Monday, February 13, 2006

The Rest of the Weekend

The rest of the weekend turned out nicely. Danialle made me some grilled cheese for lunch on Saturday while I showered and Eric watched Grace. After Grace's lunch we put her down for a nap and decided to go over to a hat/wig/jewelry boutique that my Emmaus group from church had bought me a gift certificate for. I bought two stylish new hats. Another comfy cotten hat, scarf and a cool pair of earring for me. I also bought a pull on hat and scarf as gifts for a woman at work with Kidney cancer. She had radiation on her brain and has lost most of her hair and doesn't have a wig, so I thought she might like something nice. Danialle bought herself a ring.

Grace was still sleeping when we got back, but we got her up around 3:30 p.m. Danialle showered while we gave Grace a snack and then we gave Grace a bath and got all of her stuff together for the babysitter. We left around 4:30 p.m. and took her to one of Eric's coworkers house who had agreed to watch her. Then we headed over to this outdoor town center with lots of restaurants and shopping to meet Will and Samara for dinner. The original plan was to go to Brio which is an Italian restaurant. We called about reservations, but couldn't get in until 8:30 p.m. which was later than we wanted, so decided to try a walk-in. We got there at 5:45 p.m. and were told that we had a 2 hour plus wait. We put in our name and walked over to the Cheesecake Factory which was an hour 15 minutes to 1 hour 45 minute wait. Then we walked over to a new Mexican restaurant called Abeulo's and were told 1 hour 45 minutes. By this time Will and Samara had made it over and walked up to Bar Louie (a martini bar with a full dinner menu) where there was no wait. That settled it. We had brushetta and I had Blackened Chicken Alfredo, so I still got my Italian in. Danialle and I split some wine and it was very nice. After we finished dinner they were getting busier and we weren't ready to part ways, so we walked over to Adobe Gilas and got another table. I'll blame in on the steroids, but I was still hungry so I ordered some chips and queso. Once we left there, Danialle and I sent Eric to get the car while walked back to the Cheesecake factory for some dessert to go. I also picked up a piece for our babysitter as "payment" for our evening out. We were pretty tired when we got home, so for once we went to bed at a reasonable time.

Sunday morning, Grace was chirping away by 7 a.m. but it was Eric's day, so I slept in until about 8:30 a.m. I got up and we just lounged around and chatted until about 10:30 a.m. when it was time to take Danialle to the airport. After we got back and had lunch Grace and I napped and then the family just hung out all afternoon/evening. Eric watched the first half of the pro-bowl and we made sure to watch Desparate Housewives and Grey's Anatomy. I slept decently until around 4:00 a.m. when Grace woke up crying about every 20 minutes until 6:30 am. Of course then I got back into a good sleep and then had to get up to get her ready for daycare.

Today I have a list of some stuff to accomplish. Not much phyical activity, but stuff like updating my fitness blog, writing thank you notes, Grace's Valentine's for tomorrow, catching up on e-mails, and updating Grace's baby book on her 9th tooth! Yes that's right, she popped another one this weekend. Her 3rd molar this one on the bottom. At noon I'm meeting Eric to go do our taxes and I'm also working on laundry today. Good news is I'm home alone, so I'll probably get a nap in too and I'm off tomorrow, so I don't have to get everything done today.

Danialle took some nice pictures this weekend and I haven't posted any in a while, so I'll try to get around to that too. I'm also thinking of taking another picture now that my hair's growing back in. I think it's starting to look less and less scary to be without a head covering.

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