Saturday, February 04, 2006

No More Bottles

Today was Grace's first day of using a sippy cup only. Now that she's back on regular foods, we decided that she didn't need her bottles anymore. It wasn't very difficult either. She has been using her cup alot, so I just gave it to her at every meal and didn't give her the bottle. I was concerned about her evening bottle, because she usually takes it and dozes off before heading off for her bath and to bed, but she didn't seem to mind that she didn't have it tonight. We'll see how tomorrow goes. I haven't thrown out her bottles yet, but I think I will throw away most of them. Maybe I'll keep a few for another week or so, just in case, but I think we'll be ok. Just in case your wondering why we don't keep the bottles for baby #2...I'm hoping baby #2 will be using regular bottles. I hope we don't have a need for her special bottles again. I may keep one as a keepsake, but hopefully, I never have to squeeze another bottle again.

In other Grace news...she's so awesome. It seems like she's changed so much since her surgery. She's really acting like a toddler. She has a such a sense of humor. She loves to be chased or scared. She likes to be upside down and do "flips." She's been exerting her temper more too. She's had several all out fits lately. I'm talking kicking and screaming. I try not to give her much attention when she does that.

She's been really progressing vocally too. She still isn't saying "Da-da", but one time she followed Eric in the kitchen and yelled something at him. It didn't have a "d" sound, but I'm pretty sure it was her word for Dada. She still says "Oooh" for Zeus and says Mama all the time. She's started putting her hand up to her ear and saying "ah-wa" when you get on the phone, which I think means hello. I think she tried to say Grandma yesterday too. We were looking at a picture book and there was a picture of my Mom and she said "Mom-Mom."

Last week she got her 5th tooth. It was the one next to her front teeth on the right. Today I noticed that she had #6. It was on the left, but way in the back. I'm not sure which one, but definately farther back than the canines. It's out of order, but it's definately there. You can feel it and see the white.

I love her so much. She is so awesome. I love being her Mom and wish that we could have started on #2 next month as originally planned. All things happen for a reason though, so I'll spend the next two years enjoying Grace and hope that I'll have a chance to do it all over again.


Anonymous said...

Since she did have the cleft palate, could it be possible that she has problems with her "d"'s?? I didn't know if the doctors ever said anything about that or not.

Anonymous said...

Aww how sweet. Sounds like she's doing really well. Im so happy for you both.
