Thursday, September 23, 2004

Doctor's Appointment

I should be headed to bed now, but didn't want to wait another whole day before posting.

I had my 28 week doctor appointment today. The big event was the Glucola test for Gestational Diabetes. I chose the lemon-lime flavor drink and it wasn't gross at all. It tasted like Sprite. I drank it just after 1 p.m. at work. My appointment was at 2. They got me in quickly, as they have to take my blood exactly 1 hour after the drink. After the blood draw I had to wait a bit on the doctor. As far as my other vitals, I had gained another 4 1/2 pounds this month for a total of 18 1/2 on the doctor's scale (19 at home). They said there was sugar in my urine this month, but that is fairly normal after the glucola test, it'll be a little longer before I find out if I passed that one. During our question and answer time I asked the doctor about Grace's quiet days. Some days she doesn't move much and I had read that you should feel 10 movements in an hour. Yesterday was a slow day. Today, however, I've felt her alot all day long. Dr. D said I should feel 6 movements in an "active" hour. Meaning, I don't have to feel her every hour, but the ones that she's active should be at least 6 movements. That makes me feel alot better. When she's moving I feel lots more than 6 movements. I also asked about the breastfeeding class the hospital offers. She didn't seem to think it was especially necessary to do before the baby comes, as the hospital staff will help me while I'm there, but it's still my choice. She asked if I'd chosen a pediatrician, which I haven't, but I did get a name from Kim at work, so at least I have a lead. I still have one more 4 week appointment next month and then will start going every two weeks for a while. After the Q&A time, Dr. D measured me and I measured 28 cm (right on target) and then listened to the heartbeat. It sounded really fast to me, but it was really loud and strong. She said it must be all that sugar! Grace also kicked the doppler a couple of times and it was cool to see my stomach move at the appointment. That's about it.

After the doctor, I went home and got Smokey for his vet appointment. I took him to a new place and really like this doctor. That was all good and we got home just after 5.

Also, this week we signed up for the Childbirth Education classes which will start on October 24th at 6:30 p.m. I'm excited about those too.

One more thing, which I'm assuming by now, it's ok to publish. My best friend Samara is officially pregnant! While she's not the only friend I have who is trying to get pregnant, I'm glad to have someone else join the club. I'm a good ways ahead of her, but our kids should be 6 months apart and it will be nice to have another couple here in town that we can hang out with that has kids too. We'll be able to figure alot of this out together. Congrats!

Ok, I wrote this one pretty fast, but it is past my bedtime. I've told Eric that tomorrow is time for another belly picture. I'd like to do one in work clothes this time, because the sweats don't really do much for me. So, the plan is to do measurements and belly pictures tomorrow, a weekend update probably Sunday morning or Monday night as we won't get back from the Colts game until 11 or so. The weekly baby update will probably be on Monday.


Kitten said...

Yay! Belly Pictures!!! Have fun in Indy! Miss you tons.

Lisa said...

I just wanted to tell you that I really enjoy reading your blog. You're almost 15 weeks ahead of me, so it's neat to read what I can expect in the coming weeks! Oh, and I wanted to tell you how cute the nursery has turned out!!!