Friday, September 10, 2004

What's Going On?

I thought I'd do a mini-update before the weekend.

The stress is almost over. Our audit at work was this week and now is over! Luckily that means the late nights and weekends at work should definately slow down. Now all I have to deal with is "normal" work and I can usually convince myself to stop that around 5:00 p.m. Thanks to everyone who's been supportive during this time. I know I've been really stressed. We got our results today and scored the same as last year, which is pretty darn good considering the turnover we've had in our office this year. Yeah! However, I will have to admit, that the stress did get to me yesterday. At around 11:00 a.m. I was so exhausted that I really couldn't imagine making it through the rest of the day. So I didn't. I decided to take the afternoon off and came home. I took a two hour nap followed by a hot bath. It was like a little slice of heaven.

One more stressful event to go before I just focus on getting ready for baby. Monday I have a CPCU exam. I'm not really anywhere close to prepared, but I plan on cramming for several hours on Sunday. I have a feeling a really big weight will be lifted by about noon on Monday.

My weekend plans include a trip to Indiana tomorrow (Saturday). An old highschool friend is getting married and another friend is throwing her a bachelorette party on Saturday night. I haven't seen either of them since my wedding over three years ago, so I'm pretty excited to see them. I'll leave sometime mid-morning and come home after I get up on Sunday. I'm pretty excited about seeing them again.

A quick update on my blanket project. I'm still working on it. I have cut all the pieces and have sewed two ducks onto squares (out of six). I've also done the part of the mobile cover. I'm not a great seamstress, but so far I don't feel like I've ruined anything. I'm hoping to get to work on it more next week (post exam!).

If all goes as planned, I'm hoping to do my garage sale next Saturday. I need to get this stuff out of the basement (and garage) and I'm running out of warm weather. No excuses this time. Next weekend the sale will go on. Now I just have to remember to put an ad in the paper and see if I can do some pricing.

What else....this week Eric and I signed the papers to refinance. That's a little scary, but we did drop our interest rate and by doing a first and second mortgage got to take out the PMI insurance price and get another $10,000 to pay off a couple of credit cards. The best part is our total payment will be about $100 less than the current mortgage payment. That makes me feel a little better about the post-baby (with daycare) budget. Now we just need to be sure we stay here several more years, so we won't have issues when we sell the house.

That's about all I can think of now. I'll update after the party and trip back to Indiana this weekend.

1 comment:

Kitten said...

Hey! My phone died as I picked up last night when you called me back. I'll give you a ring next week! Miss you!-D