Monday, February 20, 2006


I don't feel like I've got much to write about for a weekend recap. We didn't really do anything exciting. We rented a couple of movies, I did the usual laundry and grocery shopping. Saturday afternoon Grace and I met Samara and Ava at Babies R Us and then we picked up the husbands and went to dinner at Applebees. That was about it for the weekend.

Today, however, started the first of a week of busy days. I had the morning to myself after Grace and Eric left for work and daycare. I put away laundry, picked up downstairs and went through Grace's closet and dresser and put away her outgrown clothes. I then went downtown and met an ex-coworker for lunch. After lunch I headed over to the hospital for my "Simulation" appointment in Radiation Oncology. It was a little weird because I had to lay on this table for about 45 minutes while 2 Techs and the doctor kept adjusting the machines and trying to line up everything. I had to be exposed the whole time, but I just tried to relax. Once they got me positioned correctly, they drew all these marks on me with permanant marker, so when they actually start the radiaiton they'll be able to aim at the same spot everytime. They'll touch up the marker when I come in to be sure it stays on until I'm done. They also put clear stickers over the important marks to help them stay on. The worst part is they told me I can't wear deodarant on that side until we're done. Apparently, deoderant has aluminum (or some other metal) in it, so if I wear it it will react with the radiation and make it like a rally bad sunburn under my arm. I'm supposed to use baby powder or corn starch until then. Once they got me set up, they sent me to get a CT. The CT was just to get a three dimensional picture of me, so they would know how "thick" I was. This will help them with the dosage to be sure it goes in the right depth. After that, they sent me over to the lab to get a blood test and be sure I'm not pregnant before they start.

Tomorrow, I don't have any appointments, but I'm sure I'll be really busy at work. Again, I have five new accounts, so they are keeping very busy.

Wednesday, I'll be spending the whole day at the hospital again. I have an 8:30 arrival. At 10:00 a.m. I have my lung CT. I'm pretty sure this is the test that requires me to drink the Barium stuff before hand, since they told me no food or drink after midnight. This test is to check on that small spot that they found on my lung in October. At 11:00 a.m. I have a MUGA scan. This is the test to be sure my heart is still in good shape after the Epirubicin and before they finish up the Herceptin. I did have a 2:00 appointment to get my weekly Herceptin dose, but I called today and they are going to let me skip it this week. Now I have a 2:30 p.m. appointment to start my radiation.

Thursday. Since I am starting radiaition on Wednesday, I'll have an appointment some time on Thursday for radiation. It's a busy day at work too. I have 2 different client meetings. One at 10:00 a.m. and one at 2:00 p.m.

Friday. Radiation some time. I also will be leaving for the weekend to go on a girls weekend with 5 coworkers. One of my coworkers has a lake house and is having 6 of us down for a weekend. She's got a hot tub and we're bringing tons of food. It should be lots of fun. I'll get back some time on Sunday.

Makes me tired just writing about it. The family will be home any time, so that's it for now. I did take some pictures of Grace this weekend that are worth sharing, so I'll do that tonight after Grace goes to bed (and after I work out!).

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