, the surface of the baby's developing brain has appeared smooth. At around 28 weeks of pregnancy, the brain forms characteristic grooves and indentations on teh surface. The amount of brain tissue also increases. Your baby's eyebrows and eyelashes may be present. Hair on the baby's head is growing longer. The baby's body is becoming plumper and rounder. It's beginning to fill out a little because of increased fat underneath the skin.

Some fetuses like to suck their thumbs, even before they’re born. This week your baby's brain is taking on a wrinkled appearance because of its rapid growth. The wrinkles are called convolutions and are normal in fetal development. Most of the lanugo has disappeared at this point and your baby may have a full head of hair by now.

By this week, your baby weighs a little over 2 pounds and measures about 14.8 inches from the top of her head to her heels. She can open her eyes — which now sport lashes — and she'll turn her head toward a continuous, bright light from the outside. Her fat layers are beginning to form, too, as she gets ready for life outside the womb.

Your baby's eye lashes are developing, as subcutaneous fat is deposited. If you have a baby boy, his testes will probably begin descending. Your baby is about 13.8 inches long (35 cms) and weighs about 2 pounds 4 ounces (1 kilogram)! A baby born at this time has a good chance of survival with the help of medical technology.

The Mom
Your uterus is now well above your umbilicus. Sometimes this growth seems gradual. At other times, it may seem as though changes happen rapidly, as if overnight. Your uterus is about 3.2 inches above your belly button. Your weight gain by this time should be between 17 and 24 pounds.

Your uterus is around 3 inches above your navel. If you are RH negative, you’ll be getting a RhoGam injection right around now. Remember that your grumpiness is largely due to our friends, the hormones! And those tightening sensations? Braxton Hicks "practice" contractions.

Do your legs feel creepy-crawly at night? Tingling in your lower legs and an irresistible urge to move them is known as restless legs syndrome (RLS), and it can make it hard to relax when you're settling in. No one knows what causes RLS, but it's common among pregnant women. Try cutting down on caffeine, which can make the symptoms worse, and massage your calves when they feel tense. If you're not already getting folic acid through a prenatal vitamin, you may want to try taking a supplement. Folic acid — and iron supplements, if you're anemic — may help ease the symptoms.At this point, you may visit your doctor or midwife every two weeks; then, at 36 weeks, you'll switch to weekly visits. Depending upon your risk factors, your practitioner may recommend repeating blood tests for HIV and syphilis, plus cultures for chlamydia and gonorrhea during your third trimester, to be certain of your status before delivery. (Identifying and treating these infections is crucial for your health and your baby's.) And if the blood work done at your first prenatal visit showed that you're Rh negative, you'll receive an injection of Rh immunoglobulin to prevent your body from developing antibodies that could attack your baby's blood. (You'll receive another shot of Rh immunoglobulin after you give birth if your baby is Rh positive.)

You will probably begin to see your practitioner every 2 weeks now. Some women really like the added visits, while others feel that they are running out of time before the baby is born. If you haven't begun discussing labor plans with your practitioner, now is the time to start!
If you have taken childbirth classes you have a good idea of the interventions and alternatives associated in childbirth. If you haven't, please do some reading on the subject. The most common things that people have questions about are: episiotomy, fetal monitoring, and pain relief. Some women will want to use a birth plan to convey their wishes for their labor, birth and postpartum. This is a terrific idea! It is also a good communication tool between you, your partner and your practitioner. Your breasts my leak colostrum now, although if they do not leak, this is not an indication that you can't breastfeed. You may also find out what your blood type is. Some women, if Rh negative may need a shot called Rhogam to prevent complications. Make sure you know your partner's blood type, if he is also negative, then you are safe.

Thursday, September 16, 2004


I think I might have felt hiccups today. I'm not really sure what to expect though, so it may not have been. I was eating lunch and felt several "kicks?". They seemed pretty rythmic though, and not as spaced out or different as the usual kicks, so I think they may have been hiccups. I suppose as time goes on, I'll figure it out. I just thought I'd post just in case that was the first time I felt them.

Wednesday, September 15, 2004

I Passed!

I got an e-mail this morning saying I passed my CPCU exam! That was a fast response. I'd like to think it's because I did so well, that it wasn't even a question, but I highly doubt that. No matter, I passed so I've got 3 down with 5 to go. I'm done until after the baby though. Now I've just got to get ready for my Garage Sale this weekend, finish my baby blanket project, gets lots of traveling in, take some childbirth classes, do my Christmas shopping, and have this baby!

It really is a relief. This week will keep me busy at home as I've decided to have a garage sale on Saturday plus with all of my traveling have been neglecting the housework. During the evenings this week, I'm going to clean and get the garage sale items ready. Saturday the sale is from 9-2, Will and Samara are coming over Saturday evening to visit and watch a college football game. Sunday, I finally get to go back to church and then in the afternoon we're going to Chris and Tammy's to visit. Hopefully, Sunday evening and next week I can do some major work on the blanket and get some pictures to update.

I haven't done dinner yet, and I've got a lot to do tonight, so goodbye for now!

Monday, September 13, 2004

26 Weeks, 2 Days - The 27th Week

My Symptoms
I think we've hit the active time for baby movement. Before I kind of thought she didn't move a whole lot, because I just felt her a couple of times a day. I was thinking if I had to count 10 movements in 2 hours, it would really matter which 2 hours I picked. Now, I feel her a lot. These are strong movements too. Lots of these kicks really shake the belly and are totally visible to the outside. She also does some twisty or summersault type movements. They are kind of painful and put a whole lot of pressure on areas of my stomach. Yep, I'm going to need drugs for labor. It's nice though, I still love feeling her. Tonight she definately got my bladder. It wasn't so much a kick I felt as she was doing one of the big twisty movements and all the sudden I had to go NOW! I think I scared Eric because I was talking about how it kind of hurt how she was moving and then I just sprinted for the bathroom. The bellybutton is getting closer too. I'm not sure if it will pop, although I still have three months, but at the very least I think it will become entirely flat. It's just kind of interesting to watch it change shape. I can't really think of anything else. I still feel really good. No "bad" symptoms like excessive heartburn, consitpation, stretch marks, or anything. I've just got the good ones, round belly, baby kicking, and loving pregnancy.

The Baby
This week marks the beginning of your third trimester. Your baby now weighs a little more than 2 pouns, and crown-to-rump length is about 9.6 inches by this week. Total length is 15.3 inches.

If you haven’t already done so, make sure to register for a childbirth class this week. Childbirth classes are a great opportunity to share your experiences with other expectant couples, too.
Remember to count your fetal movements. Every fetus has its most active times (and often it’s late at night when you are trying to catch a few zzzzs!). During his active periods, your baby should move ten times an hour. Choose an hour, and mark each movement on a piece of paper. If your baby hasn’t moved ten times, drink some juice and count again for another hour. You should call your doctor if the baby hasn't moved at least ten times during any two hour stretch.
Growing, growing, growing! That wrinkly skin is filling out as the fat layers grow. Your baby's eyes are becoming sensitive to light, preparing to see after birth.

Your baby is really starting to fill up your uterus. This week he weighs almost 2 pounds and is about 14.4 inches long with his legs extended. He can now open and close his eyes, and he sleeps and wakes at regular intervals. He may suck his fingers, and although his lungs are still immature, they would be capable of functioning — with assistance — if he were to be born prematurely. Chalk up any rhythmic movement you may be feeling to a case of baby hiccups, which may be common from now on. Each episode usually lasts only a few moments, and isn't bothersome to him, so enjoy the tickle. With more brain tissue developing, your baby's brain is very active now. Wonder what he's thinking?

Your baby's skin is very wrinkled from floating in water. This will stay this way until a few weeks after birth as your newborn fills out into a baby. Although take heart in the fact that your baby's looks are assuming the looks that they will have at birth! Baby has also hit the 2 pound mark (900 grams).

The Mom
Your uterus is about 2.8 inches (7 cm) above your bellybutton. If measured from the pubic symphysis, it is more than 10.5 inches (27cm) from the pubic symphisis to the top of the uterus.

Are you terrified? At some point during pregnancy, virtually all pregnant women are. Your fears -- of delivery, failure as a parent, changing lives and relationships, finances, pain, and more -- are all common. Talking about them can help. Writing them in a journal can help, too. And sharing them with your partner (who is undoubtedly feeling some of the same fears) can aid you both as you work through these challenging times. Got an itchy belly? Your skin is stretched tight. Try not to scratch! Smooth on olive oil or evening primrose oil -- it DOES help!

Your body is gearing up for the final lap, so you may start noticing some new symptoms. Along with an aching back, for example, you may find that your leg muscles cramp up now and then. They're carrying extra weight, after all, and your uterus is putting extra demands on your circulation. (As your uterus expands, it puts pressure on the blood vessels that return blood from your legs to your heart and on the nerves leading from your trunk to your legs.) Unfortunately, the cramps are likely to get worse as your pregnancy progresses. Leg cramps are more common at night but can also happen during the day. Flexing your foot (by pointing your toes forward and then flexing them back toward your shins) stretches the calf and should give you some relief. Walking for a few minutes or massaging your calf sometimes helps, too.It may be the furthest thing from your mind right now, but it's not too soon to think about family planning. You'll want to have made some decisions before your baby arrives. And in some states, if you're considering a tubal ligation during your hospital stay, laws require that you sign a consent form at least a month before delivery day. (You can still change your mind later.)

Welcome to the third trimester! The home stretch! Around this time you will begin to really put on the weight, this will last until about week thirty-six. Although some cultures dictate otherwise, weight gained during pregnancy is not fat or unhealthy, but rather, necessary for a healthy pregnancy and baby. The weight that you gain will be distributed in several places. In the beginning of pregnancy you may have noticed that your breasts got larger. The average breast before pregnancy weighs about 7 ounces and during pregnancy each breast can weigh up to an average of 28 ounces! Some of the weight will go to body fluids (amniotic fluid, blood volume, etc.). Remember that your blood volume increase by 30-50% during pregnancy. And let's not forget the baby and the placenta! Add this to a few measly pounds put on as maternal fat stores, and you average about 25-30 pounds. The most important thing to remember is that a healthy diet is more important than what you gain. Some women will gain more, as in the case of women who were underweight to begin with, and those carrying multiple babies. While others will gain less. Pregnancy is not the time to go on a reducing diet. Even if you are overweight, reducing can actually harm the baby by burning your maternal fat stores sometimes toxins can be released that are harmful to the baby.

The Rest of the Weekend

The rest of my weekend was nice. I ended up seeing 4 girls from highschool plus 2 husbands from school. Wow, things have changed.

Saturday, I slept in a bit and ended up leaving town around 11:15 Ohio time. The trip was uneventful and I got to J's house around 2:00 p.m. Indiana time. I hadn't seen her since my wedding, so it was great to see her. We went inside and chatted a bit. I got to meet her three kids ages 6, 4, and 2. Motherhood is so great on her. I think she'd like more kids, but really doesn't want to take a chance on being pregnant again (more on that in a minute). It's funny what life does to us. Her first child was an accident happening her first semester of college with her highschool boyfriend. This time, things worked out. They got married are happy and planned #2, two years later. Number three wasn't quite planned, but that's where this story gets interesting. Apparently this wasn't an "easy" pregnancy. She'd had some complications like large amounts of unexplained bleeding and even one time to stop pre-term labor. The limit finally came one day (Sept.10, 2002) when she started having contractions again. Hoping a bath would help, J tried that, but quickly realized she needed to get to the hospital NOW! I'm from a fairly small rural town, but I can't imagine that she's more than 20 minutes tops from the hospital. It wasn't close enough. Baby number three was born while driving down the interstate in the family van. K weighed only 1 pound 12 ounces and by a miracle was actually somewhat breathing on her own. She would take a breath and then stop breathing, J would rub her back and K would take another breath. They did this all the way to the hospital and by the time they made it J had rubbed off the paper thin skin on K's back. The scar is still there. K was transported to larger hospital where she stayed for almost 3 months. Her due date was December 18. I saw pictures and more amazingly this 2 year old girl who is a bit small for her age, but otherwise perfect in every way. I guess it really affected me with the dates being so close. It would have been like me having Grace last week. She's still so tiny.

Anyway, back to the weekend. After visiting I changed and we headed into town to meet D, the bride-to-be. Again, I hadn't seen her since my wedding. We met at this restaurant/pub and waited on everyone to arrive and ate dinner. A stretch Lincoln Navigator SUV limo to seat 20 arrived to pick us up at 7:00 p.m. There were 14 of us going, so it was nice to have such a big ride! We headed to Indianapolis. Our first stop was a place called PT's which had a Male Review. Knowing some of my readers, I'll leave it at that, but I must comment that it was definately a bizarre place to be in my condition. Especially with the music being loud and feeling Grace kick along. I hope this doesn't mean she'll be a party girl. After the show we headed downtown to a club for some dancing. The place was ok and we did get some dancing in, but it made me very tired. We walked for a bit to look for another club to go to, but by this time, many of the ladies were about done for the night, so we called the limo back to pick us up. I was kind of glad, because I really needed to sit and rest. My sides were aching like when you have been running alot, and I don't really like any kind of achiness in the belly region.

We made it back to town around 1:00 Indiana time. We went back to J's and went to bed. I got to stay in baby K's room plus there were 6 baby kittens and mom in there that were feeling a bit playful, so I didn't sleep all that great. We got up around 8:30 and went to Denny's in Indy for breakfast with J and family. After that, I hit the road, came home and napped.

Overall, a good weekend and I was really glad to get to see everyone again. Oh yeah, I studied Sunday night for my CPCU exam which I took this morning and probably passed. Yeah! There's some stress off! Next tune in for the weekly update and more baby info!

Friday, September 10, 2004

What's Going On?

I thought I'd do a mini-update before the weekend.

The stress is almost over. Our audit at work was this week and now is over! Luckily that means the late nights and weekends at work should definately slow down. Now all I have to deal with is "normal" work and I can usually convince myself to stop that around 5:00 p.m. Thanks to everyone who's been supportive during this time. I know I've been really stressed. We got our results today and scored the same as last year, which is pretty darn good considering the turnover we've had in our office this year. Yeah! However, I will have to admit, that the stress did get to me yesterday. At around 11:00 a.m. I was so exhausted that I really couldn't imagine making it through the rest of the day. So I didn't. I decided to take the afternoon off and came home. I took a two hour nap followed by a hot bath. It was like a little slice of heaven.

One more stressful event to go before I just focus on getting ready for baby. Monday I have a CPCU exam. I'm not really anywhere close to prepared, but I plan on cramming for several hours on Sunday. I have a feeling a really big weight will be lifted by about noon on Monday.

My weekend plans include a trip to Indiana tomorrow (Saturday). An old highschool friend is getting married and another friend is throwing her a bachelorette party on Saturday night. I haven't seen either of them since my wedding over three years ago, so I'm pretty excited to see them. I'll leave sometime mid-morning and come home after I get up on Sunday. I'm pretty excited about seeing them again.

A quick update on my blanket project. I'm still working on it. I have cut all the pieces and have sewed two ducks onto squares (out of six). I've also done the part of the mobile cover. I'm not a great seamstress, but so far I don't feel like I've ruined anything. I'm hoping to get to work on it more next week (post exam!).

If all goes as planned, I'm hoping to do my garage sale next Saturday. I need to get this stuff out of the basement (and garage) and I'm running out of warm weather. No excuses this time. Next weekend the sale will go on. Now I just have to remember to put an ad in the paper and see if I can do some pricing.

What else....this week Eric and I signed the papers to refinance. That's a little scary, but we did drop our interest rate and by doing a first and second mortgage got to take out the PMI insurance price and get another $10,000 to pay off a couple of credit cards. The best part is our total payment will be about $100 less than the current mortgage payment. That makes me feel a little better about the post-baby (with daycare) budget. Now we just need to be sure we stay here several more years, so we won't have issues when we sell the house.

That's about all I can think of now. I'll update after the party and trip back to Indiana this weekend.

Monday, September 06, 2004

Measurements (24w4d) & Belly Picture (25w1d)

I know, I know. I'm waiting too long to do these. My goal for the next one is 28 weeks, and after that I'll try to do every two weeks up to 36 w and then maybe weekly. Sounds kind of like how doctor's appointments work.

The measurements are from 24 weeks, 4 days (Wednesday). The belly shot is 25 weeks, 1 day (Wednesday). The last measurement is from 20 weeks, 2 days.

Before = (B) Last = (L) Current =(C)

Weight - 150.5 (B), 158.5 (L), 164.5 (C) = +14 pounds
Bicep - 11 3/4 (B), 11 1/2 (L), 12 (C) = +1/4
Chest - 35 1/2 (B), 38 1/4 (L), 39 3/4 (C) = +4 1/4 inches
Waist (at smallest point) - 30 (B), 32 (L), 35 3/4 (C) = +5 3/4 inches
Waist (at belly button) - 32 1/2 (B), 37 1/4 (L), 39 1/2 (C) = +7 inches
Hips - 38 (B), 39 1/4 (L), 41 (C) = +3
Thigh - 23 (B), 22 1/4 (L), 23 1/2 (C) = +1/2 inch
Calf - 14 (B), 14 (L), 14 1/2 (C) = +1/2 inch

And the belly shots. Belly Only. Including Head.

Now I just looked at these measurements, and my goodness I've grown this month! I thought my bras were getting tight again and looking at the measurements, it seems that my chest grew another inch and a half this month. Unfortunately the hips, thighs, and calves also got bigger, but hey, I held it off for a while and if you ask me, I still think I look pretty cute.

As a bonus, for my lateness, here are a couple other pictures from the weekend of me in all my pregnant glory.

The belly as a table.

Me and Eric.

And again. Ignore the extremely large thighs.

25 Weeks, 1 Day

My Symptoms
Not much has changed from last week. Still having lots of kicking. It hasn't woke me up yet, but I feel it in bed alot. If I wake up in the middle of the night and go to the restroom, I usually feel her when I lay back down. I also feel her in the mornings before I actually get out of bed too. I like that I feel it alot. It's a good feeling. It's strongest in the mid-morning just before lunch or afternoon around 2:30 or 3. I've taken a break at work before just to sit back and watch. You can really see some of these kicks now. I've noticed that my back was a bit achy during the drive this weekend. I need to find a good pillow to use as back support in the car. It helps when I get up and walk around a bit, but staying in one position too long makes my back ache. Luckily, I've still been sleeping good. I tend to stay mostly in one position (on my left side). It's harder to roll over and I get uncomfortable when I'm on my back for long, which is good, since I'm not supposed to lay on my back. I think I saw my first drops of the pre-milk stuff this week. It wasn't much though, but I think any kind of liquid from that area counts. That's about it. Belly pics and measurements.

The Baby
Your baby now weighs almost 2 pounds. By this week, its crown-to-rump length is around 9.2 inches. Your baby is beginning to put on weight.

The fetus may weigh two pounds now and is busy growing a bigger brain! The lungs are beginning to make surfactant, which keep the lung tissues from sticking to each other and help protect against infection once baby is born.

Your baby now weighs a little under 2 pounds and measures about 14 inches, from head to heel. The nerve pathways in her ears are developing, which means her response to sounds is growing more consistent. Her lungs are developing now, too, as she continues to take small breaths of amniotic fluid — good practice for when she's born and takes that first breath of air. If you're having a boy, his testicles are beginning to descend into his scrotum — a trip that will take about two to three days.

Veins are visible through your baby's skin, although it is quickly changing from transparent to opaque. Your baby can hear you and those around you. Although we assume that the uterus is a quiet place, the baby has been surrounded by noise for a long time. Things like your heartbeat, digestion, and other body functions are heard by the baby as well as external noises. Now you may feel the baby jump at a sudden noise. My daughter would always jump when I clicked the bathtub lever. It became a game! The uterus also allows some light to be seen. So your baby is aware of lightness and darkness. S/he weighs 1 pound 12 ounces (794 grams) and measures 32.5 cms or 12.8 inches total length.

The Mom
The measurement of your uterus is about 2.5 inches above your bellybutton or nearly 10.5 inches (26 cm) from your pubic symphysis. During this second half of pregnancy, you will grow about 0.4 inch (1 cm) each week. If you have been following a nutritious, balanced meal plan, your total weight gain is probably between 16 and 22 pounds. You are getting bigger as your uterus, placenta and baby grow larger. Discomforts such as back pain, pressure in your pelvis, leg cramps and headaches may occur more frequently. Time is passing quickly. You are approaching the end of the second trimester. Two-thirds of the pregnancy is behind you; it won't be long until your baby is born.

Doctors perform ultrasounds to check fetal development. Here’s a bonus: through ultrasound technology, you may be able to tell if your fetus is a boy or a girl. Make sure to tell the technician whether or not you want to know. The skilled ultrasound technician is looking for "tailgate party food" -- if it’s a little girl, the tech will see a hamburger bun, if it’s a little boy, she’ll spy a hot dog. But be careful - some boys are just shy. Do you have a pediatrician yet? It’s a good idea to get recommendations from friends or relatives and to interview one or two doctors. Make sure you feel comfortable with the doctor -- is she open to questions? Does she explain things well? Is she wise, compassionate, or overly-opinionated? You DO have a choice! Pelvic rocking is a great exercise to relax the back, strengthen the pelvis for labor, and reduce stress. To rock your pelvis, stand against the wall with your knees slightly bent and, as you inhale, gently press the small of your back against the wall. Exhale and release. Repeat ten times. Pickles and ice cream, pickles and ice cream... are you having odd cravings? Make sure that your diet is nutritionally complete. What’s Happening With Your Body?Some women notice a thin, yellowish, sticky breast discharge called colostrum throughout their pregnancy. Others don’t produce colostrum until delivery. This "pre-milk" is rich in antibodies that help keep your baby safe from disease, and it is the first food your baby will ingest (if you are breastfeeding). It’s not until three or four days after delivery that milk comes in.

Around this time, your blood pressure may be increasing slightly as it returns to its normal pre-pregnancy range. (It was at a low from 22 to 24 weeks.) Though preeclampsia most often occurs in the last trimester, this is a good time to be aware of the warning signs of this dangerous condition that occurs in about 3 to 7 percent of all pregnancies. Signs you should be alert for include swelling of the hands and face, sudden weight gain (due to water retention), blurry vision, seeing spots before your eyes, sudden severe or persistent headaches, or upper abdominal pain. By checking for high blood pressure and protein in your urine, your caregiver will monitor you for preeclampsia at your routine prenatal visits, but call her immediately if you have any of these symptoms before your next appointment. Early identification of preeclampsia is essential for the health of you and your baby.If your back seems a little achy lately, you can thank pregnancy hormones (which are loosening up your joints and ligaments) and your shifting center of gravity. Walking, standing, or sitting for long periods, bending and lifting can all put a strain on your back. A warm bath — or cool compress — might bring relief. Or you may want to schedule a prenatal massage by a trained therapist. Use a pregnancy wedge when sleeping, to support your back and abdomen. Try to maintain good posture, which will help reduce the strain on your back, and always take care when bending and lifting. If you experience severe pain or numbness in any area of your body, call your practitioner.

While you have been feeling movements for awhile, those other people in your life may not have been able to. Around this time it may become possible for them to begin feeling the baby from the outside. It is a really neat to share the experience with others. Finding a comfortable position for sleeping is a new task! Between night time wakings to go to the bathroom, to get water or snacks, you need all the sleep you can get. I highly recommend a body pillow. This will enable you to support your legs and your growing belly! If you don't have a body pillow, try making use of several regular pillows. The main problem with pillows is that soon there isn't much room for more than one person in bed, except the pregnant mom.

Another Weekend

I owe several posts, but I'll start with my weekend update. I have pictures to post too, but my camera battery is dead, so those may have to be added later.

Friday our office closed at noon, but I stuck around until 2:00 p.m. to try to get some more of this work done. Then I went home, took a nap, and packed for our trip back to Indiana. I don't know if it was the traffic or what, but it seemed to take forever to get there. We got in just after 10:30 p.m. our time. I drove and was really pooped. Donna wasn't home when we got there, so we just got comfy and hung out until she got home around 11:00 Indiana time. Then, finally, we got to go to bed. Luckily, Zeus was pretty good and I got to sleep without much interruption until about 6:00 Indiana time. Then I got up took the dog out and went back to bed until about 8:30 a.m.

Saturday morning Donna made Eric some biscuits and gravy and then we just went out and did some shopping. We went to Wal-Mart where I was looking for a pillow for my back in the car (not too much luck). We did end up buying a Colt's throw blanket, a purple rug for the nursery, a duckie soap dispenser (which we will use for lotion), and I got a new bra and some undies. Then we went to the mall and Donna started buying Eric early birthday and Christmas presents (by the way, both of those events are in December!). She bought Eric two Colts T-shirts, a hat, and a Colts windbreaker. Out of our pocket, we bought two jersey's. Eric bought a Mike Doss jersey (he used to play for OSU, so we have the Columbus connection, and now he's a Colt). I got a Mike Vanderjaqt jersey (he's the kicker). It's a youth extra large and looks quite cute over the belly. Now we have to go to a game. After shopping we stopped by Eric's Uncle Lenny and Aunt Darlene's. Both of their kids were in town, so I got to meet two of Eric's cousins. One flew in with his new wife from Jacksonville, FL. I'm guessing they may have a rough time getting back home today. Then we went back to Donna's house and I took a nap. Then we went to the Little Italy Festival in a nearby town for the evening and met up with Larry (Donna's boyfriend). It was HOT! We walked around for a bit and watched some cloggers dance for an hour. Then we went back home, watched a movie, and went to bed.

Sunday was the family reunion. Donna was up and about nice and early, but Eric and I stayed in bed until 9 or so. Then we got up and got ready after Donna had already headed to the park to set up. Things were supposed to get started around 11:00. We showed up on time and visited with all of Eric's family. It's a big family though, so we spent most of our time talking with Lenny and Darlene and their kids. Eric spent some time playing horseshoes too. We decided to head out around 4:00 Indiana time. We headed back to the house, picked up our stuff, and the dog and hit the road. The drive back wasn't nearly as bad and we got home just after 9:30 p.m. Boy was it good to sleep in my bed last night!

Today, we've been pretty lazy so far. I got up around 9:30 a.m. and started the laundry. I'm waiting on something to be clean that I would feel ok about leaving the house in. I also read another chapter in my CPCU book, put all the receipts in the checkbook, and did some looking with Eric on E-bay for tickets to the Colts/Packers game he wants to go to on 9/26. (Just what I need, another trip to Indiana before the baby is born). Once I have something to wear, I'm going to go into the office for a couple of hours and stop by the grocery store.

Overall, a good weekend, I'm glad we have today off too. Posts to expect later today...1. Belly pics and measurements (I actually took the picture, but the battery in the camera is dead). 2. Weekly baby update.

Ok, the buzzer on the dryer went off. Gotta go.